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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. @virusa & skaros , its easy Just download it , install it click the desktop icon and it will appear a gold window in the middle of the screen u just need to give right click in that gold window and put options, after this u will have to set this up the way u like it (the hotkey) and when and how to heal cp mp and hp according to where u have your pots of hp cp and mp in l2 client Nothing else ^^
  2. Hide it for 100.- This minds u r back? or u just give this beofre u leave us again ? :P Good job mate rly usefull i will try it later in some servers and tell u if it works fine
  3. The only problem is the enchant rate in your server ;/ Btw Any one else? -.-" xD
  4. I know there are others but i dont remember them now so if u want to vote for that tell me and i add it Btw i have play the ps3 in a friend house and i think that is the best of all (i dont put pc on it beacuse it would win :P)
  5. Then why u didnt post it in Lineage II General Discussion [English] LoL u got to be kidding :| Just in some , in almost all servers u can Where the hell did u read that? LoL give me a link from the ofi page beacuse i have never read such a thing :/
  6. Well lets be more spcific of what the hell do i want : 1 when i say hige rate i mind over 1000x (i mind i dont want to lvl up ;P) 2 The enchant rate must be low like +16 max and also +16 to be safe 100% enchant rate (i dont want 1% of change of make it -.-) 3 Well i think there is nothing else to say beacuse i have patience, i like servers where u need to find an specific item to buy the best (most of times i get it whit cheats =P) 4 i dont care about the community i mind i will bring my friends to it ;) Ty all that help me PS remember i DONT WANT the regular servers of hopzone ok? i am banned in almost all top 20 xD So i want an underground server ¬¬"
  7. An intense and atmospheric shooter, Faith and a .45 features a heavy focus on characters, co-operative gameplay, road movie storytelling, and cinematic aesthetics. Faith and a .45 tells the story of Luke and Ruby -- two outlaw lovers destined to go down in history. The duo battles an oppressive enemy force, led by a ruthless, corrupt oilman who's out for their blood. Set in an original take on the Great Depression, one of the darkest periods in US history, the game is a gritty, cross-country epic -- a road journey with guns, a dark army of steel-plated vehicles, and armor-clad pyromaniacs. NOTE: This game has been announced as a project in development for next-gen systems, but it is unknown whether it will be released on this specific platform Just some pics , this is gonna come out in 2009 (jan - feb) http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1456/faithanda45200802011054qb9.jpg[/img] http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/3134/faithanda45200802011054cc5.jpg[/img] Video: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=72hIxd3Ysbo The games for 2009 look so -beep-ing cooooooooooool
  8. Very nice but i think 500 is 2 much , may be 300 - 250 But Again Good job my friend ^^ finally another good exploit =P Keep up!
  9. I reupload to rapidshare beacuse the page u give is a shit whit all the letters xD Put this one in your post madboy cos yours sucks hard =) http://rapidshare.com/files/149745811/beer.rar.html Btw, Beer? O.o Nice xDDDDDDD Crazy Share ;P
  10. Winning Eleven any one u want & Fifa 98 =PP my 1 football game :'( so many good times whit that game
  11. +1 the people that work in the lhc transform into Half-Life people O.o jajaj xD
  12. Nice buffer , is it for gracia or hellbound? I like that idea u use to make it , good job keep up !
  13. From another topic Dyes: HE +4 str -4 con +4 dex -4 con +1 dex -1 con SR +4 str -4 con +4 dex -4 con +1 str -1 con PR +4 str -4 con +4 dex -4 con +1 dex -1 con When u start use A grade Use Tallum heavy (exept for SR that u can use maj light) in 76-80 keep using a hige ++++ a grade or a draconic + when u r 80 and u can use the dinasty well Buy it xD Buffs? hige rate servers dosnt have limit of buffs lmao but u can use special buffs to each class HE: use Greater Might SR: use Greater Might PR: use Greater Shield
  14. o rly? they found out? jajajajajaja /cry Well i found one way to dupe anything 6-7 months ago =P but is not free my friend u need 200 post and there is not other way to get it so dont pm me asking for it http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26888.msg186126#msg186126 This is the link for when u reach 200 post bb
  15. From the very tiniest forms of life to the intergalactic level of existence, you are in control of life itself in this simulation game by Will Wright. Beginning in the primordial ooze, players create a character from DNA that will grow, survive, and mate as it evolves from a single-celled organism to a fully-formed member of an establishing species. As more and more creatures inhabit the world, and as evolution forms the future, your species will join herds, clans, even civilizations. The more advanced the creatures of the planet grow, the more complex the strife of survival becomes. And while the player can continue gameplay in Spore at any level -- playing as a cell, as a wild creature, or as a civilized and organized society – players can also step even further out and play the game from the planetary or interstellar level, while also going online to connect worlds with other gamers. General Features * A suite of flexible, intuitive creation tools leverages the creative imagination of the player. Creating an entire universe of creatures, plants, buildings, vehicles and planets has never been so easy or so fun. An infinite variety of design choices is just the beginning. * The world you explore is populated with creatures, plants, buildings and vehicles developed by other gamers and downloaded from a central database. The server chooses creatures and civilizations that best match your chosen environment, your experience level, and your creature's ability. In turn, your creatures are uploaded to the server to be shared with other gamers. * With procedural animation, your creatures and vehicles move based on how you construct them. They behave and interact based on your input and by their in-game encounters. That means there's no pre-determined path you must follow - the game evolves based on your decisions. * Wonder what another gamer was thinking when they created and evolved a creature? Uncover information about each creature's origin in the Sporepedia, yet another way to explore the truly endless universe of creative expression that is Spore. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spore_(2008_video_game) http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=jVH9Q8M8eaQ I alredy have it and its soooooooooooooooo -beep-ing cool u wont belive it I am mighty god =p
  16. the second one sounds crazy , but i try it and i breaker my weapon (i mind u lose the weapon but not the enchant scroll, so it may be usefull in low rates..) About the others just ::) ... Some kids have much free time to invent crazy storys =P
  17. Whit a lvl 67 ls u can get lvl 10 skill? no, u cant What is refresh skill? LoL
  18. Wrong section AGAIN... (why do u think there is a [Request] General Help) Can u at least tell us how much buff slots do u have ¬¬ and wich chronicle do u play? OMFGROFLMAO ¬¬
  19. 1 wrong section 2 use search 3 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33861.0 bb
  20. 3 times with Archemage (when i play i waste my time trying to get a castle and geting clan lvl 8, not with hero stuff)
  21. This is for spam topic + Who cares if any one like , it has too like u!!! not the rest w00t >.<"
  22. 1 phx is almost dead so is usless but.... if u want.. 2 Use search ok? 3 Here u have the posts (they are hide but any way i give u the links) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22219.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24341.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30017.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30871.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29369.0 Use search there are a lot of post about phx
  23. "u cant atack a person in peace zone" /fake or /This only work in your server ;) Sry But this dosnt work in l2j servers ;/ btw is not c6 is INTERLUDE
  24. And this for 500 post? LoL i think 100 or 150 may be but 500? u r crazy dude . . . also is just for your pack =P its like if u where doing a guide of how to use your pack w00t for those who use it well ty but i use l2j =P bbz
  25. 1) Press Additional Options... 2) Choose in hide this post The way u want to hide it [posts] and in Hiding threshold(Max 1000) put the cuantity of post u want to hide it [100-200 etc] bb
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