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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. If he is a good admin he will Delet absolutly all kind of wh .. But if he is stupid .... Nice info =P ty [EDIT] Btw the ivory tower is well know by evry one but that one in varka or ketra are news to me xD
  2. we could talk a lot about this but i will tell u the fastest and easy ways to get adena in low and hige rate servers (at least i use this methods) Low servers 1x-5x rates U know that in low the only way to make the good money is whit a dwarf (specially the bh) any way the artisian also makes good money from they crafting Well if u want to get good adena u must have patience in low servers .. for example lets see u r a noob and u have only 200k so what should u do? The classic Buy cheap Sell expensive ^^ belive me people always make mistakes or dosnt know the real prize of a D grade weapon or a low c so whit this u can take good adena in the middle .... Remember u dont have to only kill mobs and sell your mats There is a bunch of quests make to do adena just see in pm fun Hige rate 50 - 10.000 <-(xD) well in regular hige rate servers u have the command .deposit and .withdraw so there is 2 easy ways to make the good money 1 Make a Warlod 2 Make a sps or a sph why ? warlod have the skill to increase the ammount mobs that spear can hit (and belive me if u go to zones where the mods are more than ppls in server u will have some fun) why sps or sph? seens interlude this 2 classes get the skill aura Flash skill , this skill hits a lot of mobs and whit fast reuse skill time (also u can hit whit Aqua Splash in sps or whit sph Tempest) This are the fastest ways to get adena in hige rate servers Now there is places where u can go but the best places, i just know how to go whit bugs and u said NO BUGS so GG =P
  3. [ESP] ferchu, por si no leiste o no llegaste a leerlo vos tenes q saber q el admin del foro "maxtor" esta en el ejercito en grecia ( se fue un poco despues de cerrar el concurso ) por lo cual ahora no tiene tiempo para entrar y administrar el foro (osea ni a palos puede ponerse a ver quien hizo el mejor video, en todo caso veria otras cosas mas importantes) por ahora tene paciencia ( logea mas o menos 1 ves por semana maxtor xD) te recomiendo q esperes hasta q vuelva por q es el unico q puede dar esos premios Mientras segui sumando post =p jaja suert y salu2
  4. What would u preffer? to be dumb <-- ( the person that cant talk ) blind ( Cant see ) or deaf ( Cant hear ) Say what would u preffer i say dumb , beacuse i think See and Hear are much better than talk
  5. so u need a gm shop for wich chronicle? IL http://rapidshare.com/files/103915368/By_CaLeSty___BRABUS__Gm-Shop_Full_.rar.html But i alredy tell u in the other post is better to use a PRECONFIGURED PACK! Here u have them all: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28139.0
  6. Import the SQL file put the textures and the other files that are for system itemname-e.dat etc etc and its done, but i reccomend u to get a modified pack that alredy have dinasty items (u just need to know the id of the items) bb
  7. nah.. i am 16 i could make people piss off just for calling them =P ty for this new resource to make people angry (and its freee ^.^) even whit my friends just to see hear them saying : hi................ hi ... ? some one there? . . . . . hahaha xD May be u need to set up something in the page before u talk (?) or some plug in :/
  8. Mirror's Edge is an upcoming first person action-adventure video game being developed by EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE) for a simultaneous release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows-based PCs in late 2008. The game was announced on July 10, 2007 and will be powered by the Unreal Engine 3 with the addition of a new lighting solution, developed by DICE. Gameplay Mirror's Edge aims to "convey the strain and physical contact with the environment", according to senior producer Owen O'Brien, and to instill a freedom of movement not yet seen in the first-person genre. This is achieved not only with moves inspired by parkour and free running, but also by tying camera movement more closely with character movement, such that the rate at which the camera bobs up and down increases as Faith builds up speed while running and the camera spins when she somersaults. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=2N1TJP1cxmo It use the same engine that l3 will use so looks like a kick ass game
