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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. Nice , but for wich chronicle is this exacly? Good share man keep up =) Simple (whit all) but Cool In The OutSide =P [Edit] Nice u edit thnx :P
  2. Use search there is a lot of post whit the same + [Request] Dev Help [L2J] Not in General http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5602.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19649.msg146097#msg146097
  3. 2 comments 1 u should post this in [Request] Dev Help [L2J] 3 if u want to change it u just need to put 100 in those lines u mark So Why u ask that if u alredy know where that file is ;| ?
  4. I dont understand what u mind , (beacuse i didnt even know that evry host has a trafic limit) And i dont know how to interpretate the trafic word to l2 (trafic minds what?) Btw u can ask dimis1 he is admin of l2mafia (he is the admin in this forum whit the biggest community so u could ask him xD) Any way ask my 1 question beacuse now i am also whit the dobut :|
  5. no buddy this weapons arent the way u did yours ^^ this weapons have little details that u dont make when u add color balance and brigtheness/contrast He took the magic wand tool and did little mods to parts of the weapons (all the weapons so he take more than 5 minutes to make it) Just a comment.-
  6. SS: [Just a few SS , but the packet has all the dinasty Weapons] Bow Sword Dagger Hammer Spear Rapier Download [The .DDS]: http://rapidshare.com/files/150952536/DinastyGold_.rar.html ~Credits to SHEPXAH~ BB
  7. There u go Just Click ON it and when u r in img shack click above the Photo and u will see the img full size BB
  8. Disciples III: Renaissance is the third in the turn-based strategy franchise in the the magical realm of the Sacred Lands. The player takes on the role of the Lord of one of the fantastic races of Nevendaar in their enduring struggle to establish the reign of their respective god over the world. Advances in game play and the addition of new elements make Disciples III richer and more interesting. The visual design follows the ominous style of the Disciples world, but now all of the game environments and individual units are in stunning real-time 3D. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=JW13NPlMY44 This one looks promissing.-
  9. GrisoM

    WTF is..?

    When they do it a lot -1 karma =P 4. They have monkey Brain ^.^ do u remember my post ? I dont like the word donator and karma related =P No my ears ^.-
  10. Explain it better, u mind that if u target a chat that is about to get teleported to arena in olympiad u will teleport whit him?.-
  11. @SpectraHacker if u r not gonna share anything , dont make a post , even if u say u can give your data Also u should post this in bot section ^^ not here @xXSkillerXx there is no need to be agressive he is new in the forum @SpectraHacker dont start flame wars ok? @R021 reported for spam [Evrywhere] , w8ting for u to get banned Btw i want that "Data" if u can pm me whit the info I pm a mod so he can move this to bot section bb
  12. Crazy has usual ^^ great work my friend Is rocket luncher (i have play quake 3 arena :P) if u want edit your post Keep up whit the wierd shares =P Added to the list.-
  13. Exept for the 2 one BloodLust Wing the rest are so0o0o0o0 cool Specialy Hell Wing And Dinasty Wing Good work ! & added to the Mod List Of Shares ~Keep UP~
  14. http://lineage.pmfun.com/npc/25338/anakazel.html m........ Well Has usual u need more than 1 party so this makes it harder.. My suggestion (if u r bringin 7 chars to the raid) 1 tank (to tank the raid da-paladin so u can use agression and he wont kill your pt) 1 healer (cardinal to heal the party) 1-2 mp resorers so your party dont get out of mp 3 nukers Sps Sph Necro Using 1 regular skills (never vampiric claw) and when they mp goes down use body to mind to restore their mp and use Curse Death Link 1 (this in chase u bring only 1 mp restorer) choose between 1 more healer or 1 more nuker BB
  15. Well i just delet u from that little list but can u explain me the exploit? Sry but when i see an answer to a post that looks be right in chinese i dobut about who rly understud it , specially when for day i see 20 or more Spammers that do the same Sry for that, my bad
  16. GrisoM

