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Everything posted by nikpappa

  1. and you want to make a stacksubs server?
  2. you take lv1 and 2 on one subclass and then 3 on another?
  3. in the video example you get zealot, not fishing skills
  4. this happens at gracia final too, so i think thats normal
  5. gl with your project mate
  6. just followed gl with your streams
  7. then i think it is simpler, you can go to Creature class or L2Character (differs between packs) and go to the broadcastPacket method which is called when a skill is being casted, there you will add an if with the skill's id you want to be broadcasted only to party members and if the player that casts it is in a party then you will only broadcast it for those members
  8. then you can maybe just make the skill a party skill, or do you want only the party to see its effect?
  9. you can always make something old and rusty, better tho
  10. why dont you just make a scheduled task that runs over and over every x seconds?
  11. can you be more spesific? you want a side to be able to enter with a finite amount of players in the zone?
  12. this seems correct, but you will also need to sent a packet for when players leave party
  13. do the other commands in this class work?
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