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Everything posted by CodyRo

  1. Thank you. I already got this from http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/182405-c4-god-patched-systems-file-editors/ ::)
  2. Ouch! Nice interface Golden Man ^-^ . Works for H5 right?
  3. I get this http://prntscr.com/f6yuwp when i start Make_Interface.bat
  4. How this can be installed? Just copy/paste?
  5. Nice job. Thank you for this. I will apply this. So must to keep the 22_21 and 23_21 without replace...
  6. I decryped with WOT Explorer and i delete thats lines on Notepad++ http://prntscr.com/f6qj36 But now must to encrypt back but i have no ideea how.
  7. All right and after change right click and Save its enough?
  8. And what now? http://prntscr.com/f6k8cm Can i replace simply the VGhpcyBTZXJ2ZXIgdXNlcyBMMkosIGEgUHJvamVjdCBmb3VuZGVkIGJ5IEwyQ2hlZg== with my text or delete last 3? activeChar.sendMessage(getText("YW5kIGRldmVsb3BlZCBieSBMMkogVGVhbSBhdCB3d3cubDJqc2VydmVyLmNvbQ==")); activeChar.sendMessage(getText("Q29weXJpZ2h0IDIwMDQtMjAxNQ==")); activeChar.sendMessage(getText("VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciAxMSB5ZWFycyE="));
  9. Eclipse cant find "enterworld.java - 0 matches in workspace"
  10. alibabank Can you share your effect as full pack?
  11. I do not have this file in my server enteworld.java or enterworld.java
  12. How can i remove this message from login chat? http://prntscr.com/f6f4ow
  13. Very nice share my friend. But not for H5 :- Can i find here VIP System for H5?
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