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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. explain yourlsef better .. u mind how to set up ur own char so u can be admin? open navicat-open chars table , look for your char on it and look for the window that says acclvl u have to put 200 in that slot and vuala u r admin whit full rights . 100 in acclvl is for your gms hope this is what u need xD also wrong place , some one move this to [Request] Dev Help [L2J] plx pl0x
  2. http://www.thisdayinmusic.com/birthdayno1 UK: The Fly - U2 USA: Romantic - Karyn White (?) AUS: Rush - Big Audio Dynamite (?)
  3. if u want add this (this is for add stat to [4 example] rabbit ears]) the same goes for all the other tattoos and rabbit ears whatever, just add that line here are you rabbit ears with +12% atk spd :P : PHP Code: <item id='7840' name="Rabbit Ears - For Event"> <for> <add val='0' order='0x10' stat='pDef' /> <mul val='1.12' order='0x20' stat='pAtkSpd'/> </for> </item> For the tattos here u have the full stats Quote: <item id='485' name="tattoo_o'_power"> <for> <mul val='1.33' order='0x40' stat='pAtk'/> </for> </item> <item id='486' name="tattoo_o'_fire"> <for> <add val='15' order='0x40' stat='reflectDam' /> </for> </item> <item id='487' name="tattoo_o'_stout"> <for> <add val="33" order="0x40" stat='runSpd'/> </for> </item> <item id='488' name="tattoo_o'_flame"> <for> <mul val='1.65' order='0x40' stat='mAtk'/> </for> </item> <item id='489' name="tattoo_o'_braze"> <for> <mul val='1.25' order='0x40' stat='rCrit' /> </for> </item> <item id='490' name="tattoo_o'_blood"> <for> <mul val='1.40' order='0x40' stat='bleedRes' /> </for> </item> <item id='491' name="tattoo_o'_absolute"> <for> <mul val='1.15' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'/> </for> </item> <item id='492' name="tattoo_o'_soul"> <for> <mul val='1.33' order='0x40' stat='pAtkSpd'/> </for> </item> <item id='493' name="tattoo_o'_avadon"> <for> <mul val='1.33' order='0x40' stat='mAtkSpd'/> </for> </item> <item id='494' name="tattoo_o'_doom"> <for> <add val='113' order='0x40' stat='pDef' /> </for> </item> <item id='495' name="tattoo_o'_pledge"> <add val='40' order='0x40' stat='pDef' /> <add val='7' order='0x40' stat='rEvas'/> <for> <add val='40' order='0x40' stat='pDef' /> </for> </item> <item id='496' name="tattoo_o'_divine"> <for> <mul val='1.80' order='0x40' stat='sleepRes' /> <mul val='1.80' order='0x40' stat='rootRes' /> <mul val='1.80' order='0x40' stat='stunRes' /> </for> GL ;D
  4. i just check it and to be honest i didnt like it why? 1 is disorganized , what makes found 1 item rly hard... 2 evrything (mobs quest , etc) is explained but is not show in map (is like map dosnt exist on that page) sry but i preffer use pm fun and l2 ofi page to check evrything My comment .
