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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. Press Down and up keys (from keyboard ¬¬) I am stuck at 14 wtf do i have to do whit does numbers (?)
  2. How did u pass the 10? Is something to do whit this? HELPPpPpppppPPpp!!!!!!11!1!1!!! I FUCKING PASS IT =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
  3. I press the 2 faking arrows and nothing happend !!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA Btw Ty Gropacas =P STuck in 10 2 =(
  4. Ok Lets make an introduction about scams: A scam is a dishonest attempt to trap you into parting wth your Adena , items , etc. A 'scammer' [us] may make a personal approach, with an offer too good to be true. We will use persuasive techniques that can be hard to resist. we Must make them feel that they are petty or inadequate if They resist or even question their offer. So Why do i make this , beacuse instead of making 100 topics whit 1 scam why not make 1 whit all of them? Well LEts take The Simplest scams from the ofi Forum: Crystal Scam: Crystal Scam. This one can be done with any of the crystals but I see it on D the most. Notice how they are assuming you don't notice that the PRICE and AMOUNT are reversed. Works with ancient adena too, anything usually sold in big amounts. Craft Scam Craft Shop Scam. This is usually done with the lower level crafts, silver mold, VOP, stuff like that. The title will say something like 10a craft, 1-4 crafts, etc. It looks dead obvious but when there's only one shop in Giran making something you need to craft a weapon you don't always pay good attention. Bow Scam Bow shaft scam. The popular one now is for Bow of Peril shafts because everyone wants one, a finished one is around 40 mill, and the shafts are usually 1 mill+ each. And the fact that bow shafts look EXACTLY LIKE STEMS doesn't help anything. I've seen up to 3 shops at once trying to pull this one. Same goes for soul bow shafts. A-SS Scam A-ss, A-sps, B A-sps scam. The noob SS shots look almost exactly like the A grade ones, so people try to sell the no grade ones as a-ss. Here's a picture of the scam and a shot from a real shop. Trade Weapon Scam Name scam. I've had this tried on me 3 times so far but this is my best example. I'm sitting right by Stiltzz, and someone pm's me with the name Stlltzz. You can see the real Stiltzz talking in ally chat, and I have him targeted. Usually the person doing this says the EXACT SAME THING as in this picture. That should be the first tip off, I mean how many of your friends talk like such a retard anyway? Usually if you try to target the faker person, they aren't even in town, but their alt trying to get your weapon is. Soul Ore/A Crystal Scam I couldn't find anyone actually doing this but I know it has been done. I set up shop to show the example. The shop title is A crystals but I'm selling soul ore. I put them side by side, see how very similar they are? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok this are a few but there are more: The most usuals are the Items whit same Icon , lets put this example i have done in many servers In a lot of servers there are custom tattos and Well we all know that tattos looks like a voodoo doll (d grade weapon) or like other items (that worth half of it real prize) U just need to find out 2 items whit same icon but whit different prizes and sell the cheaper one has the Biggest one Another of the most usual are the Scams where the private sell or private store are 2 good too be truth (but remember if it looks good people will get hurry and dont think of what they do) What is this? Lets just say u put a Sing When u r Selling that says 7000 SS A Grade 5 Adena each one But What are we going to do? We Put 5 SS A Grade at the prize of 7000 Adena each one ^^ Belive me if u put a prize not to stupid (something like real but whit more profits for u) they will not think it twice Well there are many scams But This are the most usefulls.. I will update evryday (untill i have no more ideas) whit more scams (elavorated and evil ones ^^) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update September 26, 2008 1) U make store on first char with mana pots ex. 300k each And with other char u make summon ex. Cougar and when u sit buy pots for 600k u trade all the money to the summon inventory So if someone buy from potions and try to sell you he will not be able to 2) You need: 2 Characters Online With the first character: Buy an item(s) from the shop and make a private store - Sell. Add the item(s) for sell for big price. (ex: Healing Potion. Sell price 200k) With the second character: Buy the same item(s) and make a private store - Buy (near the first character). Add the item(s) for buy for bigger price than the first char. (ex: Healing Potion. Buy price 500k) Now wait for other players. If someone buy the item(s) from the 1st character (He maybe want to sell it to the 2nd character). You stand up with the 2nd char (close the private store). The other player can't do anything... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. I still dont get it , wow is a faction game? (I MIND like the l2 faction servers?) btw who is against who? LoL Hahaha so if i dont have to w8 for nothing =P (they should do it like l2) Thnx u, there is evrything in That Page 1 more week till my server start ^.^
  6. They all suck hard xDDDD But may be some one like this ;/ Btw i have freeze so i cant keep one of those has my Log in screen
  7. I get stucked in lvl 6 (where it says Press - Press) and in lvl 11 where there is a mouse that says "I want a key" Some help ¿?¿?¿?¿?
  8. The site of what? u mind the link to download photoshoP? (i cant do that , beacuse it will be warez) u need to search on your own =P
  9. Photoshop , just 1 thing .. Pic any image u want, and then when u alredy have it u just need to fix the size problem (beacuse the img u choose , must be bigger than the size that clan crest requires) U can do that whit Image/ImageSize/ and there u can edit the width & height of the image, to make it the size of an clan crest .
  10. GrisoM

    Jokes (EN)

    What does Madeleine McCann and a submarine have in common? Their both lying at the bottom of the sea and full of seamen hide it cos its 16 ++ =P if is it 2 much just pm and i take it off XD
  11. Well the other theard was closed and had less than 10 answers xD (may be in that time community was little (?) ) So Well its simple just post your top 10 games (any kind) 1) lineage 2 2) Cs 1.6 3) Gta SanAndreas 4) Gta Vice city (i lose 1 year of my life whit that version =P) 5) Age of empire (all versions) 6) Quake (all versions) 7) Wolfestein (all versions) 8) Need for speed (all versions) 9) Worms (:*D) 10) Mu (i dont remember the versions i playd but i play it like 2 years) Damm there are more ... xD top 20? nah top 10 =) if u dont have 10 post 5
  12. Rly nice , it has absolutly all and it has a good presentation Nice Work from IulyZax. Ty for sharing tzrcryp100 (this goes to my folder of usefull shares ^.^) I will take the edited by IulyZax. and put anyother thing =P
  13. Wtf? The only way to play today :o ::)
  14. MadUser leave mxc forum , i think this post should be closed (but not desticked) beacuse he cant give help to the ones that need it, may be some one else should take care of this post like anni? Any way that is what is going on right now ;/ btw nice guide (i did it but personally i dont like signatures =P)
  15. Cant u even try help? pff what a noob actitude Here u have some: http://rapidshare.com/files/109315558/GAMEGUARD_KILL.7z.html http://rapidshare.com/files/101489502/GGKill.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/80032228/Game_Guard_Killers_AiO_for_MXC.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/140343107/L2_Anti-Guard_error_.rar
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