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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. 2176 2000msg <----- here =D=D=D
  2. In good servers it will keep saying u cant cancel sub class if u r registered in olympiad But i guess a crapy that in a l2j crappy this may actually work (also u need a server x10000 xD)
  3. Nice work , this looks like the other weapons u have shared (i said look , not Are :P) Those Textures look Great Keep up (btw check your msg ..)
  4. ITs the file edit u need? i mind there is one for evry chronicle .. Or .. Take a Clean System , u can download it from here (i recomend this beacuse i have use this in the past) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26671.0 bb
  5. Well this is the most complete list of the forum Well Before i Organize this section a little bit more i will explain why i do this , has many of my other theards i Remake The theards That of those that arnt here any more or that get banned and cant keep update So i will take the work to make this post the best To Found anything and to organize this section (I didnt put k4rma or critical error shares beacuse they alredy make their own organization) CLIENT MODS Weapons Dual's - Fist's ExtremeBlades [iL] StarWarsLightSaber [C5] DualDestinySwords [iL] DualLegent [iL] Corruptedlidias [iL] DualDemonicWeapons [iL] DualDragonSlayerFire-Ice [iL] GodBlessedDual [HeLLBounD] SpiritualEyeSwordofalhalla [iL] ChaosWeapons [iL] DualDarkAndAcid [iL] DualArcanaMace [iL] DualsOfFatality [HeLLBounD] Twin Lidia's Sword [iL] DualForgotenBlade [iL] DualBasaltBattlehammers [iL] DualRubyHammer [CT1] DualSoulSeparatorHeroGlow [iL] DualForge [CT1] DualAkaForKamaelL2emu [iL] DualInfinityRod [iL] DivinerDuals [iL] HolySwordsSpentaMainyu [iL] FrozenTrydent [iL] BlackDualArcanaMaceCT2 [CT2] DualZariche [CT1.5] MeanSlasher [iL] TarbarDual [iL] Lady'sFanDual [iL] DuskSwordDual [iL] MeanSlasherDual [iL] SwordOfValhallaDual [iL] DualsBowOfHalisha [iL] DualCrokian [iL] DuaLBladeOfPurity [iL] Bow's PhoenixBow [iL] BehelitBow [iL] GoldenDraconicBow [iL] Bat'sWingBow [iL] KalmasDemonicBow [iL] IceFireDraconic [iL] IceDraconicBow [iL] BowOfHalisha [iL] ShiningbowEdited [iL] CustomShiningBow [iL] Shield's RoyalShield [iL] AdminShield [CT1] RemadeBrigandineShield [iL] IphoneShield [iL] DrakeShield [iL] TowerShield [iL] DoomShield [iL] EditedShields [iL] EpicShieldForHellBound [CT1.5] DynastyBloodlustWindFire [iL] LainShield [iL] CustomShieldsByYannis [iL] NarutoShield [iL] EpicShieldCT2 [CT2] FlashShield [CT2.3] Single Swords (1 hand 2 handed) - Spears - Staff's LeviaTheFreezingBlade [iL] GoldenHevensDiviner [iL] CustomForgotenBlade [CT1] ManahBlade [CT1.5] DarkAcidSwords [iL] IluminaticBlades [iL] SwordOfNightmare [iL] ArtofBattleAxeGoldBLue [iL] MarvelGodLightBlade [iL] RedThunderBlade [iL] SwordOfDestructionKarmael [iL] Antharas_Slaye [iL] BladeOfHeros [iL] ArgentinaBlade [iL] AlhazzardSword [iL] MofoSlicer [iL] IceChakram [iL] IlidianSword [iL] ThunderSirra'sBlade [iL] Dagger's Hades Cursed Dagger [CT1.5] KrisIceDagger [iL] GoldAngelSlayer [iL] BlackAngelSlayer [iL] Mortal_Fire [iL] GoldenAs [iL] EditedAngelSlayer [iL] DemonicDagger [CT1.5] Other's Russian_vodka [CT1.5] Airplane [CT1.5] Zariche&AkamanahCustomSkill [?] Cigarette&ZippoShield [CT1.5] SoMHasArrow [iL] Contr-lineage [CT1.5] SkullAccesory [iL] UnderWaterEquipment [CT1.5] BigHelmet [iL] MysticHat [iL] MoonFangAccesory [iL] FrozenGiran [iL] ZakenAccesory [iL] HairStyle [iL] ZakenHairaccessorySwords&Helm [iL] CrusaderHelmet [iL] NarutoProtectors [iL] Nazgull Crown [iL] EpicMask [iL] NewHairStyles [iL] Thermometer [iL] RedPartyMask [iL] WoodenStaff [iL] FreshBeer [iL] RocketOfQuake [CT1.5] CustomCloacks [iL] EditedTexturesOfCitys [iL] RedWyvern [iL] HumanJokerFace [iL] EpicJewelsForInterlude [iL] WavyArmor [iL] RedBerrets [iL] EpicJewelsCT2 [CT2] EpicMaskCT2 [CT2] WavyArmor [iL] RedMask [CT2.3] Wing's EfectWings [iL] EpicWings [iL] BlackWings [iL] TearWings [iL] ManyWingsGoldSilverEtc [CT1.5] Artherias StuffEpicWings [iL] FinalFormWings [iL] YellowWings [iL] FireWings [iL] EpicWingsCT2 [CT2] Glow's & Effects GoodGlows EnchantGlowsfrom +4 to +25 CustomWeaposGlows custom set of glows CursedWeaponsCustomGlows CustomGlowsDw Glows1-100 Sets Of Weapons LegendaryWeapons [iL] GiantWeapons [iL] MonsterGoldWeapons [iL] FireWeapons [iL] SomeWeapons [CT1.5] PurityWeapons [iL] PlatinumWeapons [iL] DemonicWeapons [iL] DedalusWeapons [CT1.5] DuskWeaponsL2J [iL] UniqueWeapons [iL] DuskWeapons [iL] EpicWeaponsIL [iL] MonsterWeaponsHellBound [CT1.5] EpicWeaponsImproved [iL] YellowSGradeWeapons [iL] BloodWeapons [iL] WinterAndDraconicCollection [iL] EpicWeaponsCt1 [CT1] MonsterWeaponsWithFlameGlow [iL] KamikazeWeaponsL2J [iL] DarkWeapons [iL] MordorWeaponsForHeLLBounD [CT1.5] MordorWeaponsForInterludE [iL] GoldDinastyWeapons [iL] IcarusWeaponsIL [iL] ModedThingsByPh0z [iL] EmeraldWeapons [iL] EpicWeaponsL2JInterlude [iL] BloodyWeapons [iL] Butcher Weapons [iL] FateWeapons [iL] DevilishWeapons [CT2] EpicWeaponsCT2 [CT2] MordorWeapons [CT2] CursedWeapons [iL] Sets Of Armors IceCrusaderArmor [iL] TitaniumArmors [iL] Armor&WeaponDracoIce [iL] NewGoldSet [iL] ObliviosSet [CT1.5] BlueSetAndBlueBow [iL] AcidArmorAndAcidBow [iL] NewLavaSet [iL] InvisibleArmorIce-Fire [iL] SpidermanSuits [CT1.5] EpicArmorL2J [iL] ArmorGoldFixed [iL] EpicArmorEdited [C4][iL] RubyArmorKamaelL2EMU[CT1] IceArmorforkamaell2emu [CT1] DragonFire'sArmorSetForL2JInterlude [iL] MatrixArmor [iL] EpicDarkKnightArmorsForHellbound [CT1.5] BlueEnergySet [CT1.5] GoldReptilaArmors [iL] EpicArmorWhitPassiveSkills [iL] yiannis93Armors [iL] ValakasGoldSet+Wings [iL] ApellaArmorLightingEffect [iL] MatrixArmor [iL] ICECrusadeRFemaleClases [iL] EpicDarkKnight [CT2] Guide's YourCustomGlows LearntoCreateCustomAnimatedeWapons+Accessories New to client mods ?! New to photoshop too ?! Take a look here THEN! Your Custom NPCs!!! EDIT TEXTURES!!! Customize E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!! [Guide] Create Custom Hero Glows IF ANY MOD HAS WRONG TAG REPLY HERE WHIT THE POST AND I EDIT IT ASAP OK? -.LIST CONTINUES ON SECOND POST.-
  6. In 14 what u have is the numbers and a line that says 1 2 3 4 5 6 Well when u move those numbers u will see an order (i mind there is 1 behind another) So what u have to do is order the line that says 1 2 3 4 5 6 whit the order of position U will see that the numbers are 1 behind another so the 1 one goes over the 6 and the last one over the 1 Understud? =P
  7. I use to like more the other one ^.^ (so thnx for share :P) but this one is not bad either (even if it has more features Ty A man! Btw i still cant read wtf does your avatar says "i am not your friend XXXXXX"
  8. Dude that proxys are trial versions... i will not buy it LoL Btw can u tell us Wich do we have to download? (i mind wich is the best one? or all are the same there are a lot of them) Any way its 30 days so i cant take the juice out of that fruit ^.^ Thnx bb
  9. About the bug in oly , u will have to explain it beacuse i saw the pics and read the theard and still didnt understand wich was the fight ... it was the 2 elfs? or the human and the sps? And what was the bug? About the private store bug There is a bug for that? or u just read wrong? some times a scam u can do u right the oposit thing of what the store is about Real one -- Private store Sell Msg Fake - Private store Buy Or back wards.. Also there it was some other wierd bug for l2 dn but i lose it beacuse a noob spam the full board of Exploits ;/ Gl
  10. U play now in low or in hige rate server ... ?e Btw if u want to do pvp either in low or hige rate server u will always need the same +4 str -4 con +4dex -4 con and if u want +1dex -2con (its not 2 much but smt is smt) Blade dancer is a "almost" tank so u can waste thecon in dyes (also u can use pots and u will be hard to kill..)
