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Everything posted by Naelson

  1. Yes, warning write in english, rules of forum.
  2. Solved INSERT INTO lin2world.dbo.user_data (char_name, account_name, account_id, pledge_id, builder, gender, race, class, world, xloc, yloc, zloc, IsInVehicle, HP, MP, SP, Exp, Lev, align, PK, PKpardon, Duel, ST_underware, ST_right_ear, ST_left_ear, ST_neck, ST_right_finger, ST_left_finger, ST_head, ST_right_hand, ST_left_hand, ST_gloves, ST_chest, ST_legs, ST_feet, ST_back, ST_both_hand, create_date, login, logout, quest_flag, nickname, power_flag, pledge_dismiss_time, pledge_leave_time, pledge_leave_status, max_hp, max_mp, quest_memo, face_index, hair_shape_index, hair_color_index, use_time, temp_delete_date, pledge_ousted_time, pledge_withdraw_time, surrender_war_id, drop_exp, old_x, old_y, old_z, subjob_id, ssq_dawn_round, cp, max_cp, ST_hair, subjob0_class, subjob1_class, subjob2_class, subjob3_class) VALUES (N'kabaite', N'jamba', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2018-10-11 21:37:43.497', '2018-10-11 21:37:43.497', '2018-10-11 21:37:43.497', 0x00, N'none', 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 21-50-54.117, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'fdfdf', 0, 0, 0, 0, '2018-10-29 21:50:54.117', 21-50-54.117, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  3. Need of one backup with character created for test website linux, anyone give me?
  4. SaveTimer is fake malicious. He commented to remove my topic of highlight. They have been hampering me since the publication of the C4. check the comment nine. savetimer it is probably a br, is this full of communist mind here at the brasil. Now I do not understand why. It seems that they have anger of brasilian that want escape from brasil. sorry but I was wanting to vent.
  5. About vang is true, but my file is purchased. I bought by antonio have files of license and he antonio bought from aginitium. I even sold it to some who did not want the leaked.
  6. Where did you see that I'm selling my c4, download this free active? He is an envious one, only knows publishes blunders and contribute in nothing. Looks like he make flooding course. Pack that mentioned is agnitium I want to see the courage to do something for 1 year and publish free here. I published 2 and has + 1 to be published.
  7. Naelson

    Vip me

    At least we have the best women. Click here for see your women link
  8. Naelson

    Vip me

    I think not have notion of what can be done with 15 euros kkk 3 Euros is 15 reais, imagine 15 kkk I hope maxtor pities me and swaps my nick
  9. Naelson

    Vip me

    Can someone pay me a vip? Or dd at my paypal Reason, I want change my nick for new "Kabaite", nick jamba is bizarre in brasil, depreciates my jobs. Authorized to exclude if it is inconvenient. Thank you donator.
  10. Eressea is master, code c++ beautiful , I'll learn seeing your code . Thank you
  11. College is depression, here in Brazil. Teachers say working at IMB, Intel blah blah blah and do not know what is console application. They call console of screen black kkkkkkkk My biggest dream is to learn English and to interact with you, because you have much to teach and I have much to learn. Study alone, best thing! Website for study http://www.allitebooks.com
  12. Hey guys, what type of encryption l2j use for password ,md5? I want sabre for put on website!
  13. del/q/s *.log /q del/q/s *.use /q del/q/s *.winlog /q del/q/s *.err /q del/q/s *.act /q del/q/s *.bak /q del/q/s *.dmp /q del/q/s LinError.txt /q del/q/s L2AuthDError.txt /q Save file.bat
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