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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. are you sending that via crest packet?, the texture steam i mean.
  2. That's more like it. Python and Jython aren't smth you can just mock. I could go on and on mocking l2j's compiler, cus its retarded. ^^ Also, you're not a real programmer if you dont know scripting languages like python, just saying.
  3. Paul, it seems you have no idea what communism is, and if it was still today you wouldn't be a big shot. You'd be the common rabble communist high ranks will spit on XD Anyway, Anyone from Everyone is still alive?
  4. Seriously? Don't make me hit you, with a bass (fish).
  5. Cool idea, tho the html parsing should be keeped minimal and not inside the code see this i made a while ago, ignore everything else there then the compile() method, there you will see i take 2 files with the html elements and then i replace a string that i need to get replaced, while in that replacement key i can inject more fillers and so forth. Bottom line is, the code is flexable and clean and you wont need to recompile to test you code, also im aware that this is jsut a share and its not that important for the random mxc user, but just a note for you. Also saw you made loggers static but not final, you should make them final so in case that class will be disposed(doubthfull in a l2j, but still putting it out there for future work you may encounter) from the classloader.
  6. Three Things: - Programs like l2net can parse integers, every l2net user has access to scripting, and a kid with abit of l2net scripting knowledge knows how to trim the string and get the values. Use letters. - Seriously? so many bool's? You just needed a flag system with 1 integer field per pc-instance >.> - Time is way too jumpy, also shouting may be disabled from patch at times(use whisper). All in all, anti-bot measures like this and captcha are useless and annoying for the user. Try making an AI, it may sound complicated and it is if you suck at nio, but you should make smth to analyse the user's I/O streams from, and check for iregularitys. For example l2net has a really bad behavioral, sending packets poorly trimmed. I have no idea why i even am on this forum, tho had to see it XD At first i thought your streaming images through crest packets like that other guys did, retarded idea.
  7. Year's ago :P Had a pet crow, blue-eyed.. named Murr XD Also dude, l2 is crappy it always was a grind booring game, they didnt change it. I see what you did there on fallenworld, but u cant change a game with another game's content/ideas. L2 Is a stupid grind game and will always be. Tho i miss the c2 times farming my ass off for a d grade, the thing was then ppl were different and that pretty much made up the game. That community is dead and ur sweet memory's or attempts cant bring it back, move on -> Guild Wars 2 for example XD
  8. Attention whore. Hypocrisy That is all >.>
  9. well this game is awesome, tho items like "Purification Beads" kinda ruin the game, causing alot of balance probs imo :s tho game in general in very cool.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/Egj9g.png Slovenia?!
  11. haha, yes, horses. If you know what i mean.
  12. Hahahah add another 0 to that nr and ill make you echokinetics. In the mean time, search the forum abit. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=180744.0 Here's a full faction engine, complete with security, easy to modify if you wanna add something different to it ^^
  13. link updated, thanks Tryskell for the unlock :P
  14. How about u give the rightful credits, and give yourself the adaptation credits.
  15. I gave you the string, then you can write it. Take a look: URL url = new URL("http://www.google.gr"); InputStream io = url.openStream(); byte[] data = new byte[io.available()]; io.read(data); FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(new File("index.html")); fs.write(data); fs.flush(); Later edit: Btw, i didn't see you use flush in your out stream writers, you always have to flush the data out after writing something in the stream, that's what saves it on your disk :) Also buffer reader is used only when you wanna get a collection of strings, or parse an csv file, and so forth. And in a text file every byte in there is a char. And finally the way a buffer reader is needed to eb set up is like this: BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(io)); while(br.ready()) { String line = br.readLine(); } It's exactly like in l2js db connections, "while(rs.next);"; Hope it helps :)
  16. You're better with oracle tuts, honestly thenewboston is a hypocrite, he learns as he dose the videos he just explains what he understands from the official tutorials and mostly bad. Learning from oracle is the best way to go honestly since it's forwarding you explicit from simple to really pro. Believe it or not i know ppl that guy included whom not even now don't fully understand regex in java and that's an insult to the language it'self.
  17. You could of just done that. Every byte in that input stream is a char, your case is the worst case to use a buffer reader. *Sigh*, you only needed 1 output stream writer not two >.> URL url = new URL("http://www.google.gr"); InputStream io = url.openStream(); byte[] data = new byte[io.available()]; io.read(data); String result = new String(data);
  18. Well what you stated is, that these days more then ever, math is required? Math is involved in programming only if your program demands it. As encryption, trigonometry in scene graph's space and etc. Also if i wanna use Graphics2D in swing, math is involved cus i gotta work in 2 axes. And the way you said it "nowadays" in that sentence sounds stupid. Didn't mean to be an ass, i still love you xD Btw by any chance are you using slik2d or nifty for your game? XD
  19. Pascal is an 80's language, it influenced the creation of java, tho it's pretty much dead right now, they still teach it in crappy schools. C++ is also on a stand still, it was created to make C look simpler, cus of C++ we have java right now. I'm gonna quote James Gosling from wikipedia here So C# is kind of his influence too XD Java was mocked and is still is by C/C++ hard heads whom never went outside of the C world. But it advances, with every version release it's getting more and more stronger, atm java has well over 500 milion developers and it's basically everywhere even in ATMs ;) And lets say how awesome it is to use native code and every outside coding language just implementing a scripting shell.
  20. Well after checking Pauler's profile, i came across this post and i wanna say that, Voque, you're a -beep-ing attention whore and an idiot, and what you posted is trigonometry and matim that's in every game, your dealing with spatials and world <-> local axes. As you're letting me know you only specialize in swing? You realize that what you stated is incredibly retarded, your always forced to use native code on more complex projects, or to specify it better, on a triple-A standard for the general public. http://i.imgur.com/VpVxa.png I didn't have any modeling and graphics background at all. Never give up something you believe in >.> I'm disappointed. Rethink this sentence please >.>
  21. Aww come on dudes, i was just kidding XD And yeah i used to watch it tho at that time i was stealing cable from my neighbor since he had a cable package that had a sports channel with WWE. That was.. hmm 1995-6, or something like that, used to watch it with my dad. I'd still enjoy it, brings back cool memories :P Later edit: I got to see John Cena's debut in a tag team at SmackDown. ;)
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