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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. I just find this and i had to post it xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [if some one has a problem whit this pic pm me IS NOT PORN -.-"]
  2. a few more : Frial http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15009.msg201687#msg201687 the_martines http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15009.msg201798#msg201798 pinotupa http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=16166.msg194451#msg194451 when more come out i edit (like yesterday post xD)
  3. haha that is a crazy work and rly nice ty [btw the re upload i still see the image little] Edit [why dont u put all your shares in 1 post? Just an idea
  4. 1 more to my file of funny shares xD whit karma faces Keep Sharing (if u find more wings it would be great ^.^)
  5. RF Online http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=hLZ2dG0Zie4 The interface http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=6OMtavS2dww&feature=related Perfect World http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=G8-_NRL2EZo&feature=related This are some good ones but there is a lot xD use search
  6. so what u said is do exacly like this post http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29841.msg200490#msg200490 just that the chars must have reflect? "because of the dual this time is enough for the raidboss to own it self" english plz :/ i cant understand wtf are u trying to say. It will happend the same that in the other post: after u atack the raid boss he will start to hit u and he will make the duel end LoL Usless This dosnt work at archon server 4 sure
  7. If i u want here u have it 2 SPANISH GUIDE: [Made by me it took me 20 minutes traslate all xD] PAYPAL: 1 Vas a necesitar saber algo sobre paypal , paypal es algo como un banco online. Vos podes usarlo para comprar cosas online (incluyendo cosas de eBay) o para mandar dinero a personas por qualquier rason. Vos podes recivir dinero de qualquier persona q tenga paypal. Tambien podes agregar una cuenta de banco , tarjeta de devito o tarjeta de devito a to cuenta de paypal ppara ayudar a financiarlo. Para empezar ~Si vos no queres q tus padres sepan de tu cuenta paypal, y vos no tenes manera de financiarla (atraves de un banco o una tarjeta de credito) entonces empeza por crear una cuenta australiana de paypal, si no, no vas a poder mandar el dinero sin atadura de cuenta bancaria o de la tarjeta de crédito~ *NOTA* Crear una cuenta de paypal desde australia causa algunos asuntos, si conseguis limitado vos vas a tener que esperar 180 días hasta que sea ilimitado Pasos 1. Empeza por ir a www.paypal.com (asegurate de tener tu e-mail con el q puedas accesar por q vas a necesitar una confirmacion del mismo para registrar la cuenta de paypal.) Steps 2. Elegi tu país (australia si es que no tenes cuenta de banco/tarjeta de credito) Los artículos destacados en verde son que se explica por sí mismo,solo lealos. Personalmente utilizo la cuenta personal porque no utilizo pagos de la tarjeta de crédito. [esta parte esta traducida por un programa] 3. Asegurate de poner toda informacion real a tu cuenta de paypal por q si conseguis el limitado no vas a poder probar que sos realmente vos. 4. Vas a recivir un e-mail de confirmacion. Clickea en el linnk de tu e-mail (pone los 16 caracteres que reciviste en tu inbox del mail) Ahora tenes Paypal! Disfrutalo! Well Add it to the main post if u like rietvield =)
  8. has norka25 say , in all servers u cant put the agumentated weapon in the inventory of your pet the only way to trade the agumentated weapon is the way i posted ... btw if this work for u at least tell us the server xD This dosnt work in archon server alternative or white eagle
  9. From now on I want pics xD
  10. . . . evry day the people is more dumb xD IS NOT A BUG O M G this is a stupid things that koreans add to lineage so 1 can see if your partner is trying to marry whit another person look this is what happend when u try to engage whit another person when u are alredy engage L2 THING NOT BUG BB
  11. haha nice mod of the Tianyu Wings good job But... Credits? u make it? Any way nice share
  12. L2 Mafia stuck sub server www.l2mafia.gr L2 Venezuela stuck sub server www.l2vzla.com L2OlympianGods Multi Sub www.l2olympiangods.com Its hard to find a stuck sub that didnt become hellbound ;/ hope i help
  13. nice u finnaly end up re moding all and u add a custom mask !! rly nice share i am dowloading it now , has i said before i keep my vote i like the black one more
  14. Its based on the same foundation of this post info http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29030.msg196620#msg196620 The only thing is that u post a way to use it ... "use search" [in answer to your 2 post]
  15. No u cant , when u get to log in screen It appears the critical error problem [or u get stucked and u cant continue] also i want to add something that happend in 1 server i use to play... The server was interlude [c6] and for 2 weeks a guy log in whit a c5 chronicle by some reason that guy that log whit the c5 account bug all the things that he did (just by the fact of play whit another chronicle ) and the server close
