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Everything posted by Intense

  1. Xbox is worth is just simply to play GOW. Also I think the multiplayer feature is better for the xbox, tho yes I hate the pay to play.
  2. retail? :)
  3. Ncsoft, their shit at times but the server community is imho too good to pass by.
  4. I dont think Psomas version works on official?
  5. works great for me, but now I gotta lvl my summoner higher cos its not that effective at my current lvl. but thanks
  6. You would get instantly banned on any decent server
  7. So Im on Retail servers and upon choosing server when I press the button Iget dissconnected. Im using paid walker and without walker I login just fine. ANy ideas?
  8. Gracia final is launching on thuesday, along with a great event, and so Id really like to be prepared with walker to get the most out of it. Could anyone post a link to a walker that will work on gracia final, or give me an eta on when one will be ready?
  9. Could anyone pass me a link to the topic with the cracked oog for retail? its a jungle out there :o
  10. Hello, id like to know if there is any crack for l2walker to use on Retail servers? there are many topics here and its very hard to know whats private server and whats retail, so it should be seperated in my opinion.
  11. So im thinking about selling some accouns, but im wondering what the best payment method would be. I was thinking Paypal, but I heard there was some way they could take their money back after they paid me or whatever. I may have misunderstood. Does anyone feel like explaining to me how pay pal works, or send me a link to where I can read it. I am on Paypal.com looking for info atm
  12. giran town. a lot of shops, a lot of things going on, rarly boring :D
  13. Sounds like a fun bug. and a profitable one too. tho C3 and below? meh....
  14. Next time let us know in ur title ur requesting one. The current title is misleading
  15. I see the Setting Secondly Header, but I gotta combine this with something, for the invite again, can u explain the basic steps to setting this up? I
  16. Is it possible to create a script for l2walker that will invite a player, and then kick him as soon as he has danced?
  17. Looking for a script to seed the mobs in beast farm. thanks
  18. it work for 1 account only boobs
  19. the 1.99 may still work but it doesnt run GameGuard, it Doesnt even run a Emulated Gameguard. Nothing So you might aswell use oog :O
  20. Looking for a working crack for official now that its updated to gracia
  21. So there was some stuff going around, and people are saying that Paid walker runs a fake Gameguard like oog thats diffrent from the retail one, and now theyve released a "new crack that runs normal GG" Im suspecting this to be a Keylogger, or something like this. The crack is from Darkmenx
  22. I havent been banned yet, Im just wondering if they have specific times that they do ban people, so perhaps il remove my gear from those chars at that specific time
  23. Im wondering if NCsoft usually bans people during the maintenence period on thuesdays or if its random. Any experience on this ?
  24. why are u posting ur craft sucess guide from a PRIVATE server. Thats like posting enchantment tricks from some random Lj Server
  25. Wich of theese have the easiest class change quests, and why? Treasure Hunter, Prophet, Bounty Hunter, Bladedancer -thanks
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