  9. Not that usefull u know that in almost all faction servers there is 2 things 1 They set up (or the pack is config) to dosnt give adena from pet kill 2 All Absolutly all pets cant be summon (it appears that message that says not enought mp) But for servers where that work (i think 10 or 5 %) its a cool trick xD
  10. Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced tab Click on Environment Variables Look at the below fieldset, System FieldSet Find value PATH or Path, double-click on it and add this at the end Code: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\bin Tell me if it works
  11. teach me plz xD ok i just check a few of them andi have some question : for example in youcall it says this: Just enter your own phone number and the number of the person you want to call. YouCall will connect you - That’s all. So........ lets suposed i call a friend , i need a microphone? or smt? i dont understand how to use half of this places xD ( if u can tell us wich one work for u and tell us how the hell to use it =D ) Free calls m... hard to belive untill u explain me xD
  12. go in the armor xml and add stats for the armor. find the armor stats in the folder gameserver/stats/skills and u find the proper skill on armorsets.sql
  13. that is the most wierd i found this in a Lineage II Java Develop section haha xD my bad again ( i also give it a fast read to the text =P) any way tell me your opinion :/ w00t! [EDIT] ty k4rma for moving it ^^
  14. Some admins will found this intereseting, since i got tired of txt log searching... i decided to mod db SPs to store owner changes into db... this will probably estress SQL a bit and db size will increase a lot, but if you have a good SQL server you don't need to care about that. First we need to create a new table, in that table we will store all item parameters and 1 new field, that will be the exact date item change owner. This will only track single items (consume_type_normal), because trying to track other kind of items is a bit hard (if not almost imposible) due to item_id changes. Well.. here we go... first step: Creating table. Code: USE [lin2world] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[user_item_log] Script Date: 08/06/2008 20:52:58 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user_item_log]( [item_id] [int] NOT NULL, [char_id] [int] NOT NULL, [item_type] [int] NOT NULL, [amount] [int] NOT NULL, [enchant] [int] NOT NULL, [eroded] [int] NOT NULL, [bless] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [ident] [int] NOT NULL, [wished] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [warehouse] [int] NOT NULL, [date] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Table_1_create_date] DEFAULT (getdate()) ) ON [PRIMARY] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second step: Modifying lin_UpdateUserItem Store Procedure. Code: set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.lin_UpdateUserItem Script Date: 2003-09-20 ?? 11:51:57 ******/ /******************************************** lin_UpdateUserItem INPUT @char_id INT, @item_type INT, @amount INT, @enchant INT, @eroded INT, @bless INT, @ident INT, @wished INT, @warehouse INT, @item_id INT OUTPUT return made by carrot date 2002-06-09 ********************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_UpdateUserItem] ( @char_id INT, @item_type INT, @amount INT, @enchant INT, @eroded INT, @bless INT, @ident INT, @wished INT, @warehouse INT, @item_id INT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- START FidoW addon item tracker DECLARE @isOK INT SELECT @isOK = id FROM itemdata WHERE isQuest = 0 AND consumetype = 'consume_type_normal' AND id = @item_type IF (@isOK IS NOT NULL) BEGIN DECLARE @old_char_id int SELECT @old_char_id = char_id FROM user_item WHERE item_id = @item_id IF (@old_char_id <> @char_id) BEGIN INSERT INTO user_item_log (item_id,char_id,item_type,amount,enchant,eroded,bless,ident,wished,warehouse,date) VALUES (@item_id,@char_id,@item_type,@amount,@enchant,@eroded,@bless,@ident,@wished,@warehouse,GETDATE()) END END -- END FidoW addon item tracker UPDATE user_item set char_id=@char_id, item_type=@item_type, amount=@amount, enchant=@enchant, eroded=@eroded, bless=@bless, ident=@ident, wished=@wished, warehouse=@warehouse WHERE item_id=@item_id --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step three: Update lin_CreateItem Store Proceduce. Code: set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.lin_CreateItem Script Date: 2003-09-20 오전 11:51:57 ******/ /******************************************** lin_CreateItem create item sp INPUT @char_id INT, @item_type INT, @amount INT, @enchant INT, @eroded