  5. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=QLr53FuQVsE http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ-AX1G0SmY&feature=related http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=1p0Yap5iG6o why titan pown in c4 xDD http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=nwC8KFfhQdY http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=eVq1kvXaMMM
  6. Well i just discover they develop this new web browser http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome has wiki says: A beta version for Microsoft Windows was released on 2 September 2008 Design Primary design goals were improvements in security, speed and stability compared to existing browsers. There were also extensive changes in the user interface Security Chrome periodically downloads updates of two blacklists (one for phishing and one for malware) and warns users when they attempt to visit a harmful site. This service is also made available for use by others via a free public API called "Google Safe Browsing API". In the process of maintaining these blacklists, Google also notifies the owners of listed sites who may not be aware of the presence of the harmful software.[9] Each tab in Chrome is sandboxed into its own process to "prevent malware from installing itself" or "using what happens in one tab to affect what happens in another". Following the principle of least privilege, each process is stripped of its rights and can compute but can not write files or read from sensitive areas (e.g. documents, desktop)—this is similar to "Protected Mode" that is used by Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista. The Sandbox Team is said to have "taken this existing process boundary and made it into a jail";[11] for example malicious software running in one tab is unable to sniff credit card numbers, interact with the mouse or tell "Windows to run an executable on start-up" and will be terminated when the tab is closed. This enforces a simple computer security model whereby there are two levels of multilevel security (user and sandbox) and the sandbox can only respond to communication requests initiated by the user.[9] Plugins such as Adobe Flash Player are typically not standardised and as such cannot be sandboxed like tabs. These often need to run at or above the security level of the browser itself. To reduce exposure to attack, plugins are run in separate processes that communicate with the renderer, itself operating at "very low privileges" in dedicated per-tab processes. Plugins will need to be modified to operate within this software architecture while following the principle of least privilege.[9] Chrome supports the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI),[12][13] but does not support the embedding of ActiveX controls.[13] Also, Chrome does not have an extension system such as Mozilla-compatible *.xpi cross-platform extension architecture[14] and thus XPI-based extensions such as AdBlock and GreaseMonkey can not be adapted to Chrome.[15] Speed The Javascript virtual machine was considered a sufficiently important project to be split off (like Adobe/Mozilla's Tamarin) and handled by a separate team in Denmark. Existing implementations were designed "for small programs, where the performance and interactivity of the system weren't that important" but web applications like Gmail "are using the web browser to the fullest when it comes to DOM manipulations and Javascript". The resulting V8 JavaScript engine has features such as hidden class transitions, dynamic code generation, and precise garbage collection.[9] Tests by Google show that V8 is about twice as fast as Firefox 3 and the Safari 4 beta.[16] Several websites have performed benchmark tests using the Sunspider JavaScript Benchmark tool as well as Google's own set of computationally intense benchmarks, which includes ray tracing and constraint solving.[17] They unanimously report that it performs much faster than all competitors, including Safari, Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8.[18][19][20][21] While Opera has not been compared to Chrome yet, in previous tests, it has been shown to perform a bit slower than Firefox 3, which in turn is slower than Chrome.[22][23] Another blog post by a Mozilla developer comparing the Javascript engines in Firefox 3.1 & Chrome using the Sunspider test results states that some tests are faster in one engine and some are faster in the other.[24] Well read more info in wiki my comments are , this is good about the speed beacuse of the low consume of ram BUT it dosnt have nothing has the ad block.. (we just have to w8) also there is others things that this dosnt have [Remember this is abeta] I dont recomend it just by the fact that is it a beta and has evry beta needs a lot of work to work better... tell me what u think if u have alredy dowload it Something fun , if u put :% in address bar it crash jajaja http://www.google.com/chrome <- Not warez xD
  7. u mind how to edit the weapon after u import it ? (edit whit photoshop the weapon?) there is a guide from K4rMaArr0ws to do that http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=31876.0
  8. rly? w00t the only way i know it was doing a few things whit D.O.S but if he cant remember his pass i cant think he would understand the d.o.s steps i do ;P Dude if the battery thing dosnt work ¬¬ , just reinstall the operative system ;P the only bad of this is u will have to install all files again xD
