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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. KK i take it down .... I respect religion fans (i belong to the Catholic religion but i am not a monk and I do have some seense of humor instead of Reject ALL like a priest evry coment that have the x word in it xD come on people cant u take a joke? xD is not like if i post a pic of the holocaust ¬¬) HF :D
  2. GrisoM


    haha i am poor , the only thing i get it was a sega xDDDDDDDDDDDD so yes , like m... long time ago [i feel old xD] i buy emulators that bring games like the Crash Bandicoot and many of the first games of ps1 and nintendo Or also i buy an emulator whit 1000 games of the 80 and 70 xD Those games whit 1 pixel and 2d rock xD also that emu had the 1 mario :*), pong asteroids good games...
  3. is simple , ur usb port of cpu if fucked up , just plug it IN TO ANOTHER PORT , i mind all cpu have like 4 or 6 or 1 in the front i told u by experience , i have broke 2 of my 4 ports alredy xD
  4. GrisoM

    Good vs Evil

    - 312 o.O na joking 24.......... (jaja 83 =P)
  5. OFFTOPIC: u r wrong in the name but some one did a try of share something rly close to this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26885.0 BUT he never put download link so this is the Actual shared one xD ONTOPIC: m... i dont rly like it , i preffer your weapons (but ofc is your 1 share so gj any way =D)
  6. nooxD i dont nothing against any one xDDD ( :*( why y think that? if u want give me your msn and we can talk =D ) About the installing m.......... what do u mind , ofc is abig game (3g if i dont have bad memory) but it has a normal install no?
  7. press left click , have fun ::) yhea it would good.. u can find that whit puting in google gta sa tricks :P Like the spiderman , superman and resident evil? (they should just move that old post xd Gta videos (the must fun that may be exist of a gamexD) yhea i give my up for this
  8. very good job :) i like this duals For those who ask about the stats ....... come on xD u can change it in 5 minutes ¬¬ about the question u make , make draconic , hevens diviner , arcana mace and angel slayer (if u want and can ) GL
  9. Personally i lose like 2 hours before make this post trying so many possibilitys xD Take a look and as always, Have fun =) http://www.funny-games.biz/punkomatic.html
  10. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfhk5ZcPbfA http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=zZRQEtAyiTM http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=AUaWCcDlI5s http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=rWnP1UavAXA http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=g4WdL1uerRQ&feature=related
  11. Elf http://www.chriswetherell.com/elf/ hobbit http://www.chriswetherell.com/hobbit/ Latin (ftw?) http://www.latin.org/english/name-lookup.html Hieroglyphics (here there is no traslator but u can see the simbols of the letters) http://www.jimloy.com/hiero/yourname.htm Your name in runes http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/vikings/runes.html Mean of your name (?) http://www.paulsadowski.com/Numbers.asp Just to lose your time xD I enjoy it =) i am the migthy Ingwë Minyatur XD and i am the hobbit called Porto Frumblefoot of Bywater (-.-*)
  12. OUR???????????? WTF O.O HAVE I EXPLOIT THE WORLD WHIT NUCLEAR BOMBS HAVE I USE THE NATURAL RESOURCES SO MUCH TO DESTROY THE WORLD? u think something will change if i go to the white house or in front of any president in the world and i say to them plz stop -beep-ing the world ? Dude u have to be realistic , the only way is to fix this XXXX hole is by changing of presidents that arnt corrupted by oil , and that cientyst invent things to fix the biggest problems such has the contamination , polution bla bla bla we may help by not consuming so much , but come on u think that by posting in mxc u will cahnge 1 person? ;P at least i close my water when i clean my theet and i also take short baths :$ I propose skaros for greece president so he can start the change ::) xd <3 Not flame just reality xD and this sucks hard
  13. /traslator pwn (what would u do if i speak whit an argot ? W00t ^__^) kala oxi? Ftw?
  14. did the people that was before us think about us? i will not have children (at least by now =P) so i dont care about the others (why should i care if i am not responsalbe of nothing of this W00t!?)
  15. L I N E A G E 2 ( ? ) F T W A G A I N A N O T H E R P O S T O F T H I S ? ^ _ ^ O . o ^ _ ^ L O V 3
  16. nah ... we will all die any way so wtf do i care xD ( i have alredy do the best things of life ;P) Dont speak greek =( no me gusta q hablen en griego por q no entiendo nada xD
  17. i know this is not the flame wars post but this goes to all of u whit love Instead of flame why we cant keep hiting our heads against the keyboard , is that so hard? :S this boys should join fight club ..
  18. 2 things .. for skaros ... 1 /greenpeace fan detected 2 http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=QTOXdwOPreg Yhea .......... at least for now we are trying solve his problem xD now for karma failS? lol there's have been more natural disasters in this last years more than ever... 2 the come of the antichrist ( i think there is more than 1 by this time ) 3 wars in israel ? (how could they predict something that was alredy on LoL) y2k ... come on .... x) there is always some one that want to belive that stupid things will happend xD is like now whit the LHC now bla bla bla (they said we where gonna die 1 month ago and now they say we will die in september bla bla bla ) i will keep xploiting till something rly wierd happend bb
  19. go to any hack page (not games ¬¬) i mind real hardcore hackers of goverment [LoL] site. I can tell u 100% sure that if u dont belong that site, community they will send u 1000 trojans in 1-10 minutes xDDD (i speak by own experience =( Pwned) [EDIT] OR... i forgot download things from places that arnt trustfull xD u will see instant efects
  20. may be this? (is old but the link of rs is not broken) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4874.0 Here is the zoom patch for interlude and other patches http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6902.0 whit this u can see through the wall's but is not for that: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26884.0 GL
  21. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=nHydHfs8mmo http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=cbnUCVg_sX8&feature=relatedç latly this song is drving me crazy http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=xrIYT-MrVaI i cant stop hearing it
  22. i havent try none garcia yet but this is a usefull post: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=31301.0 PkForAllNoobs did it , there u have all garcia servers of hopzone GL
  23. GrisoM


    we have time xD but keep your promis, 27 or september (;P) u must have at least some shots of the movie ;P i would like to see me in there :*) xD
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZTNI3Iz6l8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGVyHEId6eA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO-hDphQzkc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2YeFBkgAY8&feature=related xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_RdaZKMdZw&feature=related if any one knows german or what ever this lenguage is tell me what it says http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_81r0IZmkU&feature=related
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