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Everything posted by *real*savormix

  1. [L2Server & co.] Looking for: 1. Undestroyed questdata (kys ??? ?????? ?????) [prelude] 2. Undestroyed cn C4 tsql (kys ??? ?????? ?????) [L2Auth & co.] Looking for: IPServer WantedServer NotifyServer PbServer OtpServer FatigueDll PaServer WsmServer x64 ggauth (for any L2Server) PremiumD and any other stuff that L2OFF was designed to interact with. This time, emulators/partial implementations are also welcome.
  2. Doing a double post solely to request a lock. I have decompiled AuthD and I can take matters into my own hands now, no further suggestions/help necessary.
  3. You do not get access to these files, aside from "templates" (so script pack + HTMLs, which may, in turn, have templets). They setup your machine with a software-encrypted partition and then manage the server files remotely. From the chronicles that are provided, it looks somewhat legit: no claims that would be obviously false. The fact that they provide classic BUT DO NOT provide neither IO server nor support for "WorldRaid" sounds highly dubious. Most likely classic is GD-extended. But then again, if you *want* classic, you obviously don't have a clue about what it is, so anything will pass. I believe that's the only reason they provide it (the demand, I mean).
  4. Development mode is used solely to test client-side features, like animations, effects/shaders, move around in the game world, review UI, etc. It will not give you any insight into how the MMO part of the game is designed. It helps client feature developers and UI designers, as well as related QA; that's the whole purpose of that mode (okay, okay, it can allow you to generate geodata and help with a few other things). Modifiers are simply transferred as extra data with an actual request (where applicable). So if you have an item use request, which would be 0x14 RequestUseItem, as extra data you will have the item object identifier and CTRL state. If you have a special action use request 0x45 RequestActionUse (special action example: servitor attack, servitor skill, pet attack, pet skill, etc.), as extra data you will have the concrete action to be performed (e.g. Mech. Cannon, Parasite Burst, etc.), SHIFT state and CTRL state. Handlers in datapack do not serve any purpose in client/server communication scheme. Typically, a handler would be fired as a direct result from a currently executed AI desire, which in turn may have been added either by an AI script, or, in special cases, by some specific feature implementation. Of course, you will not find this in l2j. Still, even in l2j, the core-side packet handlers first evaluate each request, and if it is deemed necessary, then one of the datapack handlers is called (after extracting all contextual data needed for that DP handler).
  5. It's basic (by this, I mean pretty much direct) application of EDA (Event Driven Architecture). Server is responsible for presenting the dynamic state of the world to the client (the player's character data, including location, equipment, pledge, etc.), other player characters, npc data, and so on and so on. Server does this all the time without any client involvement. Client is responsible for issuing very specific requests to the server. Target selection, movement, item use, or simpler requests, such as 'leave my pledge' or 'show my item list' contain the bare minimum data for the server to understand what the user wants to do. Target selection will depend on what world objects the server has supplied to the client. Therefore, client will send a target request with an object's identifier (note: in reality, there is no target request, there are action/attack requests, first invocation of each is assumed to be the target selection request, and all further - follow[PC] or interact[NPC]/attack requests, therefore additional information is sent, e.g. SHIFT state (interact/attack without moving towards)). Movement request is filled in with client-side data about the target point XYZ. Item use is similar as target selection. Leave my pledge or show my item list requests require no additional data, thus they are implemented as a packet with a designated opcode and no other data to be transferred. That's how things work at the very essentials. As far as implementation is concerned, there are various ways to implement it, most popular designs being session=thread, socket multiplexing and (more CPU intensive for higher peak throughput) non-blocking socket multiplexing.