  9. if you atleast post what server pack you're using and wich revision. Then MAYBE someone can help you... coz if you just don't know, there are atleast 2 different zones system used on the different packs and they are pretty much different. If you're using L2JFree then you can open your peace.xml file from zone folder and remove the peace zone definition you want to remove to make it normal place. or move that zone definition to arena.xml file in order to make that zone a PVP zone. hope i help ;/
  10. wipe all? ahhaha 200k post dump to toilet? Lmao ::) i dont like the idea of delet the old exploits, some day some one will make a mistake and even the stupidest bugs will work (i am sure of that beacuse evry adming think he is god but there is always 1 xploit that work ^^) about the rest i give my up but untill maxtor is back from army we are stuck here whit same things xD [but this aint bad , has a fact i rly like the actual face of MxC]
  11. i just want to add something more (may be he didnt understand) You have to find the buffs (skills) ID...Then you must go: server\gameserver\data\stats\skills and find the skills that you want by their IDs... + The you can change their duration at the following lines: <effect count="1" name="Buff" time="30" val="0"> <sub order="0x40" stat="maxMp" val="#Tab-maxMp"/> </effect> At the ["30" number u replace it whit the number cuantity u want the buff to last] Just for help =)
  12. so this actually work? i will test it in some random servers , if this work this would be the next revolution of xploits xD Hax0r this work for u ? if it did tell me by pm (if is it possible) whit the server, i want be to admin and see what happend ;P
  13. 2 things this is an old theard .... for those that need an anti lag patch just download this one http://rapidshare.com/files/124379911/Antilag_pach_by_pretorion.zip.html Source: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26884.0 GL to all that are looking for this =) PS i have try it and it is the most usefull of all also the link isnt broken so download it now u have a chance xD
  14. 2 It wasnt donators? xDDDDD (this is spam ;P topic xD) 3 u mind delet 20k post ? 5 bah.. what do u mind exacly? 6 i want to see what will happend whit that 7 same that 5
  15. why u said that? by the fact they wont understand nothing about it? xD i mind that would be 1 section that dosnt allow no nw ;) no one can say ty to a poll about software ;P also if they lie we could ask him for what reason and if he dosnt answer QQ we know he is a fuck off ;P
  16. SImple the armor which u want edit has file with folder name stats into c:/server/gameserver/data/stats/ find the file with armor stats open with notepad, change the stats then save it and rr your server.. i think that u are ok and i help you too BB
  17. i explain it in another post some days ago: English http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lag Simply is that, also the Bandwidth is important http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwidth_(computing) beacuse of the bandwidth u have u will have more or less lag if u want to see your internet connection speed http://www.speedtest.net/mini.php if u want less lag 1 Get a good conection , get ram memory and get a server whit good machine xD (new info) remember each day the games improve thereselfs and for that reason u will always need better and better pc , for example i play a server whit 200 ppls and i have 2mb conection and 1gig ram and i play fine (whit hellbound and whit out the full graphics ofc ;P)
  18. +1 the only thing i would like that maxtor to add would be a sofware-hardware section (but he is away so i think we must w8 for him...) about the part that u say that half of the exploit dosnt work , well u have to understand evry time a new chronicle come out is harder to find new things ... I am trying to keep that area alive adding the bugs-exploits that still work , but there is alwas 100 noobs that repost the same shit again and i hate that .... whit out counting the post hunter that sa ys ty - yhea it work on my server or didnt work -.-" i would like to know what maxtor think .. just that..
  19. i have 2 questions for what i see in the screen shot , it looks like a c4 server no? or this can be aplied to any chronicle? Well answer me this and i may download it , just by the fact that i dont have not even 1 server c4 to play xD
  20. Use search xD Here u have a few: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17722.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27311.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24431.0 see ya
  21. i have never seens such a "comba" we call it in argentina in ronaldo goal (3 or 4 goal) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z01w7kSkDbg&feature=related
  22. about 5 minutes full buff , that is why i tell u this is usless xD if u read my 1 post u will know the golden rule USE HIGE GRADE LIFE STONE =) why? take a look ? ;P http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4169/shot00049sq3.jpg[/img] But there is 2 more that are best than those: http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/5871/shot00031ho2.jpg[/img] http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7206/shot00044tu8.jpg[/img] I have a file whit over 200 pics whit the most wierd actives and passive xD some day i will post them Remember hige grade = 1 Active or passive 4 sure whit 10 stone or less
  23. GrisoM

    What is hentai?

    that hentai is sexy (?) and manga is more sexy ;o
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