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About nemesis21

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    Gsxs1000 SUZUKI FTW....

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  1. As title says guys....pm for more info ... ty
  2. remedy cries, DarkEmpire +++ cries more how much euros or ingame items did they give you to advertise them ???? thug life man....and the sun is rising... My best retardings :D :D
  3. kid serious go and google the DDos attack how is working and then post again....server is down BUT still 456 ppl on :D :D :D :D...cmon super server!!! how do you do this ??? top 1 h5 server around??? it seems that you have never played L2 before...so ok gl and keeping playing pacman in maxcheaters servers... pay more and make them more rich.... DONATE FTW !!!!! Best reg(T)ards :D :D
  4. Explain me this....why you put donation from the monent you love this game ??? Just be honest for 1 time on your harmful life... Best reg(T)ards
  5. yeap sure ..... when downtime due to DDos attacks online players 456 (they dont even think to change the fake online during the maintenance) .... max 250-300 real ppl + (250 - 300) x (2-4 bots) + 50 shops (if true) = 650 - 1250 online TOTAL wake up... server is dead and you dont know that yet..
  6. fix the cost of the premium account or no1 will have it.... you are more expensive even from official Eu man ----> Premium Account for Official Eu L2Stars PA ----> L2Stars Premium Account For Gods shake dont be so greedy....
  7. Hi all... i want to sell 2 accounts at L2 Eu Core Innova ...or trade for equal items - character on L2 Eu Classic (Skelth) preferable to Duelist/Titan + PP 1rst account is main Aeore Cardinal 85 with dual class Iss Hierophant 89...armor/weapon low R grade from npc... 2nd account is main Wynn Elemental Master 95 lvl with dual class Aeore Healer 86 +....the char has Blessed R95 light set +8 Enhance Type Full Element / +10 Blessed R95 retributer (weapon) / Blessed Zaken +6 / Ant Queen Soul Ring +6 / Istina's Earing +3 / Soul Tezza Necklace +4 / Cloaks Freya-Zaken / Istina's shirt / Paulinas common ring.... plus ~130kk adena + head accessory with P.def/P.attack Iam in NF clan ( Naked Force) leadering Mravec PS --> The Armor has Dark assassins suit appearance and weapon has Emerald weapon appearance... For price and more info pm Here... Security for trade/sell we can use Regards :D :D :D
  8. its was x15...now its x15euros h5 and ppl who play h5 are or kids (16-)...h5 is dead and L2 is dead even on official....wake up ppl Double post warning....soz
  9. are you blind or what??? read carefully what i wrote
  10. sooooooo true....close the freaking server and go for coffee....Ooo i forget...coffee needs money so keep alive the server!!!! If you want my opinion dont make anymore servers and just let ppl show proofs...Ooo i forgot...you dont want proofs to be published thats why my posts have been deleted and my account has been locked 3 times for 30 min..... It was, it is and it will ALWAYS be all about money :D :D Best Reg(t)ards :D :D :D
  11. +1 every retard server is copy from another....
  12. active fail ...
  13. Hell Knight .... For me the best solo pvp tank...
  14. you took out the elegia/vorpal sets and mids84 weapons +sa from the original list and you made a new one still failling.....i didnt need to log in the game to see the donation list, you have a link at your site kinda...
  15. by your side +1...maybe..
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