  6. You can always take a look at NetPro. Of course, the C5 and IL packets I didn't had a chance to take care of, as Underground arrived, and I was sidetracked to move the application to JavaFX due to certain JVM argument issues with Swing, but you can find complete C4 packet structures in it. For example, C4 CharInfo MOREOVER, you can use the [menu bar] -> Packets -> Explain… function to see how a specific byte array will look to the C4 client. Additionally, here's a list of all C4 packet opcodes. And a quick overview: <byte> is equivalent to readC (client packets) writeC (server packets) <word> is equivalent to readH (client packets) writeH (server packets) <dword> is equivalent to readD (client packets) writeD (server packets) <qword> is equivalent to readQ (client packets) writeQ (server packets) <double> is equivalent to readF (client packets) writeF (server packets) <string> is equivalent to readS (client packets) writeS (server packets)
  7. Ok, let me try to help. This most likely signifies a failure to parse skilldata.txt (far, far above you should be able to find on what line the parsing failed). So if the skilldata was half-parsed, naturally that all skills referenced in skill learn, or item skills, or whatever will be unresolvable. If this is NOT the case, then please replace (regenerate) skill_pch with the correct one for skilldata.txt you are using.
  8. It's a transformation, so should be spread all over: meshes, textures, animations.
  9. Yes, although if you are using Freya or higher client, you could make the augmentation options show INSTEAD of enchant effects (especially if you don't use items with enchant effects). Aside from that, no, there is no way to show aug in trade dialog, not even in current Underground client.
  10. Welcome to the world of RuneScape pixel bots, a.k.a. SCAR back in the day. It doesn't matter how far the image is deviated in your "customer-only" version, if a naked eye can spot the resemblance, so can SCAR (I know, I know, it changed several names since then). And the functions are open source, so anyone can simply move them to adr, it's no big deal even when you have absolutely no clue how to compare images.
  11. Well, I usually With a special dsetup (noGG + alternative tick rate setup), I could have 6-7 IO (yeah, before they started forcing GG again) clients running on max detail without much hassle. I mean seriously, even on current GG-performance-degradation-infested Underground client you can only get 3-5% CPU usage with max detail PLUS SHADOWS in Aden square. The issue I personally have is with crappy laptop sound hardware, as L2 reserves a certain amount of channels, even when muted, and so strange things start happening when more than 7 clients are running.
  12. Whoops, I just noticed that it's indeed reversed. Will fix my post now.
  13. It essentially reduces the frame rate while L2 is not focused (so either minimized (if you use full screen), or while another window is active). If you 10/20-box, you may want to turn it ON to avoid your fans revving up to the max noise mode. However, if you simply 3-6 box, you may want to keep it OFF so that you could monitor what's going on in inactive windows at real time (smooth movement, no delay in chat window, etc.). If you only run a single client on full screen, you should instead consider quitting MMOs and moving to Single Player games. Of course, if you like the online component, you could try some Single-Player MMOs, like RS.
  14. Waste of time and money IMO. Expect to be overrun with bots or pseudo-bots that will spam all chats that the server is dead. That will definitely make any real players leave.
  15. https://github.com/l2jfree/svn
  16. Pretty much everything can be handled with NP scripts, assuming you run NP on the same comp as the client, but afaik Robot and similar classes generate synthetic events, and these are discarded by default (unless you patch your client in a specific way). So the auto-relogin would be harder to do. But of course, you have to write all the code yourself, since NP has very limited support for manipulating stuff in game logic terms instead of low level stuff.
  17. Easiest mode is to change the skill category, but that will also make them lose that red-ish overlay, and, depending on what you change it to, they may be displayed outside debuff row AND in other parts of the skill dialog.
  18. l2p and l2scripts is the same l2j. There was never a pack not based on l2j, although most people who look at L2Fortress would say otherwise. Same for l2scripts. EDIT: don't mind me, I just get annoyed that it has been 11+ years already, but none of the l2j (or whatever) packs are even trying to get gameplay fundamentals working the way they work in Lineage II. Enjoy your IO.
  19. Considering this was posted under a l2j forum, no :troll: I hear that the dist spillage was fixed after Ertheia :D Indeed. Anyway, why have a website for a private pack? :troll:
  20. That's when I closed the tab, knowing that it's just another of those "WoW disguised as L2" serverpacks.
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