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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. When you save files use DXT1 | 1 bit alpha ( never use no alpha) OR DXT3 | ex.... alpha , to avoid the black lines/squares around the weapon try it , and tell me how did it go Use search , beacuse if this dosnt work there are arround 20 post whit this problem xD BB
  2. yhea or use next target (it will auto target the dagger again)
  3. I like All the lessons :$
  4. wtf is reces and keno ?
  5. 7-8 years ago half of things we have now didnt even exist xDDDDD youtube dosnt exist for example 9/11 was just a regular day xD l2 was about to born (?) xDDDDDD so funny xD
  6. http://www.google.com/search2001.html All u search will rederect u to the 2001 news :*) i had 9 years xDDDDDD Maxcheaters didnt even exist =P
  7. Add the choise I hate School =)
  8. Well i read the features of the 3 guitars u show us and the bese one is the 1 one so i recomend u to buy that one
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=31152.0 there u have all alredy linked xD
  10. Go and ask here: http://www.l2jfree.com/ Beacuse here we dont have guides for that ;/ (at least whit the search i didnt found out nothing) GL whit that =)
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22877.0 i think there all packs are clean btw wrong area some one move this to [Request] Dev Help [L2J] bb
  12. Well has title says , wich is-was your favourite RPG? I dont make poll beacuse there are a lot of them xD
  13. "Elveon" means "The book of elves" and is based on a comprehensive fantasy saga which goes back to the time of the rise of the advanced Elvish civilization. The gods have left the world of Naon in a rush, yet it is the place they had wanted to transform into their paradise. The Neamas, the elves of the ancient times and fellows of the gods have remained there all alone. A smouldering conflict is gaining and, more importantly, a new era starts which is marked by envy, malevolence and relentless wars which prevent the descendants of the gods from claiming their divine inheritance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elveon http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyy_MxtmdTk
  14. U mind something like this? http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=w_GOuHA66zM http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKUbnQFgvRc&feature=related
  15. Gibson Les Paul :P FENDER Stratocaster Standard (Cheap $) Well in fact u should check the big pages that sell things (i cant say names beacuse i cant in this forum) But there u can find good guitars for cheap prizes 4 sure Also u will have to buy an amplifier xD unless u dont want to hear your music =P that will cost u 200$ for sure BB
  16. U want a way to open 2 or more clients and u dont want that your game to be lagged? Well There are many ways to open more than 2 clients but u will always have lag To reduce lag and play better (whit out your cpu going crazy) u can download the preatorian anti lag patch or press alt + p in game (so your graphics go low) and u can take out shadows and bla bla so you can make your game lighter The other way is use walker xD u can open 20 clients whit no lag =P but u didnt ask in bot section so that is not the answer :P
  17. @fallout3 i would love to add more things to my main post but there is a limmit of 20.000 letters per post (and the 1 post is full, i will ask a mod to give me the second post so i can add more things) @david150 u can get any skill whit any stone lvl for example once i got wild magic lvl 5 in a homonkulus and Magic barrier lvl 8 in a sword of miracles ^^
  18. A little introduction: Gravedad Zero aka Gz Is the Biggest Server of Argentina. The server is [HellBound] Whit a population that goes from 2000-3000 ppl per day [rates x1 All] The Interlude Server Aden Zero Has arround 800 ppls per day. The server is [iL] And the [rates are x4 All] Well This server is also one of the oldest here in Arg it just birth 4 years Here i put the forum, download and create account links: ~Main Forum~ ~Here~ ~GZ forum~ ~Here~ ~AZ forum~ ~Here~ ~Download Patch~ ~Here~ ~Create Account~ ~Here~ BOLTH servers are like oficials ones so i dont make a List whit the features of them There are active gms (even if they speak more spanish than english) Join to this great BIG community and have fun playing in This GREATAS SERVERS. You will not regret it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Btw i am not admin gm or nothing i make this post beacuse this was the 1 server i play and beacuse its the biggest server from arg and one of the oldest If any one has a dobut just ask =) BB
  19. do u think i would let u win? Sure ! =P I am biatch Remember O.o
  20. Sry for the late answer but i just saw this topic. Well ican tell u a way that work for me in 2 faction servers (that it dosnt need to be hide) Well is simple , u go to any spot , when they use soe (beacuse they know they will die if they dont use it) u keep hiting them whit a bow or dagger (u need to have a lot of atk speed) When he finish casting the soe , u will see that evrything arround u disspaears , when this happend u need to do rr fast has possible and when u log back , u will see that u teleport whit person that was casting the soe before to his base (and vuala u start killing in the other faction town =P) ^.^ bb
  21. GrisoM

    Diving :D

    What an idiot xd he jump in solid ice that look like water in liquid state Epic Fail (but i think their friends know that was solid =P) Btw i take this oportunity to say !!~DONT LET YOUTUBE POST DIE~!! =( POST THERE )=
  22. To not waste time , what program do u use to make music ? SoundForge acidpro , other? I use to use those to make music and i have tons of librarys i could send u by pm whit basses , drums , etc U just need to tell me the program u use :P bb
  23. For those who need GK in Gracia here u have it: SS: Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/150060394/Gracia_Gatekeeper_by_madgizmo.zip.html Credits to madgizmo
  24. Raven Squad puts players in control of two groups of mercenary squads who crash land behind enemy lines in the Amazonian jungles. It will require tactical planning and a liberal amount of brute force to escape to safety. Each of the eight squad members possesses distinctive skills and weaponry that the player will have to use wisely to progress through the game’s story driven objectives. Raven Squad sets itself apart by allowing players to switch freely between real-time strategy and first-person shooter gameplay. Only by mastering both of these modes of play, and becoming adept at switching between the two, will players make it out of the jungle alive. General Features * Set in the Amazon in the year 2011, players will experience lush jungle visuals, haunting ambient sounds, changes in the weather, and an enemy in their home element * Featuring the best of both worlds, Raven Squad has core FPS and RTS gameplay combined, for a new type of experiencethat allows players to take control of a squad and play through the entire game with a friend online * Multiple solutions to every conflict - every battle can play out differently and be resolved in many different ways * 8 characters with their own unique backgrounds, personalities, behaviors, weapons and skills * Players can order their squads into vehicles and take the wheel in first-person mode Only SS beacuse there are no triler by now.
  25. I didnt like it :X any way ty for sharing and taking the time to make the client-server side =$ Keep up =P
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