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Everything posted by Intense

  1. Now Im getting wrong account information. Any tips?
  2. This is english section. The answer is in this topic but in greek. Whoopdidooooooo. I have the same problem :/
  3. im getting this error on the Gameserverstartup.bat !Damn, Registration failed. wrong hexid.
  4. Is there any way I can earn money on a server transferring from C4 to Interlude? Anything that gets taken away / prices changing etc. Any tips would be sweet :D
  5. wow that shit was simple :O
  6. with high rates like 5x. I lol'd
  7. I loved that period!!!! What do u mean? THAT WAS THE BEST PART!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I know u dont earn anything by replying here, and helping me out is only for the mere fact of beeing nice but, a comment saying DN is the best server is not gonna convince me when theres 10 other comments saying the same thing about a diffrent server. Im looking for a server that has american / english clans that compete and are organized. The kind of playstyle u will find in Evil activites or the old Final Solution Not like the guy who suggested l2gold wich has 1 big alliance full of dumbass non english speaking donaters. thanks
  9. ur reply is pointless hackzor. Im not asking for a 100% clean server but some are less infested then others.
  10. So im looking for a pvp server worth playing with a decent ammount of English speaking players. Most importantly not infested with XXxKILERBOYXxX Players. Idealy with some organized English speaking clans too Thanks
  11. Wow 3 diffrent posts just to get another post count? seriously? Anyway ur post is very weird. u go to olympiad, equip duals to get full hp???? u have full hp when u enter oly. Then u shut down l2 with Task manager? if u dissconect in oly u loose. What's the exploit?
  12. OR u could set it to combat at the raid spawn, on a lvl 1 char. When the raid spawns ur char will attack and die. And u set Make sound if char dies. Problem solved
  13. So I have a couple of questions about torrents My download speed is usually around 20 - 30 kbps but I heard thats crap and I gotta modifie some stuff on my pc or router or something. What I gotta do to increase the DL speed? Second: I was downloading 4 seasons of a tv series and when I opened it for the first time to start downloading with utorrent and the box with a list of all the files the download includes I unticked everything except season 2 videos cause I wanted a quicker download and I could DL the rest later. It downloaded all 4 seasons but now I can only view season 2. all the others just act like their a 10 second clip without any image. their size is normal
  14. So the option blessing of queen is not on my cat queens skills list, Because the walker is old? If yes is there any script I can use to make it use the skill? or do I need to get a newer walker version? I tried a newer one and transferred the token injecter, and patcher but got error saying wrong token -.-
  15. wtt adena on l2 forever for l2gold items or adena. leave ur offer here and the trade ratio :)
  16. this is the awsomest scripts ever :P senk joooooooooooooooo
  17. heheh np. just glad I was able to help u out considering uve helped me on some of my help topics
  18. l2f.exe rename to Lineage2 Lineage2.exe rename to L2 l2.ini rename to lineage2 lineage2.ini rename to l2
  19. I have working IG walker on l2forever. Running a bot party right now actually :) Say please and Il tell ya ;D
  20. the range setting is not the problem. try again ^^
  21. There is a topic in the bot discussion that is for l2forever just go down the list in bot discussion perhaps u have to move over a page. there u can find a working bot. Its there but im too lazy to find it for u
  22. why do u post a print screen of a website that u can not read the Url, and u dont post a link to the site? Doesnt matter how good a site it is if we cant go to it ^^
  23. Perhaps because im using OOG???? Of course I put the on auto on the IG client Im not dumb -.- I did put them on item buff settings but then it seems the char gets cought up on doing it like hes giving a buff and he doesnt move. I have been putting it as Healing item each second but For some chars I need that slot for other things ^^ Is there a "use soulshots" option too? for normal shots? I have been using follow leader but often he gets stunned for awhile and then they dont use their shots
  24. Wts Imagination :P
  25. Very interesting bug! Id like to try to ninja take a castle on my server using this bug :P
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