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Everything posted by Ident

  1. Thanks, many updates will come in the upcoming weeks, so there is a possibility that ICC will be one of them step-by-step with scripts.
  2. We have updated to WotlK 3.3.2 (11403). Soon ICC will be available for the players.
  3. Support forum says anything about it on their forums (You'll need to download their bin32 folder and replace it with the one.)
  4. http://www.aiondominion.eu/forum/index.php?topic=358.0 imo just forget it... Go to Infinite, thats the most frequently updated server out there for free atm.
  5. 1- Yes there are, but in different method like in WoW 2- see 1 and this game is PvPvE (learn more about at the official site) 3- Some of them needs to be quick as hell and some tactic ( scripted instances, for ex. one of the instances when you fight the boss, you'll need to turn switches, or there will be "trouble" :) ) So shortly: Yes 4- Defenietly! 5- Yes, many things are depend on your level and gear, many quests need grouping, even if you are +10 level higher than the Elite mobs and you wear plate, they hit hard.
  6. It's a fork based on aionwh.com with a lot of missing/outdated data. Also aionwh uses hes own sniffer for droplist (droplist % based on reported drops, wich means when something got looted only 3-4 times, it can be a false %, minimum reported drop number needs to be over 100 for something familiar with the original values), so it's not a really impressive at all, maybe with time...
  7. CC codes: 1(NA Client), 2(EU Client), 7(RUS Client) Infinite uses his own launcher and for support search their forums, theres a tons of topics like your problem. GL.
  8. Notice that you'll need AionNA client and NOT AionEU and version of When you have AionEU client, you can do 2 things: 1- update your client with the original nclauncher, but in options use NA version. After this you'll need to download a bin32 folder from some private servers out there (google is your friend!) with the no-ip patch (this needed because official is now wich isn't supported at this time by the gameserver). 2- go into the gameserver\config\ folder and edit the gameserver.properties as the follows: # Server Country Code (cc) gameserver.country.code=1 You can use these codes instead of the default "1": 1(NA Client), 2(EU Client), 7(RUS Client) Regards: Ident PS: I personally highly recommend everyone that stay as player or use only at localhost when she/he cannot create a quality server. Noone need tons of sh1t servers that l2j had and destroyed not only the game it self, but the whole java community. When you go to the gameserver emulator's forum, do not beg, it is at the very beginning the whole thing, with time it will grow.
  9. And/or (when you are Elyos) in Sanctum. It costs 10.000 Kinah, you go to the NPC and only need to write your legion's name, press ok, confirm the 10.000 Kinah and you are done.
  10. Ident

