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About willams30

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  1. yes, it is very difficult for a person to leave a server as unstable as possible and in this pack of mine I guarantee that it will be as playable as possible and also and yes of the 2 base scripts that it is based on mobius and I will see if I add another base that until the At the moment I'm checking whether or not it's worth a private source code and I'm looking for something else to give us continuity in the project, add a key to the system and etc... infor whatsapp+5582988692823
  2. nao senhor o meu project essence e baseado na jscript e mobius mais garanto a voce que o meu project estar instavel 100%
  3. mim add discord My Nidalee #1451 or whatsapp +5582988692823
  4. meu zap 82988692823 eu faço servidores sou dev mano
  5. meu zap 82988692823
  6. pow arrumar ai a key desse l2off ai por favor
  7. o site nem criar conta quer e nem mudar status nem os dos player ta
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