INT, @bless TINYINT, @ident TINYINT, @ready TINYINT, @wished TINYINT, @warehouse INT OUTPUT Item_ID, @@IDENTITY return made by carrot date 2002-01-31 ********************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_CreateItem] ( @char_id INT, @item_type INT, @amount INT, @enchant INT, @eroded INT, @bless TINYINT, @ident TINYINT, @wished TINYINT, @warehouse INT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON insert into user_item (char_id , item_type , amount , enchant , eroded , bless , ident , wished , warehouse) values (@char_id, @item_type , @amount , @enchant , @eroded , @bless , @ident , @wished , @warehouse) SELECT @@IDENTITY -- START FidoW addon item tracker DECLARE @isOK INT SELECT @isOK = id FROM itemdata WHERE isQuest = 0 AND consumetype = 'consume_type_normal' AND id = @item_type IF (@isOK IS NOT NULL) BEGIN DECLARE @item_id INT SELECT TOP 1 @item_id = item_id FROM user_item WHERE char_id = @char_id AND item_type = @item_type AND amount = @amount AND enchant = @enchant AND eroded = @eroded AND bless = @bless AND ident = @ident AND wished = @wished AND warehouse = @warehouse ORDER BY item_id DESC INSERT INTO user_item_log (item_id,char_id,item_type,amount,enchant,eroded,bless,ident,wished,warehouse,date) VALUES (@item_id,@char_id,@item_type,@amount,@enchant,@eroded,@bless,@ident,@wished,@warehouse,GETDATE()) END -- END FidoW addon item tracker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will NOT WORK if you have itemdata table empty or not updated (use CacheD and CachedScript to update that table) How to use ? Just execute both querys into sql and its done, and it will start storing it since now. What can we do with this ? We can track all items owner changes, in case some users log into other user account and steal all the items, we can track it easy with our new table, and more important, we dont need to look at logs anymore. I hope someone will find this usefull. If we want to initialize user_item_log table with all items already stored.... we can run the next query: Code: INSERT INTO user_item_log SELECT item_id,char_id,item_type,amount,enchant,eroded,bless,ident,wished,warehouse,'2001-01-01 00:00:00' FROM user_item WHERE item_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM user_item_log) AND item_type IN (SELECT id FROM itemdata WHERE isQuest = 0 AND consumetype = 'consume_type_normal') Of course we dont get the real date, but now we have stored the current owner waiting until the next change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I use search and didnt found anything like this guide Credits for this awesom guide goes to FidoW Hope u like bb
  15. Follow the rules histox .. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=hxvxEL7w1Ko&feature=related http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=TcCLPHpr5RU
  16. GrisoM


    HAhAhahahaHAHAHaHaHhaHAhaHAHAHAhAhaHAHahhaHAhaha EPIC COMMENT <--------
  17. agree this is the first time i see something like this O.o i just saw how to have a great wolve in IL but this is much better xD GJ keep sharing
  18. m.............. its just a guess but i think u should just not set up only the SkillDurationList = 3600 u should edit all # This enable 1h(3600) duration for songs, the "\"indicates new line, # and is only set for formating purposes. # SkillDurationList = 264,3600;265,3600;266,3600;267,3600;268,3600;\ # 269,3600;270,3600;304,3600;305,1200;306,3600;308,3600;349,3600;\ # 363,3600;364,3600 All has 3600 (just a guessing) Dude i recomend u to instead of doing this , do it in the old fashion way and change time of each buff..
  19. :@ AHhaHaHahaha /Pwneddd xD Keep trying each lvl has his crazy things =@
  20. 2 comments my friend 1 Go learn how to write english plz beacuse your writing is a mess 2 Go learn to read english beacuse u dont know how to interpretate the question that l2gemini did , i answer exacly what he needs HE ASK HOW TO MAKE IF FUNCTION now HOW TO MAKE IT Remember: Go To Learn ENglihs plx pl0x And stop quoting me whit out a reason :/ and doing double post
  21. http://www.minijuegos.com/juegos/jugar.php?id=6252 HAhahaHAHAHhaHAHahhAHA XD just epic game give it a try and get crazy whit it
  22. hoho =o rly crazy this goes stirght to my guides of crazy l2 set ups Goood work fella keep sharing =) (i will try it , if i have a problem i send u pm)
  23. So.. if u do this u have the change to get by second time the raid drop? (that would be crazy in low rate servers) Tell us l2j ? interlude t1 hellbound? gracia? Server? give us some info xD
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