  11. This was shared? w00t i never saw the other post Good one skaros (good for my mp4 =P) tytytyty Now lets download some britney spears music (???????) jaja
  12. 8 ) u have to hit the 2 door a lot of times and then it breaks and u get the key 10 ) when the little Gold dot appears stop put your nail on it and then click on it (on the little dot) and the key and the door will appear =P btw tzrcryp100 tell me how the -beep- can i pass lvl 14 -.-" [EDIT] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I FUCKING COMPLETE IT NOW I CAN LIVE IN PEACE
  13. Kind of good =P 6/10 there are better shops but this is good .. Keep up
  14. GrisoM


    Hahahahahaha i know what u r talking about 2 g 1 c =P and the other where the guy use the knive X___x Just lol i watch it whit a friend we just saw 10 seconds of that... Y.Y < -- sad face
  15. Read more carefully , there are other 7 clans (but they are not ally or nothing) so they will kill each others @skull1 Simple , w8 till the last moment (like 10 minutes before siege end) Go whit 4 of your 9 has Healers and the 3 or 4 has Daggers to kill fast evryone and at last the leader that will take thecastle has Paladin or Titan (u will need to be fucking strong when u cast the Engrave
  16. No psw? Good job (that must take some time =P) Personally i dont like those colors that much but u take the time to make it for all classes so GJ keep up =)
  17. If u use snipe , after the ud u will be stuck beacuse of the snipe LoL This dosnt work dude (i bet my ass that in l2 mafia or any other stuck sub this dosnt work) May be just HomeMade Servers where the ademin is a 14 years old boy =P
  18. Good work xD but I am not so obsessive about l2 =P may be for some other =)
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2455.0 Read the hero glow part (u will just have to set it has 0 to make hero glow go off of the infinity and after put the glow u want) bb
  20. 1 of all i put this here beacuse this is a guide to teach u how to scam not to prevent the scam (this has more relation to exploit than to general talk of l2) 2 even if they are old its a recopilation of the ones that work (they are not usless) may be for u beacuse u dont have patience of the apeeal for tricking some one ^^ Btw whit stupid scams in a server x1 i had in lvl 20 adena for buy top c grade so Usless? haha 4 sure they are not ;) Remember people has monkey brain u need to Exploit them =)
  21. if u have a interlude weapon and wanna make it to hellbound: 1-take a code of a hellbund weapon 2-from the interlude code, take the lineageweapons and lineageweapontex. 3-replace that on the hellbound weapon code and add the .utx files to the systextures folder And u r done to use any moded weapon in other chronicle Its the same if u want to do it backwards Has no one has ever shared this , why not make the post? =) bb
  22. aaa u edit it, nice ty (my cousin need this they have vista [Even if it sucks]) Ty =) This is not warez no?
  23. Personaly i am between 3-5 all days What about u?
  24. Google told me : It's an online desktop. The site will send invitations to everyone in a member's address book. Your email address is listed in someone's address book when he/she joined this site. This is why you are receiving these invitations. You can add your email to their block list so you won't receive these emails anymore [Edit] i keep reading and i also found out u can just block their domain to avoid their msg
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