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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. [Esp] no me explicaste nada : 1 a cual de todos los bugs de multi kill q hay se refiere? 2 lo q dice este falco es q vos cambies a cualquier sub menos la base y cuando restarteas el bug the multi skill (q ni se cual es) se mantiene?
  2. plz explain your self better i dont understand nothing of what u right :/
  3. GrisoM

    Fav song(s)...

    according to vago : (i dont go to club so i skip that step) Whenever I need to relax... http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=_NrA28oo_ZQ (jajaja) Whenever I need motivation http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=xYTh6Qnb3m4 (lmao xD) nah .. i like old rock like ledzeppelin deep purple yes genesis queen those grups that make the greatest music of rock ;)
  4. http://rapidshare.com/files/111678846/fabrrp_s_npc_buffer_v2.zip.html HF
  5. i just try it and it looks great , u r making rly nice shares man keep up i like that work =) [even if i have the same problem that the others have estalish alredy]
  6. well then u will have to do the trade 1 and then pk evry one , but in half servers i play u cant target [so no pk] while u r in trade mode so this is kind of usless there is better ways to not drop (i have posted in my collection of xploits bugs [is like in page 5 or 6])
  7. the bracelets are just in hell bound (that is what i mind inthat line u dont get 1 of 5 words) just in hellbound u can have that and i want to know how the hell can i get that item (beacuse i know it gives p def and i need it xD)
  8. 2 ways , 1 advirtise it here (in private server section) 2 Put your server in hopzone, how? well u can make friend of kadar ;P (admin of hopzone) or u follow the rules and register on it gl whit population xD
  9. http://rapidshare.com/files/88630072/Super_Haste_Status_by_Kelin.rar gl
  10. he is just starting so he only make pure colors (the most easy thing to do in the world) give him some time if he keep up whit jobs like this = bad comments but for now its good ;P GJ fella keep up and improve yourself
  11. MAG: Massive Action Game is the tentative name for an upcoming MMO Shooter exclusively for the PlayStation 3[1] in development by Zipper Interactive. The game was announced at Sony's E3 2008 press conference, and will be released sometime in 2009.[2][3] Various subtitles are being considered for the game, including MAG: Shadow War, MAG: Zero, MAG: Global Assault and MAG: Final Hour. Look at the trailer w00t awesom : http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z7bQ3VJUQY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_Action_Game Looks like another promissing game for ps3
  12. Well i know that exist but i dont know how the fuck to get it (may be just gm can give it) any one knows where to get bracelets (i dont know if it is well right) this thing i want to know how to get goes in between of the 2 rings (there is a spot for it) Well ty xD (if some one knows the id of this items pls post it 2)
  13. looks good , i specialy like the bow and the staff (the only thing i dont like are the shields [they need to be 300% more gold]) keep up (whit new colors ¬¬) =)
  14. at least he organize it a littlebit (and refresh my memory to be honset) dont u think we should start some where whit this "section"? xD PS skaros PRO driver 100%
  15. GrisoM

    best race?

    why u make this post here LoL this is for Lineage II General Discussion [English] any way... i vote for male human , dark elf female but i have read something funny about this : If u choose the human race , that is beacuse u dont have seense of freedom and u r doom to always be the same even in a game (cry) If u choose the orc race , this mind u r an agreesive person in life that cant show it in real life so they show it in game (cry) If u choose the d elf race , this mind u r in conection whit your inner dark side and u can just show it in a game (cry) If u choose the elf race , this mind the opposite of the d elf u r dark in real life but u r inside more white than milk (cry) At last if u choose a dwarf , this mind u have a complex of in inferiority in anything in life (cry) THIS IS A PSYCHOLOGICAL GAME (cry)
  16. you need to write the patch of your __init__.py in the file scripts.cfg for example.. the buffer must be on gameserver\data\scripts\custom\9999_NPCBuffer them, open you scripts.cfg and write it in the last line: Code: custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py check if AltDevNoQuests = False if not, change it (options.properties) gl
  17. just make a standart NPC shop with jython and add function: Code: st.getPlayer().setNoble(True)
  18. 2 things 1 the female human look like a simpson character w00t ! yellow legs jaja 2 play whit magic wand tool and instead of make all of 1 coulor change some parts to be black blue or what ever u want .. my oppinion? we alredy have 2 many gold armors and weapons , do something new see ya
  19. gf , i recomend u , do a friend server , debugging a server is more hard than understand what steven hawpkings is trying to say , send us a system whit the host and make all gms ;P so we can play something like red vs blue and bla bla ;P i remember once i open a server whit 2 friednds and we play who win whit super haste a race arround aden in stryder XD ON TOPIC: yes , u have some good features over there but now i am looking for some faction server and i have been banned in almost evry single one of the 2 first pages of hopzone xD BB
  20. 2 replys in moding section and is not for help ? Spammer ;P Btw didnt some one alredy share an "acid bow" or msg like that alredy? any way , the armor looks good gj
  21. now u do well i dont know how to do it for all chars , but is exacly the same , look inside navicat in char table , and u will see (after u choose the char u want to edit) that it has evrything in there INT,WIT,MEN,DEX,CON,STR also to change the name the sex of the char to set it hero the pvp the pk evrything is in there u just need to modify it to the value u want
  22. chrome is fastest (at least that is what i read) they say that it double 2 times firefox speed . . . we will se when this is not a beta also it need many things for it self.. i preffer keep using firefox 2.0 ;D for a good time and in 3 months? give it a try [Edit finnaly i find it god damm it] FF3: 75fps Chrome: 230fps Opera: 13fps IE7: 43fps Safari: 63fps xD to compare ^^
  23. this mind u will open your own server? and u r asking us for the features of it?
  24. 3 things , 1 u r nw so np but next time when u need help post in [Request] General Help 2 u can use search ^_^ 3 i am good person so i help u ;P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32571.0 Link : http://depositfiles.com/es/files/4889333 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=31152.msg210268#msg210268 dude belive me this was hard to find cos all the patches that are to recognize treasure chest/box are for interlude xD good luck ;)
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