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Everything posted by MadUser

  1. GTA IV FTW... +1 for me! better graphics and more intensive gameplay ^^
  2. Walker isnt a hack program... its just an automatic....
  3. LOOOOL 1 thing.... i cant see the post beacuz i dont have 200 posts, but you hide him but you commented with the exploit.... so for those who cant see the post just need to see your coment ( AND HIS HAVE SS) xDD fix that, hide your coment xD
  4. yeah, its imortante to remaind ppl to not copy our work, i dont talk just for me but its fuked to see our work copyed and the regars go to other people.... But have atention cuz this is hard to control, cuz you guys can ban an acc, but that leechers just make another and they copy again =S! some websites have a option to Enable/Disable 2nd click, and no1s cant copy, but they can print, make Quote an theres use copy.... its very hard to control =S Oh and about bans, yes for leechers i think that they should be baned, they are desrespecting our community, but other ocasions ban isnt always necessery, i got 2 acc baned, 1 cuz i comment in a more then a year old post ( i was just in beging xD) other one cuz i didnt used search before post and i apologize, but got baned anyway... i dont think that is a banable ofense... but for leechers yeah! Pown them out!
  5. Very good Noble... i just think that TAG should be Exploits or Super Exploits or something like that... cuz this isnt a guide... but very nice work ^^
  6. wtf? lol can you be more expecific... cuz here you introduce yourself, like that we cant know you! Welcome anyway!
  7. there are skills who will transfer from one classes to others.. like: Elementar sumoner (i think) will have Dead spike, summon cursed bones & cure poison.... on the post i made with garcia preview there is all of that ;D... take care! xD
  8. To start of your power leveling of orc fighter requires kind of alot of money to start with, what you need is Weapon (Attack power): Buzdygan (or equal blunt/sword) Composition Bow Start with 2000 no grade soulshots (NG SS) Start with 1000 Wooden arrows Armor (Protection): Bronze Breastplate and Gaiters 'Bracers' 'Boots' Hard Leather Helmet Jewlery (Magical Protection): 2 Coral Earrings 1 Blue Diamon Necklace 2 Blue Coral Rings When you first start your new orc fighter you start just outside the "main town", if you like, do the first starter quest to get 50 free skill points and an Elmore map (map over orc village and dwarven village and surroundings) Head straight out of north gate of orc village, and walk all the way out to "waterfall" (loooong walk, and over an brigde) when you have passed that brigde just keep walking straight up there, now for the next hour and half you will kite the 'Evil Eye Patroller', at this point they are dark red to you since they are around level 13. Use soulshots for each shot with the comp bow till you get close to level 7, at this point you have collected enough skill points to go back to town and max out all the orc figher skills, head straight back to that spot, and do the eye's until you are around level 9, then you can alternate kiting the eyes with the bow, and crack some 'Greystone Golem''s head with the buzdygan and soulshots, if you get low on HP, go back to kite the eye's until you run out of mana, by then you should have regenned all your hp back. Alternate the golems with the eyes when you get low on either mana or hp, in this way you keep your self working non-stop and have no down time, when you reach level 12 and about 50% you have aquirred all the sp you need to max out the level 10 skills, Head back to the Orc Village and learn all new fancy skills, and go take the Merciless Punishment quest where you will aquirre an butchers sword, which you can sell to the traders for about 12k adena, or if lucky 15-16k to another player, After you are done with the Merciless Punishment quest, head back to the same spot, but this time walk little further down the road after the bridge and you will come up to another brigde, to the left side before the bridge you will see kasha bears, kasha spiders, werewolf chieftains, start kite them till you are around level 16-17. Now you have reached level 16+ in about 3 hours if you done good (i.e. not died). at this point it could be wise to move on to either the Cave or Trials or go to Gludio/Gludin and do the higher level mobs there till you can do you job change quest at level 19-20.
