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Legendary Member
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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. Psychologist or doctor .. 1 more year and i am in uni ^_^
  2. Ok Some more for my Beautiful people of mxc =p
  3. i remember the sticky animations skaros and k4rma did some time ago so i search in youtube and i find a few that rly like me check it: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=W86MawPhCno http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=oraONu7Jp_Y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fight club rules http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=agi8PUmlAKU Fight from fight club =p 1) http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ0T59qKK-s&feature=related 2) http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=hf4IoxEUmHM&feature=related 3) http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=zUQ_EVE1Zpc haha xD
  4. Gifs or gtfo ok? =) I upload more later (its annoying put gifs [take like 1 minute each one -.-"])
  5. GrisoM


    youtube + meme = http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=Zse_kOEI3x0
  6. Legendary (previously known as Legendary: The Box) is a first-person shooter video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published in the United States by Gamecock Media Group and in the United Kingdom by Atari. The game is scheduled to be released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC formats. The game will begin shipping on October 21, 2008. The game takes place in modern day international cities, including New York City and London, as well as other undisclosed locales. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=CSKtyz8QvcE WoW i just saw this vid and i want to share it whit u looks like another great shooting game
  7. GrisoM


    meme is not what sheep say?
  8. u dont put stefoulis15 to yor char? jaja xD any way ... looks good ( i dont like the glow but the duals are great!) Keep sharing
  9. This if fucking english section for christ saing -.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ ntafini 1 item , i dont understand greek sry 2 item make a post where u say [REQUEST] Server developers 3 item ( u mind what to put in server? ) if is it this , make a poll whit what people want .. 4 item Well the votes for server.. there is many ways but the most simples are , advertise your server in hopzone and here in Private server section and u can check some exploits for vote more than 1 time =P 5 item About the npcs.. well u need to tell us The revision .. also check in forum there is a lot of npcs for nobles adena items , etc (if u want like i tell u before, make a post whit [REQUEST] tag and put in there the revision u use and what npc do u need) the items 6 7 8 are in greek so i dont understand .. if u have more questions do a request topic or send pm BB GL
  10. Its easy, go to hopzone , and after page 15 or 17 evry single one of those servers has phx working .. But ! about the ones whit many votes , u will find just a few like core ;P Any way good post ;)
  11. i dont think so.. i think its complitly the oposite , evry time a new client comes out its harder to found new xploits bug , etc ... at least that is my chase :/
  12. Could u re upload the pic again plz? i cant see it very well (any way i am downloading right now =P) any way , i can see the lines of matrix going down the armor and it looks "Perfect" GJ keep whit the wierds shares xDDD
  13. We havent share something like this , by saying this i mind no one make a guide, but we have alredy talk about this a loooooooooooot of this in [Request] Client Mods Help ... any way you organized it so.. good job!! x)
  14. Nice u make a recopilation of evrything to fix buffer and modify it . Very usefull for naabs and very well explained has xxrxx said 1 more for my file full of guides ;)
  15. So.. there is a a lot of new "ugly" pets and now u can mount a horse (?) xDDDd hahahaha the only photos they show are about summon, some crapy items and a new family of mobs (i guess its a new raid boss) Btw the last pic look like a Casino Game O.o Ps : there is a squerrel pet AHhAhaHahaHaHhahA Gf evry time more boring chronicles by nc soft :P
  16. Dude... seens 2003 (realse of l2) u think they will have alllll new ideas? ;P come on evry one has at least copy something from other games .. any way if it improves the game whats the problem? [Also is not copy beacuse if it was the same the wow managers would take legal actions against korans and l2 managers would lose a lot of $ so i dont think its the same... (may be they pay for the rights to use it? O.o) who knows..]
  17. Off Topic: he didnt , just think 1 second and u will see that he only have 1 post .. Last Active: July 29, 2008, 12:58:06 AM He dosnt log in seens 2 months lmao ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Topic This is old , this DOSNT work in l2j (any revision u want) For example this dosnt work in l2 archon or l2 alternative People if this "xploit" works for u DONT JUST SAY "IT WORKS ty" Tell us where the hell did it work For christ saint -.-"
  18. Yes u can has a fact i get my prominence lvl 10 active just whit medium grade stones but the % of geting active is less than whit hige grade stone
  19. Is an upcoming video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It is scheduled to be released in late 2008 for Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It is a completely new chapter in the Prince of Persia universe and it introduces a new gameplay style, and a new graphic design to the Prince of Persia series. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Tc9ye9ArM&feature=related The adventure begins with a new Prince of Persia, a wanderer, a vagabond, returning home from an adventure on a donkey laden with treasure, which he earned on his previous venture. He desires to spend his treasure on many luxuries, including women and liquor. But suddenly, he is caught in a fierce sandstorm. When the sandstorm subsides, he finds himself in a mythical garden of beauty, dominated at its center by a massive Tree of Life. The Prince and a girl, Elika, find each other, and, in the same predicament, decide to help each other. Together, they venture to the center of this grand oasis. When they arrive at the center, they witness the destruction of the tree, and the liberation of Ahriman, the ancient god of darkness. After being set free, Ahriman starts corrupting the lands with darkness and evil. The Prince, with the aid of Elika and her new found powers, take up arms against Ahriman's corruption, in an attempt to drive it back and cleanse the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_of_Persia_(2008_video_game) This game is coming out in holidays looks -beep-ing great
  20. it was late when i make this topic =P so in keyboard a look like u and etc etc ... =P PS vago binari = If (you.flame > "1" && !you.mypal); you.gtfo; endif. Lmao O_________o
  21. Nope the normal shield disappear and the greater shield stays (if u dont belive me i show u whit images): Normal Buffs (i have shield lvl 3) http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/3889/shot00122tz1.jpg[/img] Whit shield lvl 10 (u can see shield lvl 3 has dissapear and greater shield remain in buff bar) =) >>>>>>> i have all agument in server <<<<<<< Keep asking i like to answer xD
  22. Me: Loser God: I have failed at many things I've tried Me: I can see that God: Yes, it makes sense to me too I WIN
  23. this is spam topic but come on xD ........... now i am scared ty -.-" xD (^)<>(^)
  24. In my Case i just speak 3 languages Spanish, english and italian (i have forgot how to speak and write french) So u?
  25. Where it says False U must Right True ...... ok?
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