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Everything posted by Ident

  1. When it says "cannot run in your local" than you need to modify your windows: This problem occurs because of incorrect regional settings of the operating system. To solve this problem, follow these steps: 1) Open Control Panel (Start-> Control Panel). 2) In Control Panel, open Regional and Language. " 3) In the Advanced tab select the English language for non-Unicode programs. (when you want to run the russian pts, than change it to Russian, but that needs the russian pts client!) 4) Save changes by clicking on the OK button. 5) Restart your computer And when you have problems with the data2.cab file, then you need to disable all your antivirus program cuz they read into the package files too, and there is the gameguard, that is not a worm, its a gameguard :)
  2. i think he needs the off-like working skills for every class and the passive ones. In many pack they are not implemented...
  3. Gracia Final PTS is now LIVE Those Russian guys have purchased the L2 Final from NCsoft and started to develop they own russian L2 Final server. Its a PTS server atm, but soon it will go to live with normal setup. Atm its free to register and free to download the final client from they site: http://l2.ru/ Client download: http://l2.ru/download/client.html Registering an account: https://quickreg.4game.ru/lineage2/?pid=2540 They want to do their server to a free to play server, but with donation. This new donation is already implemented now. Only bad news is that the client it self and the whole game is in cyrill character-code. When you start a new character, the first one will be lvl83, you must go to some cat and change your classes, than relog to have ur skills. But when you want to have another char on your account, it will be lvl 1, so you need another fresh and clear account to test a new high level character. I find this server at l2jfree board, credit goes to "gnat" for it :)
  4. Hi there! I want to ask that how can i enable that the HP potions (or any potion/elixir that i drag to my skillbar) shows me reuse-animation on my skillbar? Anyone can do this when its not done yet? Anyone with some coding skills can do something or give some instructions where to start, what network packet need to display it or anything? Im not a coder, but some of my friend is and i can give him hints thru your ideas. Thank you for reading!
  5. sorry to disappoint all of you guys, but the pictures arent L3! http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=PL&hl=pl&v=t_j1vkPn0Rc This game is called T.E.R.A.
  6. i was searching for hidden items (from 20000 to 20062) on my own server, the results are below :) http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/4738/shot00010by6.jpg[/img] http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/5984/shot00008hk9.jpg[/img] http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/4467/shot00007ou9.jpg[/img]
  7. first thx for the share its awsome! second: i use now l2jfree 1.2.4 Gracia partII. I would like to use this but since im not well experienced in the case to how to make this working, i just need youre help Mafia, so when you have a little free time, tell us how to make this awsome stuff to be working with the latest L2Jfree step-by-step guide :) thx!
  8. - xperl - atlas & atlas loot - cartographer - simplecoords and some profession addon :)
  9. is this way a secure way? I mean when someone want to see the code of the page, he will see the DB password and username? -.-
  10. omg! you dont played with wow right? all that 2 game are really good, but L2 just started to grow, and wow was already on top when it was released...
  11. farcry engine. At the moment in CBT 3rd part there are many fixes and new things, for graphic they made again updates (new options added, some options deleted...).
  12. cuz that special jewels arent only at one grade, and its much more faster way to collect them via this NPC. Other thing that you are able (or not xD) to make ur own option in another NPC's html to collect at one page those items. Thank You for the share!
  13. hehhe nice nice :) btw. can it be changed for other textures for better looklike?
  14. GameGuardEnforce = False GameGuardProhibitAction = False in file: options.properties
  15. all of you are totally wrong about the vitality system. Its created for the peoples that cannot play 24/24 7/7 :) And the maximum value is 300% of the normal exp. So When u are offline for 2 months, you cannot catch in level the other ones who was playing normally, thats a bullshit that you wrote :D And ofcourse vitality will turn off when you play some time ingame. It must applyed also when you just sit in towns. Its created like the World of Warcraft's vitality system and its a fair and good system for those who just live the real life too :) All of you talking about something without any knowledge... Try it before post some new bullshits...
  16. site: http://www.wowzeus.gr/ forum: link on site Zeus WoW Server [v2.4.3] -- Very Stable European Dedicated Server -- Intel Core2Duo E6600 4 GB RAM with 100mbps connection -- Rates: Realm 1: x30 -- 100% uptime -- Join US NOW -- Zeus WoW -- www.wowzeus.gr -- Zeus WoW ---updtate--- 2.4.3 support
  17. new island, new mobs, flying ships to reach the new island, new skills, skill changes, new quests, maybe new raids... thats what i know about Gracia at this time :) thx for the share its looking great ;) and some special map :) http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/3369/l2map4ow5he2zulc3.jpg
  18. hehe i use this long time, but not thinked about to paste here :( thx to share :P
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