    Lost and found :D

    Well that is a crazy story, how old is your dog now? i mind it must be rly old .. Btw i am glad u find it , u must be happy for it (even if he/she is hurt) Now u have to go like Duke NUkem and kill the one that hurt your dog =P
  17. Client-side: \system - Itemname-e.dat - weapongrp.dat \systextures - mordorweapons.utx - mordoricon.utx Server-side: - itemdata.txt ------------////---------////---------------- Client-side: --> Decoded itemname-e.dat <-- --> Decoded weapongrp.dat <-- Client-side (Textures): Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/150664232/mordor_final.rar.html Server-side: --> Itemdata.txt <-- This is it. All you'll have to do server-side is add the itemdata.txt lines in your skilldata.txt/itemdata.txt files. And client-side what you'll have to do is grab the lines of the decoded weapongrp.dat and itemname-e.dat, decode your weapongrp.dat/itemname-e.dat and put the lines in there. To decode/encode client-side files you'll need a tool. A great one to do this would be Remo-Pack, which by the way can be found here: Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/150664826/Remo-Pack.zip.html At last All SS (i put it in a little folder beacuse i dont wanna upload all the pics 1 by 1 ^^) Download SS [10 Weapons]: http://rapidshare.com/files/150665914/mordor_weapon_screenshots.rar.html PyroMaker, and Lineage ][ Vendetta Team. See ya ! [i just add 2 links that where dead (the most important) and the photos that i found in other place]
  18. Well Very good work my friend (soon i will repost the Mordor for IL in chase some one need it) Nothing else just Good Work =) Keep up btw i didnt saw the zariche in pyro Share ~w00t~ Added to the list of client section.-
  19. @Hax0r seens the 1 post is hide , should u hide yours (i mind is 10 times better yours than his xD) i will try this in a random net (beacuse this is for any net no?) Now i see why u choose nick hax0r =P
  20. 1 of all if u have some request u have to make your post in [Request] Exploits Help [En] 2 give a try to this ones: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26888.msg181924#msg181924 Some of those 35 exploits must work xD Also u can check the ALL exploit list: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28121.0 There is evrything in that Theard=) BB
  21. I just saw a guy asking for this so here you go This guide will teach you how to make stuff from old chronicles able to be on new chronicles and vice versa. Ill take Mordor weapons as example, posted on this forum by PyroMaker ([share]Mordor Weapons,Epic Mask & Epic Shield [iL]) They are for Interlude, we are gona make them for Hellbound First Step Get the code lines from the weapongrp.txt file Copy and paste it on another notepad. Now, open the weapongrp.dat and take a line from a S grade 2 handed Blunt (I will take the dragon hunter axe) and paste the line below the line we paste on the notepad: http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/6320/29641863lf5ce8.jpg[/img] Second Step Now, start changing the weapon id and the textures code: http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/8348/22023186be1sr5.jpg[/img] U will have to change the m00_wp and the t00_wp 2 times if u are changing a normal weapon, and 4 times if u are changing a dual sword/fist weapon. Also, u have to change all the UNK codes to make the size correctly http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/1731/66735738nd6gq7.jpg[/img] Third Step Now you will have to modify this numbers to your chosen, they are the p.attack and m.attack that will be showned ingame: http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/961/66373916vh1nk7.jpg[/img] Now, Copy and paste that line in your weapongrp.dat, save and encrypt it. About the .sql files, addapt it to another chronicle its the easiest thing: Make the same as u do with the wapongrp.dat but with the weapon.sql file, taking a weapon and changing id, name, p.attack... To modify the itemname-e.dat, just take a line from your chronicle and change the id, name and descryption. To end, remember to put the systexturesn on lin 2 dir\systextures!!! BB [EDIT] Too see Images Better:
  22. 2 late there are alredy 2 many replies on your post Btw L1 lol looks like mu xD but worst
  23. For the post hunters papatsantiri & R021 Can u explain it to me? becuse i dont get 2 of 3 words this kid says (if u dont i will take actions ^^)
  24. Usless theard under our avatars we have a flag indicating where are we from ~Some one lock this~ Just 3 or 4 users remove their flags beacuse they are afraid of showing where are they from BB
  25. Tattoo Seller Gracia ~SS~ http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3094/shot00006ia8.jpg[/img] http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4935/shot00007oh8.jpg[/img] http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/7076/shot00008jo1.jpg[/img] --******************************************************************** -- Version : Gracia CT2.0 L2J-Free 1.2.x ( svn.45xx ) -- Version : 22/09/2008 rev 1.2 --******************************************************************** * List ID Npc Custom Vendors Spawn : 963014 : Vendor Tattoos 963013 : Vendor Tattoos XL * List ID Items : 9639010 - 9639054 / 9638010 - 9638054 Tattoos - NoGrade = 2 Tattoos - D-Grade = 4 Tattoos - C-Grade = 4 Tattoos - B-Grade = 4 Tattoos - A-Grade = 4 Tattoos - S-Grade = 2 Tattoos - S80-Grade = 2 Tattoos - Special-S80 = 4 Tattoos - Boost-S80 = 4 Tattoos - Gm = 2 Tattoos - Officiels = 12 Tattoos - Crispy = 1 ( Just for Fun !!! ) * List ID Ingredients : Essence of Power = 9639055 Essence of Divine = 9639056 Essence of Fuzion = 9639057 Tattoos Material = 9639058 Crystal of Tattoos = 9639059 Scroll of Tattoos = 9639060 * List ID Skills : 9639010 - 9639013 / 9638010 - 9638013 --******************************************************************** INSTALL : HTM File -> ..\data\html\merchant MULTISELL File -> ..\data\multisell XML File -> ..\data\stats\armor & ..\data\stats\skills ZIP File -> ..\data\faenor SQL File -> Use Navicat or Other ... !!! You need to custom or modify your client lineage (system) !!! INTO The Game : //spawn Merchant_ID ex : //spawn 963014 --******************************************************************** ~Download~ http://rapidshare.com/files/150370179/Vendor_Tattoos_CT2.rar.html Credits to Crispy Njoy BB [btw if this is not the right section move it asap]
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