  9. Here is the guide, to one of the most commonly asked question in Lineage 2. "What’s the fastest way of making money?" Well boys and girls, I have the answer for you! I can guarantee that you will have the best non-D grade weapon by the time your between level 15 – 20. I should also mention that I was an archer, so result may vary if you’re a swordsmen. But if you’re a mage, your even better set off then the archer. (From my experience at least.) And this guide is revolved around the Elf Land, so you might have to find the equivalent targets and quest for your own native zone. Your Level 1 – 7 ‡ and you have the crudest of all gears: There isn’t much you can do to farm major cash around these levels. Some of the newbie quest will give you a boost, but nothing substantial. Stick to hunting small games like Wolves and Keltirs. But make sure to have that Pixie’s Plea quest active. ("Collect 100 teeth" quest.) You never know if you might get your hands on an Emerald, which sells for 5000 adena! (I got one on my first run; I must have been real lucky.) ^_^ By the time you hit level 5ish, you should be equipped with the 1000-adena-range weapon. (Short Bow, Bone Dagger… etc.) And the lowest of all armor in each category (Helm, BP, Leg, Glove…). (When you hit level 5 with a fighter, make sure to grab your skills! It should speed up the farming process. For the mages, Get the first 3 Wind ASAP, don’t bother with Ice, trust me on this one, and make sure to get the 3 wind first. I can’t emphasize this enough. fl If you do that, you will be well off to farm Spores.) Level 8 – 15 ‡ assuming you have mediocre gear, and the 15 000-adena-range weapon: Finally the king of all money quest is open to you! It’s the Spore quest! This will be your best farming quest till your well off into level 15. The best hunting spots are the wilderness just East of Eleven Fortress, and North of Iris Lake. Get this quest from the Magic Shop Vendor, and every time you collect 10 sacs, cash it in, and repeat the quest! This will be your best friend for a while, to collect cash, I assure you that. If you get bored, you can attempt to try the Sunset Quest at level 11 and the Sentinel at level 12. (Check the quest guide section in lineage2.gameamp.com for more details.) Pawn both weapon for cash at the vendors, players tend not to buy these weapons, so don’t waste your time trying to sell it to players to long. Once you have enough cash, get yourself the 60 000-adena-range weapon (Buy it from a player for 40k-ish). This should speed up how fast those mushroom suckas fall. Make sure to get more skills at level 10 for fighters, and level 14 for mage. For the mage, get the next three Wind levels first! Before you grab anything else. Now you can nuke’em in like 2-3 blast with a 60k-adena book/staff! Level 15 – 20 ‡ Minimum, you should have Wood Set Armor or equivalent, and a 60k weapon. Preferably the 160k-adena-range weapon by level 15. Continue to do the spore, but this time, we will be also hunting spiders! At level 15, there is a "Big Game" quest open to you. (Check the quest link for details.) Its guaranteed drop per spider, so after dropping 8 of them, you can cash it in for 1000 adena! So from level 15 onward, repeat this over and over. Spores then spiders then cash and reset. Then do it all over again. You should be rolling in some major cash and Exp. by nuking them Spiders and Spores. Depending on how lucky you get on drops, you should be able to get yourself the second best non-grade weapon by level 15-17. (Most people sell the 160k weapon for 100k) But if you got real lucky on drops and sells, you can finally buy yourself the best non-grade weapon from a player for about 240k-ish. So there you have it, a solid way to get your best non-grade weapon by the time your level 20 in about 7 days max.
  10. stoika: i giv u mi pass? stoika: i trast u stoika: YUiop0Ui8Vc Cyanide: no Cyanide: NO stoika: mi paas Cyanide: no man Cyanide: do not give pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Cyanide: you crazy??? stoika: mi eng iz bad LOOOOOOOOOOOL Realy amayzing! funy chat!
  11. Can some1 tell me how i do to all mobs drop a item with to add him on drop list, cuz to all mobs will me a little bit hard to do it xD its on Configs or can be in game? Ex: ALL MOBS drop event and gliterin medals.... reply pls
  12. Well first of all i played on a server that GM gives rewards to all players in server when they want! I was GM 3 times and Admin 1 and i never seen how they do it.... Some1 knows any GM command give items to players? and some1 knows any command to take items from players? reply pls... thanks
  13. That can work but... if guy has a good P.def he dont die instantly and notice that his CP/HP is falling and stop hit.... just if his realy a noob and dont stop! xD But is a good tip any way... nice job!
  14. LOL ofc not... if you noticed its from stractis, and why -1 karma if i didnt made anything wrong? that taked me much time, and i already sayd! DONT WASNT JUST COPY PASTE, who dont belive i can send the codes!
