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  1. hi, this works for a l2j h5 server?
  2. I checked that code but it helps me what I need is to set a fixed respawn time
  3. Hello, Please I need to know how I can configure the epic Rb code so that its respawn is every 4 days between 18:00 and 23:00 hrs with + -2 hrs random. In advance thank you very much for your help
  4. me sirve! muchas gracias!!
  5. excuse the question, but is this to kill fafurion on a l2 h5 server? ... does it come with mob, and raid boss also?
  6. se ven geniales..muchas gracias!!!
  7. I am new to the forum, I am setting up a server with a group of friends and here there is very good material to start learning and improving, however most of the posts ask to be a premium member; How do I achieve this? In order to access the information?
  8. How can I be a premium member?
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