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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. Setekh


    Aw, damn. That's just sad, why dose this forum have so many kids that we have to protect? SCREW PURITANISM!
  2. Setekh


    Yeah, sado/maso. Mutilation would be gr8 ^^
  3. It's "Future" not feature. Also dont really see the "scam" here, also as far as i knew ripping was allowed, i mean this is maxcheaters, when did that change? Also your log is vary ambiguous.. i dont think the both of you understanded each other. You could say that.. but i dont see the point of him actually doing it all the way. Apparently he is afraid of getting banned, so why would he do it. Also ima lock it to stop future spam.
  4. So, on every chronicle the skill level is affected by enchanting it. For example backstab has Power and Chance(i think) When u enchant Power the skill level will change in 100 + the enchanted level = 101 When u enchant Chance the skill level will change in 200 + the enchanted level = 201 Get it? Now i dont know how the pack of urs manages this, but look into it, its all about the skill level. If i get the time to look into it ill replay later, but i dont promise anything.
  5. Question, how dose it "get stuck" ? some error? nothing happens. Give me the full details cus what i see there is a bunch of casts and checks. Fixed on skype, Locked.
  6. Uh, can we get the full code? We're not sorcerers to read ur mind. XD
  7. With plesure, if u have more issues pm me and ill unlock the topic
  8. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=54957 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=54957
  9. Setekh

    Far Cry 3

    "It's like skyrim with guns!" - Machinima HAHAHAHA, thanks for the link rosi.
  10. Just download hellas or acis: From: http://l2jhellas.eu http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php Acis is payed, but has some free stuff as well. Hellas froze for the moment, im about to commit the new pack in the following days.
  11. Moved Tho I am guessing your talking about ports, unfortunately we do not know what router you have, nor do we want to know, that's your issue only.
  12. Or simply, set at that line build.xml:221 <exec dir="${basedir}" executable="svn" outputproperty="l2j.changelog" failifexecutionfails="false"> Solved & Locked.
  13. You cannot do that in that code, the client knows what hover texture to get, try unpacking with umodel L2CH3_UI.utx and you will see what i mean, the client will automatically take the needed texture from it's asset parent. Its pure asset management here, u need to specify the "down"(the clicked) texture and the fore which is the normal foreground button texture. You will need to make a _over texture and add it in the utx pack.
  14. Queen of the Damned XD Robbie WIlliams Radio - Official Music Video HD
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