    [Bug] Aion Mage

    Are you sure? :D Every player at offi says that sorc. is OP. Very OP :)
  11. Have problems with explanation reading? Try google what means alpha in develop. Everything is fine till lvl 20? You have than no idea about official ;)
  12. I tested it after some great time again and i was surprised how many things got implemented. Imo the droplist need some more develop and the creatures hit too hard regarding to official crerature damages, every other thing that i found i knew it for it is under development (like wrong/missing spawns) :)
  13. This one is a great server, join it if you want to see, how a server developement grows. Good luck guys!
  14. The next generation of Aion is close. Awsome graphic enchantments, guild houses, more exciting wars with golems, SWIMMING, ships, winter/summer effects (snow!!!), living planet, improved and new guild functions, pet system and taming striders/mounts, and many many many more will come in the future. Asians called it Aion 3.0 So here is the movie, i recommend you to watch it in FULL SCREEN AND IN HD !!!
  15. You dont have maps files. Use an extractor and follow the instructions (extractor name: ad.exe). This extractor is IN THE PACK: c:\AC Web Ultimate Repack\Expert Mode Server\Extractor\
  16. DK (high survival ability and great def.) with proper gear and pt. But i can say it to any toon that have big armor... But in wotlk depends on the boss it self too.
  17. Name Server: Fhatys-WoW Website: www.fhatys.hu English: http://www.fhatys.hu/page.php?11'>http://www.fhatys.hu/page.php?11 Information / Features Fhatys-WoW was created by some old players to prevent them from any Admin's mood for random ban's and feeding others. Main goal is to create a community where anyone can feel safe hes/her character without any corruption. We have working blizzlike scripted instances, DeathKnight support with fully scripted epic quests, own developed quests (in hungarian language) with balanced rewards, and a lot of things that simple mangos servers doesent have, like wehicle support, fully working BG/Arena, outdoor pvp events (Wintergrasp) and many-many things. Also we use VMAP! At this time VIP is available only for Hungarian peoples, but VIP gives only some funny commands to use, NO teleport, nor modify money or so, it is really balanced and not harm the gameplay. Soon we will support VIP for non-hungarian players too. Server is started at 2009 sept. 19. We have a growing community, so do not waste your'e time to search for a good blizzlike server, join us today! - You can reach us at our forum's English session: http://www.fhatys.hu/forum'>http://www.fhatys.hu/forum - When you want to register, use google's translator :) http://translate.google.hu/translate?prev=hp&hl=hu&js=y&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fhatys.hu%2Fforum%2Fucp.php%3Fmode%3Dregister&sl=hu&tl=en&history_state0= - Account registration: http://www.fhatys.hu <-- click on: Account Reg. RealmList/Patch - Realmlist: set realmlist wow.fhatys.hu - Client: We support atm. up to the WotlK 3.3.5a (12340) client. Machine Wich Hold Up the server - We have own machine placed in datacenter with 100 Mbit net. - We use Linux system, Core2Quad processor, mirrored 500 GB raid HDD's and 8 GB DDR3 ram. - We use TrinityCore for the emulator, always latest TDB and own things for DB. Staff Names Admin/Head GM/Dev.: Ident Server Rates We are mainly a blizzlike 1x server with some custom rates applyed like: Xp: 1x Drop: 1x Hp-mana-rage-runic: 1x Quest: 1x Honor: 2x Reputation: 3x Regards: -Ident- ps: please notify that we dont use the ticket system, but the forum! We updated our server to WotlK 3.3.5a (12340)
  18. When you want to try WoW, do it on retail first! I done so and it was awsome. The first time that i saw the game, logged in, made a Druid, cuz a friend of mine said a lot of good things from druids :D After i made my account and logged in i started some basic quests. 5 mins later a guy just say'd "HI, come" and invited me into party and we started to talk. He showed me a lot of basic stuffs that a wow player must to know and a lot of emote :D It was really funny and was a total different feeling like on any private servers. When you start to play with it and level ur first char, it will be really a great adventure, but after 3-4 chars you will say: fck blizz :) after a 6-7 char you start enjoy the levelling again :D So defenietly start on retail, there is every info on their site ( www.wow-europe.com ) and you will enjoy it for sure! http://media.wow-europe.com/wrath/trial/index_en.html Have fun!
  19. everything is damn blue now, dont make that with mxc :(
  20. Do you talk about official realms/toons? Just cuz i really think that the topic starter does...
  21. meanwhile they follow the lore-story :) (and a lot of things will come too when we just according to the lore) This expansion will burn the private server developers for sure :D
  22. Goblins are the Horde's Gnomes :P As Bloody told, they was an old friends of the Orc's. Worgens was humans that got infected during the cataclysm and transformed into lycantrophes, but they are defenietly humans, and they put on the Worgen-form at fighting (ofc. they can be shown as Worgen any time too). Worgens searching something that can stop the epidemic and can rewind the infection, so they can be again normal humans. The infection is unstable, this way can they worn the human form when they not fighting and that was giving for them some hope to stop the epidemic at Azeroth wide :) did you heard of: Onyxia : Loot : The Brood of Onyxia - Epic Flyng Mount
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