bot allows for automation of game play... do you remember l2walker? this was hands down the best bot (IMHO) .. allowed for automation of a character, or OOGWalker .. was a client w/o the client ^^
today, there is adrenaline ... i assume its like most other bots .. main difference being the author makes a living off of the thing, so you have what amounts to whole server 'guards' written to avoid adrenaline. will give author credz, has good working knowledge of windows internals (although you are no ms-rem or ep_x0ff; mr. pcoder.)
although i think the reason people buy guards is their poorly founded fear of l2phx .. and some weird idea that any random idiot can download it and wreck havoc on a server ... simply untrue. besides, guards keep out the kiddos and inept - there is no solution that will stop a determined and skilled attacker.
my 2cent.