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Everything posted by Intense

  1. Looking for an Ingame Walker to use on Retail. A cracked version. I cant use the .dll crack cause its giving me errors so if anyone has a diffrent kind of crack. please share -thanks
  2. this worked fine for me awhile ago, but now I get an error saying: "Lineage2 has a problem and needs to shut down" when I enter Basic settings in the walker menu. All the other tabs in the walker meny work fine tho :O Its caused by the .dll file, I checked and it worked without. but of course not verified
  3. doesnt matter
  4. By the way: If anybody feels like starting Retail, on Luna server I got a low lvl train atm, that could need some extra dd's. All I require is u do ur own class change quests. Also if its a new account, letting me run the account for u would be a + seeings as how I got all the other members of the train. and then I would be able to set it up whenever and wherever I want. Of course if u have a old account with items on diffrent servers dont give me ur account info. Im not saying I would jack ur gear, but its a generel rule everybody should have.
  5. What lvl are u ?
  6. Adena exploit on retail? ya I doubt that
  7. Should I split my Botter accounts on diffrent Plaync account? or doesnt it matter? any toughts?
  8. nevermind about the CD key. Whats the cheapst Spot to buy L2 adena ?
  9. Whats the cheapest place to buy Lineage2 account CD keys?
  10. Walker has been working for a long time but then suddenly latetly its beeing shutting down when I enter Basic settings. It just says "l2 has an error and needs to shut down" Someone suggested add someone to my friendlist and it actually worked, but this is a new comp, and ive got the same problem. Adding friends doesnt work no more :O
  11. Shilien elder and gladiator looking for constant party on luna lvl 67 on both. Leave a reply here
  12. I would like to know if anybody has an english version of Multiwin. Also if anybody could explain what it does, and if its safe to use this program. Thanks
  13. This MultiWin program, how does it work? Its in russian or something... Is it a third party program that I gotta run at the same time as L2? Is it safe?
  14. Looking for a cracked IG l2walker working on Retail that does run Game guard. Thanks
  15. I was expting some bullshit replies but there u go giving me just the info I needed. Thanks A LOT sltbnjr much appreciated :D
  16. There is no reason for u to die there, the only problem is the fact that u probably would want to have the AIO buffs, I belive this could be done with the Record action feature but I am not sure how to do it.
  17. First of all: -Im not saying botting is safe, but more in the lines of the least unsafe -nobody is forcing u to read this topic -this is about bot discussion, not requesting help on how to bot, this is the section for that so dont move it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latetly theres been a lot of talk about what is "safe" as far as safe botting goes and whats not. There are people saying IG is safe oog not, then there are those who say that Cracked IG that does not run GG is just as "unsafe" as running oog itself. There are people saying that all u need to do is run 1 legit client and then using oog will not send any special packets. tho I think this sounds kinda weird cause GG is not the only thing sending packets is it? I am currently running cracked Ingame, and my GG does not start, and I have clannies that run 1 legit and then a lot of oog and claim thats "safe" Does anybody have any toughts on this?
  18. Whats wrong with Rapidshare, Megaupload, Filefront? The conformation question is in german here -.- nevermind il check out the other topic made bout this
  19. then u must have done something wrong. Its not supose to do anything unless the pixel changes. One thing that may be affecting it is if u run in WIndow mode, and u change clients, Sometimes ur gamma will get changed, and so the pixel changes.
  20. If I didnt type in the numbers the I wouldnt be able to press download. cause the download key would not yet have appeared. Still not working :/
  21. This site that u uploaded too isnt working for me. Could u upload to a more popular site perhaps? Its not downloadign when I press download -.-
  22. Link login server succeed login loginserver fail
  23. Could u post a link to Token.exe? I cant find it :O
  24. Thanks! Il try it out tonight :D
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