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Everything posted by Intense

  1. I am looking for any Exploit on L2 addiction. Its Kamael L2j server. thanks
  2. Greate guide for newbies like me :)
  3. u got a crack for IG walker for kamael? for a private server?
  4. Dunno if this works on ur server but it worked in mine before they modded it: Curse fear the larva away. Put a summon to hit the larva. The nurse ants will draw to the larva and spam heal it. U can kill ant queen in peace
  5. Those glows where........ ya thats right! Intense ;)
  6. how about a download page where we aint gotta register
  7. their a lot more strict on it then l2walker. watch urself
  8. Fileplanet has a download managers that will prevent u from loosing ur downloaded stuff if the connection is aborted
  9. Soul berserker is very very nice! then again its the only one I tried so hard to compare :)
  10. I think it would help a lot to tell us what ur selling. in stead of just selling ur selling something
  11. if u dont know how to make a server, then u really really should not create one. U would be expoited like hell
  12. If its using bake ice then there is no way to bot on it. Bake ice has very complicated protection and nobody has bypassed it yet. Just wait and hope perhaps someone finds a security hole in it :)
  13. Ive allways found arouund ivory tower very nice. Just north around the orange bassilisk things. and them flying undead looking mobs. Very few people there and not much risk of dying cause their pretty predictable
  14. Its useless, Why did u make a topic about it? Did u really want something useless that bad, just for the sake of knowing its in ur warehouse?
  15. nobody has been able to bypass BakeIce yet. so just wait and hope that some of ouer best hackers might be trying to work something out :)
  16. Its protected by bake ice. sorry
  17. ur topic makes no sence.
  18. Its diffrent for everybody, theres no guide on how to be the best hawkeye. Sure u can have prefrences, but everybody plays their own style
  19. nobody has bypassed bakeice yet.
  20. because ur asking people to make u a hole new guide in a new topic in stead of doing a reply in the original topic asking for the specific thing. If u dont understand ANYTHING in the guide, then chances are ur not gonna understand the new guide ur asking someone to make for u
  21. I tried searching but I didnt find anything. Is there a Ig walker working for kamael L2J private servers??? With a working crack ofc. Thanks
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