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Everything posted by Kara

  1. What you need is love and a good low rate to play.
  2. If you continue spam i'll send you feet pics of my ex.
  3. Let's be honest. C4 were the chronicle that made us fall in love with Lineage 2. Somewhere in some internet home a friend told us come make a character and i'll show you how to play and afterwards we were addicted. Interlude were the chronicle that introduced the most PvP servers and we were excited to get free items that in low rate c4 we had to farm for ages and have full buffs. Kamael/Gracia were the chronicle that didn't accept instantly but it was fun cause it introduced nice events had improved graphics, more actions and areas to expore and we enjoyed a lot. Freya were the chronicle that Lineage 2 had to stop. Amazing work and i believe many loved it but it never succeed cause HighFive came too fast afterwards and people tend to follow the latest for some reason. HighFive were the last chronicle considered Lineage 2 by many and stand strong till today cause it has zero teleport crash, and more balanced gameplay especially for low rate servers. After that Lineage 2 was a downfall.
  4. How about you stop both?
  5. If i had time i would help you but i barely sleep with so many clients i work with. Ignore all and do it yourself and after a year or so little by little you can sell it for 1.000 or so not just 200 euro. Acis itself for me is a failure not because of the server but the client itself. No matter what you do on this project there will be always lag and disconnects if you dont buy any customized dll from any developer. Not fan of latest trash chronicles that copy aion and stopped in freya/h5 which personally i believe is the last l2 chronicle, i still respecr how smooth newer chronicle are.
  6. Stop copying me bitch. You ain't get famous. #CopyCat #AnarcyProject #AnarcyDrunkenRabbit
  7. Entertain me more. Also too much Drama.
  8. Its funny how you lick me for codes and in the end you apologized to me in private cause my codes were indeed good and players enjoyed. Bipolar guy. Half of times you talk nice 5 min after you trash talk to the same person
  9. You're in this forum more than 10 years. What thing other than edit XML you learnt so far? Cause this is how you learn java you just open eclipse and write code easy as fuck. I want buy some services from you. PM me please with your prices. Stop the non sense bullshit please. The fact that you advertise your services in a report section is disappointing already. "If their posts are negative or anti-client" whatever this mean. Yes we saw Vilmis also who was professional and nice talking guy how you ended up with him. Please stop. So if the feedback are not real then what about yours? splicho left Negative feedback for a topic January 24 Graphic Services (Banners, Logos etc..) He didn't pay me. Never received my money.. so I had to cancel the order after I finished the logo for him. This is not real also ? :)
  10. Why you afraid you won't have the latest source and you gonna miss the ultra super duper crazy features? Silly people...
  11. Like you did with your EX cause your current girlfriend is fat?
  12. @Celestine You banned 3 profile of his within a day. You are bigger biatch than i though :O you make me proud. Now regarding what been said on the topic, i respect @Tryskellfor his dedication all these years but it's not "single man project". The community and the contributors/testers/monkeys made aCis what is today even tho it's still unfinished project. Without those helpers he wouldn't locate issues to fix not that i blame him but we need to be honest. Still none of you (including me) should really talk about "ownership" of a project. L2J did the whole work, the structure the packet debugging e.t.c. It's their source, not "ours". Without the basic code from L2J you guys would still use be like Elfocraft who tried make a project from scratch and after weeks he abandoned it cause it's hella work.
  13. Aside jokes and hate. Whoever used that code is really idiotic. Simple people who can't understand programming will laugh at such code. I had clients in my life who didn't know how to edit an XML yet they understand some basic java and they managed to copy paste after watching me write code on their PC some code in efficient way. Vilmis on the other had did worst job than those.
  14. The worst code / structure / programming i ever seen in 12 years. https://pastebin.com/kN1NA98T Hands down.
  15. Check my topic out and send me a PM if you want: Let's be honest. It's L2J based pack in 2015 and i have re-worked many systems (including drop which is completely from scratch since L2J fucked it up using interfaces and made it way static) but it has billion of customized codes and addons to check.
  16. I paid you 1 year ago for nudes and you didn't send anything. Beware cause you might end up reported too.
  17. Lucera for example wanted to sell his trash source 10.000 euro but in the end he though money is low. You do the same mistakes over and over. Nothing more to discuss here. Im done.
  18. No they can't. I do this freelance thing for like 10 years and the money i lost all these years from "tiny" fees such as paypal fees, bank fee, exchange rate e.t.c could easily buy me a new BMW M5 2021 edition. So imagine adding extra fee for what? For MaxCheaters staff that is already doing nothing in the forum other than spam "Ok solved, topic locked" to earn money on my work? So basically the creator sit down his ass, work, stress himself and in the end 50% of his earning are lost because of exchange rates and fees? Not worth it. Maxcheaters has nothing to do with the exchanges, you got your personal drama got too far. You had an issue with Vilmis but is over. It's on the client's hand to decide if the seller is good and how he pay. Not the forum's issue. Maxcheater is here to show-off seller's products. Not act as middle-man. And in the end why should i trust a middle-man? Who you think is behind MaxCheaters? Some FBI agent? They are typical 25 years old kids like you who 5 months ago they were nothing. So let's say we have a big trade for a source that cost 5.000 euro. Let's say i deposit money on the middle man and he is Global Mod and 1 minute later he disappear with 5.000 euro... What you gonna do? Track him down? Call the police and let them know that you buy illegal products online? MaxCheaters is here as showcase and not a vendor. Appreciate that you are connected to many people who are taking tasks on the subject you love and stop pretend you're inside a shop all of sudden. In the end if you cannot understand the the product you're buying is bad or the seller is not trusted you shouldn't even have access on the internet.
  19. No they won't. Who wait 2 years to open a server. Not even those who invest 20k
  20. Afcourse the guy's code didn't work cause he don't even know how methods are working. Either you listen to me and do what i said and put some effort or nop. I explained you exactly what you need to do. Open distributeItem method and you will understand.
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