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  1. It's not implemented on subscription version and you will never get supp about this.
  2. https://www.mediafire.com/file/058d24jnn4bmgfu/System_362_EU_Essence.zip/file
  3. As title say, it's L2Scripts VaNguard 362 sourcecode. DOWNLOAD
  4. Send msg to u on discord
  5. It's not my code and author shared the code in another RU forum days before I share it here, just to avoid peoples paying for shared codes.
  6. Trusted guy and best Essence files around.
  7. Wich script and for what project (L2Scripts or Mobius)?
  8. SQL part. https://gist.github.com/Hl4p3x/e71d5491a5fcbb071445bd9857f8e9bb/be4e2eea6c247cc888c5e6dcf9ee7e9528470580
  9. As title says... https://gist.github.com/Hl4p3x/e71d5491a5fcbb071445bd9857f8e9bb/be4e2eea6c247cc888c5e6dcf9ee7e9528470580 Credits: Index/MrKirill
  10. U have World Trade for L2Scripts Essence?
  11. Anyone can up the links again?
  12. That's ok little boy or maybe a little pony, whatever...
  13. Is latest source or just R21 with clean up?
  14. 150 euros is a decent price for your project, Mobius only charges 120 euros and delivers more and most importantly, It has a free project! 70%, maybe 80% or even more servers Essence online today, are run on Mobius files or use Mobius as source base... I would like to make clear that I am not criticizing this, just clear the facts. GL with ur sales.
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