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27308.msg198334#msg198334 Profundis says : need post http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27308.msg199719#msg199719 kkookk says : thnx for the share [he dosnt have the post count] well the rest of the post is spam Its hard beacuse yesterday from 1 to 7 in greek time there is not moderators and nws spam The most easy way is to show u whit this .... my post was 1 in the exploit section well now i wake up and i see its in the 2 page why? beacuse of post like this magonet spam all topics ... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26741.msg200149#msg200149 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22003.msg200151#msg200151 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26884.msg200152#msg200152 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27771.msg200154#msg200154 when i say all i rly mind that :S http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17943.msg200158#msg200158 all the topics intill mine he spam saying thnx nice share bla bla bla bla http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22730.msg200252#msg200252 Lauder says : thx http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20327.msg200247#msg200247 Lauder says : nice There is a hole lot more and i will edit this post soon has i can [i go to eat] in my opinion , This forum needs some one to moderate at nights [1-7] beacuse the forum get "spamed" Dont tell me there is people moderating at that time cos i have been all last week in those hours [in arg we have a difference of 6 hours so is not 2 late for me] and no one appear [just sees a few times] Well Lets Clean this forum Edit I add this F^*ing Post HUnter that have me sick nhatthien16 more than 100 post in 1 day , i dont know how mods didnt dekarm him Look this for example He says Nice share your share really rules and he dosnt have to post count http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4559.msg201409#msg201409 There is a lot of spam That he just say thnx nice share and crap here u have 5 proovs (i wont post the 80 post that are spam >.<") http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21948.msg201407#msg201407 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6001.msg201404#msg201404 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24008.msg201340#msg201340 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29891.msg201047#msg201047 He dosnt have post count again: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29642.msg200961#msg200961 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29889.msg200943#msg200943 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22892.msg201411#msg201411 Double post: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28121.msg200720#msg200720 Hahaha this noobs think they wont be Catched ^_^ MOREEEEE August 01, 2008, 07:08:30 AM Now true mining of What the hell Prize Goes TO rbzx For Triple pOsT http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21979.msg200205#msg200205 More? u rly want more? here u have =D Guerra09 Watch His Filosofic Comment : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24977.msg201494#msg201494 Uff u rly need a night mod =P Pm me When u want haha xD
  17. LoL? [there is something called EDIT] For me it didnt work at any of the servers i try, so why rase the post count of something that dosnt work that much ...? [half of the people that says thx bla bla bla dosnt even try it] In this 2 servers it didnt work l2 alternative (interlude) l2 eternal flames (interlude)
  18. GrisoM

    GxM Banned

    Just : Is simple xD
  19. Cuil (pronounced [kuːl], "cool") is a search engine that organizes web pages by content and displays relatively long entries along with thumbnail pictures for many results. It claims to have a larger index than any other search engine, with about 120 billion web pages. It went live on July 28, 2008. Unlike other search engines, Cuil's privacy policy states that it does not store records of users’ search activity or IP addresses. Cuil is managed and developed largely by former employees of Google: Anna Patterson, Russell Power and Louis Monier.Another founder, Tom Costello, has worked for IBM and others.The company raised $33 million in venture capital from Greylock and others. Name The Irish ancestry of Patterson's husband sparked the name Cuil, which is taken from a Celtic folklore character called Finn McCuill. The company says its name is Irish for knowledge and hazel. Launch criticism Cuil's launch was widely covered by the press, and was roundly ridiculed and panned by most reviewers. Concerns ranged from slow server response times to irrelevant or bad search results, and in at least one case inappropriately pornographic responses.Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Watch questioned the validity of Cuil's claim that it had the world's largest search engine index, and criticized it for focusing on size rather than quality. Page : http://www.cuil.com/ Well it may be slow but the privacy policy its something important .. tell me what u think people
  20. 1 nice work , try do it for all classes it would be nice 2 what does it have on her shoulder ? looks like an A inside of a circle
  21. u need 100 post but is not so hard to make them be patient and go here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26888.msg181924#msg181924 the 2 one i right if a bug for life stone hope i help
  22. fakoykas ... this program rocks? trelos xD jaja i speak & read greek now O.o nice one XD
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29642.msg199518#msg199518 lightside2300 says: wow this is rly funny xD http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24341.msg195603#msg195603 look this RaZzoR 5 post says: really nice, if only i had those posts to see the exploit. :p and Noob of the year MasterOfHeros say: -1 to RaZzoR spam plz xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD after this 7 more post they are going to use it or thnx [all togheter dont have 120 post xD] at least they are funny ¬.¬ [EDITTTTTT SRY I JUST FIX THE LINK TY >.<]
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