First of all:
-Im not saying botting is safe, but more in the lines of the least unsafe
-nobody is forcing u to read this topic
-this is about bot discussion, not requesting help on how to bot, this is the section for that so dont move it.
Latetly theres been a lot of talk about what is "safe" as far as safe botting goes and whats not.
There are people saying IG is safe oog not, then there are those who say that Cracked IG that does not run GG is just as "unsafe" as running oog itself. There are people saying that all u need to do is run 1 legit client and then using oog will not send any special packets. tho I think this sounds kinda weird cause GG is not the only thing sending packets is it?
I am currently running cracked Ingame, and my GG does not start, and I have clannies that run 1 legit and then a lot of oog and claim thats "safe"
Does anybody have any toughts on this?