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About VinceDaLouka

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. what does oreo armor look like?
  2. mate where are the advertisements? i cant find any ? can you plz provide us with some links.otherwise how do you expect a huge o community?
  3. I would join a custom server,but not any server and maybe classic official. Btw race wars is a very good idea. Every race would reside to its village and maybe there would be something like 3 siegable castles to make the wars more massive. And something like a global market and an arena where ppl from all races can meet each other. As regards the reason that i prefer custom things is that i am really bored of l2 same quests, same grinding ,same things for over 6 years.
  4. How can you obtain elegia?
  5. Geodata is better than Jserver or is it the same?
  6. Internet kafe? Tha exoun faei kati klotsidia auta pffff.
  7. Εδώ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/42-shares-and-files-l2j/ή ψάξε στο google αν δεν βρεις αυτό που θες.
  8. Δες αυτό http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/153623-compile-server-set-up-add-customs-make-online-add-java-codes-592013/ Και εδώ πέρα part1 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4KvBvgdlFGYκαι part 2 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EBavlUuE4mw
  9. Actually there is another server incoming from stalonka. It s l2 pokemon.
  10. I hope you have good ddos protection
  11. Hello guys i want to ask if there are any shares or someone that can sell me once upon a time l2 smiles/bloom armors or weapons
  12. Topic already exists http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/187877-l2off-lineage2classic/
  13. Option 1: 2 dds ,use gk or daggers because they have a lot evansion and option 2: use 1sph and 2 bps so they can rez each other fast in case someone die.
  14. I knew it would be such a fail. I 've lost 30mins of my precious time.
  15. Very skilled. If i ever try to open a server i will definitely ask for your services
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