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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. Date Registered: 2012-08-29, 23:52:31 nuff said. BTW i alredy requested along with trance the promotion of IceWave, and NeverMore will not be in the staff we have our reasons but that stays in the staff section since you guys dont need to know.
  2. something is wrong with this theory ye
  3. Please feel free to fill in this form.
  4. ahh remember that one XD
  5. redheads are awsome, nice taste there :P
  6. I'll add that to the main post, collection of epicness :D
  7. Ofcourse but opinions are worthless with actions to back your words up :)
  8. Awsome idea! XD Funny thing is while you say that you do nothing about it and you are still here. Your the exect fit to the hall of shame, got banned for scamming than came back as smartass to enlighten us about things we alredy know :D nope, you'll see :D
  9. Nothing bad...it doesnt involve my fabulous pink dildo so no worries :D
  10. just dont, i have big plans for you :D
  11. Because in hes mind thats a low quality post while it has many good side effects. For 1 ovenuc clearly prooven to us hes clueless to everything in java yet hes got a sales topic so he scams people because hes selling work that he unable to support because of hes lack of knowledge. You dont want to know how many people makes money like that around here while having absolutely 0 knowledge and beeing extremly retarded at the same time :D
  12. lets group hug with them
  13. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279828 if you know what i mean :D
  14. Okay as a collective rule of todays world we all know about Murphy's law and natural selection. Share with us funny stories about members you met here on mxc, those members who just well to put it politely "annoyances" to this community. The reason of this topic is to laugh obviously about other peoples HUGE mistakes or just their stupid moves. The rules: Every post about a member or ex-member should be told once so be as specific about it as you can. To avoid flame and false accusations every post will be deleted that goes to that direction and the user will be warned/dekarmed or else depending on the post(s). Once a story is told you are not allowed to tell the same story otherwise your post will be deleted. So lets laugh at the most stupid moves ever made on this forum. Collection of epic stuff: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203811.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=275342
  15. Ovenuc...you get owned hard and you start to argue with an l2j admin whos lost more java skills than you'll ever have. Sir, you are the most pathetic person the l2j scene has ever seen i applaud you.
  16. Hungary tied with Israel for 13th place with an average peak Internet speed of 35.9 megabits per second, which was 12 percent faster than the previous quarter. The global average was 18.4 Mbps. :okey:
  17. Yeah, and the funny fact is since we use smf we can have the option to use more than 1 theme. I dont understand why we cant have more than 1 theme with this set to default and others for the user to choose if someone doesnt like this one.
  18. God, guys hes logo is the best looking one mxc ever had. Stop saying it doesnt fit in, this guy should make every graphical stuff on mxc including the forums theme(which is as ugly as ever).
  19. Love?Whats that?Its a new kind of alcohol or maybe a new dildo brand? :D *milisec
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