  15. Use: Dynasty Leather Armor Dagger Master + Dynasty Knife (dagger) Critical Damage + +4 DEX -4 CON dye... If tattos are good and give right bonus use Tatto Of Breavery! Oh and if you see you are dying very fast on PVP, use a Dynasty Heavy Armor BUT JUST FOR PVP! in Olys always use Light ARMOR!
  16. its true, Hellbound have much more bugs then Interlude, but if you search a All tested Hellbound pack and if you do your server with it, if was well tested you will not have much problems... but you know... One time i had to cancel and wipe one server mine cuz hellbound had much problems, and i re-opened with interlude ( no bugs ^^), max players on-line i had was 35 in one week server opened, but when i change ISP server crushed xD
  17. No i dont know why... explain please.... thanks by the complement but, you think all class transfer quests useless?oO Yeah it took me time and i think that important, and i used search before, there is any topic about class transfers... i thinked that this should help but ok...
  18. yes you failed, so dont you realise, you can search and find, but some guys dont, i dont know if you see but from all inteier forum there is guys asking for help, even noobish things, but some guys dont know so many then others... and this topic is for help low raters, so they dont have to search too much, just come here and type class transfer quests and topic apears with all quests they need!... i thinked was a good idea who dont agree with me can coment too....
  19. I cant give the Server confirm! Please dont change Hellbound to interlude! Interlude Sux! Hellbound is the evolution!
  20. Yeah original page is much cleaner, But with this topic Mxc users dont need to search out of forum, its one more information on forum! AND IF YOU WANT I SEND YOU ALL TOPIC, not that you can see, BUT WHAT I HAD TO DO, AND THEN YOU TELL ME IF WAS JUST COPY PASTE! Never desvalorizate ( sorry if is wrong i dont know how to write this) other guys work! And i didnt asked for karma i just made a joke! One guy have on his signature that karma is just a stupid thing for people feel more important here! and is what i think, so may be thats true applied at you! And one more thing, i made the topic for who needs, who doesnt need dont spam!
  21. OMG are you kidding? lol just use search, you will find alots of topics helping creating Hellbound server... use this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27311.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24431.0 that is some Hellbound packs, read the topics, m8 resolve your problem ;D, good luck!
  22. [move] 1st Class Transfers [/move] Human Warrior Knight Rogue Wizard Cleric Elf Elven Knight Elven Scout Elven Wizard Elven Oracle Dark Elf Palus Knight Assassin Dark Wizard Shillen Oracle Orc Orc Raider Orc Monk Shaman Dwarf Scavenger Artisan [move] 2nd Class Transfers [/move] [move](2nd class Transfer quests need 3 quests)[/move] Human Warrior Warlord Trial of the Challenger Test of Trust Judgment of Champion Gladiator Trial of the Challenger Test of Trust Judgment of Duelist Knight Paladin Trial of Duty Test of Trust Judgment of Healer Dark Avenger Trial Of Duty Test of Trust Judgment of Witchcraft Rogue Treasure Hunter Trial of Seeker Test of Trust Judgment of Searcher Hawkeye Trial of Seeker Test of Trust Judgment of Sagittarius Wizard Sorcerer Trial of Scholar Test of Trust Judgment of Magus Necromancer Trial of Scholar Test of Trust Judgment of Witchcraft Warlock Trial of Scholar Test of Trust Judgment of Summoner Cleric Bishop Trial of Pilgrim Test of Trust Judgment of Healer Prophet Trial of Pilgrim Test of Trust Judgment of Reformer Elf Elven Knight Temple Knight Trial of Duty Test Of Life Judgment of Witchcraft Sword Singer Trial of the Challenger Test Of Life Judgment of Duelist Elven Ranger Plains Walker Trial of Seeker Test Of Life Judgment of Searcher Silver Ranger Trial of Seeker Test Of Life Judgment of Sagittarius Elven Wizard Spellsinger Trial of Scholar Test Of Life Judgment of Magus Elemental Summoner Trial of Scholar Test Of Life Judgment of Summoner Oracle Elder Trial of Pilgrim Test Of Life Judgment of Reformer Dark Elf Palus Knight Shillien Knight Trial of Duty Test Of Fate