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About xNemes1Sx

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  1. how is that even lineage :))
  2. Best of luck, gonna also sub.
  3. well, previous new opening wasnt the very best until they merged xD
  4. I think it's more about the quality of services you provide than about demand, every server has like 50% people who spend from time to time :)
  5. PoW, unless it's a classic rework.
  6. Would always use COV.
  7. x12-15, "craft pvp" warland like. maximum x50
  8. trade shop, they work other way also, you can sell full items for 1 adena and that would be the safest option, for example if you drop a rare item on the ground, like an epic...and outside of a boss spawn time frame...:)
  9. PS4 - clear with ease
  10. Enjoy your stay :)
  11. that server died in 1 day with immediate effect LOL
  12. Looks a healthy reborn alternative, maybe the staff isnt that maniacal
  13. probably best server possible now, and sieges were just announced!
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