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Everything posted by *-MightyMick-*

  1. Great one.Good luck! Btw is this Cosmoms destiny back from 06?
  2. I liked dat.Also whats the prob in having same events?This happens with almost every pvp server.
  3. Remove all these colors,eyes bleeding..try to use a different combgo of colors,btw any info about site/g open??
  4. Great work keep up. we are gonna join and stay when we got more free time. ( consider my suggestion from past and open a server liek dat in summer time.)
  5. Celestine pwned this shit for real. Gz cele :D .
  6. such server have null luck in these difficult days..how can people can waste time creating such projects in 2k16?
  7. is it like your 10th server in a month?.You wanna break record world guiness or what?...Come back in the future and try a project,people bored play 2 mins in your servers and then got down with ddos.
  8. Is this one opened?how many currently online?we may join this saturday.
  9. We'll try this also :) .
  10. Well,i'd like such an enchanting system,no need for competition in enchant with breakable items in an instant full gear server.Keep up great work.
  11. Good luck friend,seems great upcoming project !
  12. Patch for beta unavailable?. Link doesn't work for me,error 404.
  13. Seems great.Keep up working bro ( btw remove custom ss effect :P ).
  14. Good luck boy,but i think online number will be low for a reason...Anyway we'll try tomorrow.
  15. So you start it from null again? And you made it pvp? Npcs not too good,to much colors and glows..
  16. We are saying the same thing bro. lol
  17. Actually every mid-rate is like that buddy. No offense but he's right.
  18. Great one mate,we'll be there for a try at least,but maybe you'll need more advertise and more time to focus on it? Also it's impossible a new site with 3 guest online (right now) to have 1.900+ most online ^^ . Fix a thing or two like this one,and focus more on advertise.Keep up working,great potential. Good luck!
  19. Kidding right? . I know bnb is bnb,a great server overall,but for real don't try to fool people with that "antibot". More than 50% of server are botters who don't even play anymore. Before 2-3 days i laughed very hard when i saw a guy who botted with 3-4 extra buffers windows,and you say that your protection banned him.A great protection don't even let you log with programms like adrenaliene etc. Anyways.
  20. Impossible as for now. I think you can only buy it,not sure at all.
  21. Hello all,our clan Feelixeds is looking up for some actvie titan players and some tank players (prefer phoenix knight).2 of our members cannot play with us atm,and we play mid rate (crafting),and high rate servers. All you need is to skype with us,or to chat us in clan chat and we need people who know what to do,how to play,and understand leader's order when we need them too.we gonna join l2neda.eu x35 server this friday,so if somebody is in for it and search for company/cp/clan just send me an inbox. (send me skype contacts too). ONLY ENGLISH/GREEK speaking ppl. Thanks
  22. Previous had,everybody knows that.
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