Judgment of Witchcraft Bladedancer Trial of the Challenger Test Of Fate Judgment of Duelist Assassin Abyss Walker Trial of Seeker Test Of Fate Judgment of Searcher Phantom Ranger Trial of Seeker Test Of Fate Judgment of Sagittarius Dark Wizard Spellhowler Trial of Scholar Test Of Fate Judgment of Magus Phantom Summoner Trial of Scholar Test Of Fate Judgment of Summoner Shillien Oracle Shillien Elder Trial of Pilgrim Test Of Fate Judgment of Reformer Orc Orc Raider Destroyer Trial of the Challenger Test Of Glory Judgment of Champion Orc Monk Tyrant Trial of the Challenger Test Of Glory Judgment of Duelist Shaman Overlord Trial of Pilgrim Test Of Glory Judgment of Lor Warcryer Trial of Pilgrim Test Of Glory Judgment of WarSpirit Dwarf Scavenger Bounty Hunter Trial Of Guild Member Test Of Prosperity Judgment of Searcher Artisan Warsmith Trial Of Guild Member Test Of Prosperity Judgment Of Maestro [move] 3rd Class Transfers[/move] Human Warlord Dreadnought Succession to the Legend, Dreadnought Gladiator Duelist Succession to the Legend, Duelist Paladin Phoenix Knight Succession to the Legend, Phoenix Knight Dark Avenger Hell Knight Succession to the Legend, Hell Knight Treasure Hunter Adventurer Succession to the Legend, Adventurer Hawkeye Sagittarius Succession to the Legend, Saggitarius Sorcerer Archmage Succession to the Legend, Archmage Necromancer Soultaker Succession to the Legend, SoulTaker Warlock Arcana Lord Succession to the Legend, Arcana Lord Bishop Cardinal Succession to the Legend, Cardinal Prophet Hierophant Succession to the Legend, Hierophant Elf Temple Knight Eva's Templar Succession to the Legend, Eva's Templar Sword Singer Sword Muse Succession to the Legend, Sword Muse Plains Walker Wind Rider Succession to the Legend, Wind Rider Silver Ranger Moonlight Sentinel Succession to the Legend, Moonlight Sentinel Spellsinger Mystic Muse Succession to the Legend, Mystic Muse Elemental Summoner Elemental Master Succession to the Legend, Elemental Master Elder Eva's Saint Succession to the Legend, Eva's Saint Dark Elf Shillien Knight Shillien Templar Succession to the Legend, Shillien Templar Bladedancer Spectral Dancer Succession to the Legend, Spectral Dancer Abyss Walker Ghost Hunter Succession to the Legend, Ghost Hunter Phantom Ranger Ghost Sentinel Succession to the Legend, Ghost Sentinel Spellhowler Storm Screamer Succession to the Legend, Storm Screamer Phantom Summoner Spectral Master Succession to the Legend, Spectral Master Shillien Elder Shillien Saint Succession to the Legend, Shillien Saint Orc Destroyer Titan Succession to the Legend, Titan Tyrant Grand Khavatari Succession to the Legend, Grand Khavatari Overlord Dominator Succession to the Legend, Dominator Warcryer Doom Cryer Succession to the Legend, Doom Cryer Dwarf Bounty Hunter Fortune Seeker Succession to the Legend, Fortune Seeker Warsmith Maestro Succession to the Legend, Maestro Special Thanks To my source: L2 Stratics Guys This Give me ALOOOT of work, so dont mess it up, DONT SPAM on this topic! //setkarma +1 ^^ (with my target X'D) enjoy
  23. you want a opinion? change server, man L2core sucks, Before when was Dynasty a epic mordor weapons, letters, hard to get adena, was good, then they made wipe and some changes on server and server start to sucks hard!! you get adena by changing Gold Bars ( so whats the valor of the adena ) you can buy everything, there is any Dynasty or S grade better armor so Mages have to use DC, server dont have limits, so boss jewls + DC + Arcana Acu + Infinity adena for enchants + All buffs from Buffer = SUPER OVERPOWERD.... Classes are all unbalanced! you cant pvp right! is a Soltaker, Daggers, Nukers and Archers Server, there is no other classes!
  24. its a good post but is about greeck section, somethings we can understand others dont... make the same for english section pls ;D Oh and some hiden posts there :S
  25. L2 PT *x15* [move]* NEW Hellbound Server*[/move] All rates x15 Hellbound full Unique Worlds & Features GeoData Complete Custom GateKeeper Shops Sells D, C & B NO LAG & NO WIPE Weekly Events All works 100% Stable Server Safe Ench. +4 LETS TRY IT!! [move]http://l2pt.pt.to/[/move]
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