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Everything posted by MadUser

  1. Man No1s has falt beacuz of your banned! Stop treating other members like sh1t... we are humans and no1s have falt about what you did...
  2. LOL realy nice share Stefoulis! ;D i dont know where you find it but is realy nice.... keep up the GJ! testing... ;D
  3. Here is one new member who didnt readed the rules.... always spaming and he spams with CAPS [ON] =SS... Some one pls warn him... just a warning not a ban... gandal007 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28469.msg204848#msg204848 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21881.msg204801#msg204801 And he have much more but some1s are already loked by KarmaArrows i think...
  4. Gandalf pls stop spaming! and after Turn [OFF] the caps!
  5. yes, thats true, some1 can copyed from other topic in other site and bringed to Mxc and other website, but they are talking about the created ones, the shares, the bigest ones, the importante ones, they( moderators and Admins) dont care about little topis and helps, guides ... this warning is about the big ones, the shares..... this warning is seriously so its better to stop by here.... dont spam anymore, and pay atention to Copys and pastes =S.... respect the others... keep it
  6. can i give an opinion? if i play in a server with npc buffer who doesnt alowd me to chose my own Buffs, or server rates are higher and i make and AIO or i change server, so if your creating a server to open to public dont make it... if you want any way: do what stefoulis sayd, download one and edit, is simple, use your head and search and look for one buffer and how to edit them... good luck ;D
  7. 1st - THIS TOPIC IS SPAM ( should be moved to spam section) 2nd - you just made it to get posts = spam 3rd - I love Screamo, Metal, punk & heavy meta! Bullet for my valentine FTW!
  8. Guys take it easy... its good to re-share some ooold posts, and this isnt equal... bonus are new... second: kazeno every1 is baned... i was 2 times: my first acc: 42 posts xD = baned, My 2nd Acc 76 posts +1 karma = baned (without reason)... Now i have this one and im trying to do everything right and for the rules this time... so sometimes check if you can login with your old acc or not... Stefoulis is right, some times ban is for 1 mounth, 1 week, 2 weeks it depends... And stefoulis dont have falt of you geted ban, if some1 had was you or the one who baned you.. any1 else has... *now: nice share, and yeah keep the good work, and get friends not enemys... this is a frendly forum... keep that on your mind * =)
  9. cuz you just play on hight rate servers... but the life stone you use depends of your lvl, so you just need Top grade LvL 76 life stone and 25 gemstones C.... -.- But its a very nice guide A-style, even copyed from stratics, well seen, keep up the good work!
  10. i love hunters village and sining waterfalls...
  11. Bah, but the warning is to not copy/paste from our to out... isnt from other site to maxcheaters... ofc a little part of our posts come from outside, other websites cuz we cant invent things, or everything will be imagination... so we have to get our posts from somewhere.... but our posts DONT MUST COME OUT! they dont ban you if you copy/paste an article from L2stratics for exemple, they ban you if you copy some post from here to other site.... understanded?
  12. WTF? last crohnic before L3? i never read anything talking about that... And if you think... outs a new update (crohnic) every 6 or 8 mounths, and L3 just come out 2011, i think that until there much updates will come out... man is 3 years... how can you think that NCsoft will let us bored with any updates during 3 years =S
  13. its good but you should put everyting on same post, like text + link in the first post... but Gj anyway.... It works on Interlude too...
  14. I hope you like.... ^^ Watch the detail: The best hacking world If you want to download it better: http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/3114ace84946.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/l2w15I2QAQ7m6ddddX7copycopy.jpg[/img] http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/l2w15I2QAQ7m6ddddX7copycopy.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/l2w15I2QAQ7m6X7copycopy.jpg[/img] http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/l2w15I2QAQ7m6X7copycopy.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/Maxcheaters.jpg[/img] http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/Maxcheaters.jpg Dont spam Here pls.... New walpepers will be added soon...
  15. what you sayd can be truth, but i played there too and for you know, we just tested 1st part of actualizations of garcia.... so there misses 2 parts, part 2 and final part... but yeah i think that isnt real.... ty ;D
  16. Is this a real new feature of CT2 GArcia or its just a especulation? oO For those who know reply but DONT SPAM! http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o185/riritia/T1ComMap.jpg
  17. there is one more here.. he dont have posts to see the topic and replyed saying that he dont have posts... Helarion http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29894.msg204205#msg204205
  18. i think this is a powerfull tool if works proply... i think you must hide for more posts, like 200 [if it works good] cuz imagine, if i go a server and GM ban me, i come here, download a kill the server =S! its a kind of fuked... But verry niceeee!!!! +1 karma from me to him pls... powerfull! hide for more [its better](just an advise)
  19. I asking for the people in Mxc, who have skills in L2 devlopment, what kind of packs are the best server packs and clients... this dont sounds good, but its what i need to know... please reply [if any option on poll isnt right sorry i dont know much about kinds of server packs] If you dont know anything about this topic, dont SPAM and dont vote.... :-X
  20. that depends... check on your server website, or simply ask to some1 in server... if you cant know that way can be like retail.... 5 days..... ( i think ) when a GM comes on-line ask him.... or check baiums lair everyday, 2 times a day xD
  21. Some right/wrong! Man t-shirts you buy them... if your server doesnt have selling on GMshop or if you play on a server like retail you buy them on Weapons and Armors shop.... i just know Bracelet grade C that sells on Rune Town in a man near grocery + talismans.... So Bracelete + talismans = Rune T-shirts = Weapons and armors shop Or everything in GMshop of your server (if it has) Agathions you get them being lord of a castle or clan member with privileges... you go to the trhone room and talk to the guy who is near to the throne and click on products... after you buy agathion.... And summon appears a little animal, or fairy....... enjoy ;D
  22. OMG! WASD isnt for L2... to move your character without the mouse use up, down. left and right keys.... <- -> ...... just if on hellbound works i think you have to change that in option.... isnt a keyboard problem for SURE! lolz
  23. here is one more: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12211.msg93066#msg93066 Hecko He just sayd nice... and that topic is full of spamers with 10 posts and saying nice share....... wtf? oO some1 please check that...
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