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Everything posted by EternalSoldier

  1. Grind server, making you farm all the time just to get PKed by a few when the higher-reward mob appears. No chance to even fight back as ur with +0 and they're with +40-50 items. And it's just the 2nd day :)
  2. Wanted to check it, than I've seen this Greek spam =D
  3. This looks simply poor :D
  4. This is epicly weird & dead at the same time :D
  5. Hello, are there currently any H5 stacksub servers worth checking? Commin' back to L2 after a few years and kinda wanted something different from the usual "retail" system :] I'd rather have it as new as possible, with x50++++ rates. Thanks :)
  6. Gonna check this when it starts.
  7. It's used already. with M or N there
  8. says this edit used
  9. Too many GMs. Also, free website. Will fail outta corruption, I bet.
  10. 1- High Five 2- XP: 100-500x no spoil 3- 2 Dynamic farmzones, changing every 24/48h 4- No, it sucks balls. Old school GM-made events FTW 5- No. 6- No. 7- Defaults times, european time, oly could be from 18-2am 8- Full geodata for castles & farm zones & raid zones, tank-ish 80+ skills nerfed a bit, cancel retail-like but returning buffs after 20 sec, NPC buffer up to 76 lvl buffs, custom auctioner NPC with cool stuff, .dressme command, 1-week long oly ( fixed for hi5), max enchant +15 on weapons, 80% chance, +10 max on armor - 65% chance (same for jewels), elemental max lvl 7, 100% chance but hard to get stones.
  11. Well, I'm looking for an auto potions bot for L2Luthien. ( http://l2luthien.com/ )
  12. http://l2luthien.com/ - starts today. I bet 300+ people at start. 7h til start.
  13. Thats cool than :) A nice machine, will surely be enough.
  14. Might be really cool, imma check when it starts. :)
  15. Whats the connection speed?
  16. I've noticed you're quite dumb before, but is it really so hard to read a post just above yours?
  17. Totally agreed. Also, ingame the GM's speak lithunian too, and when you ask them to talk in English too, they just ignore you.
  18. Could've been really nice if it was for English-speaking players.
  19. Yup, thats what I meant.
  20. Lol, it's 2 months away?
  21. Anyway, when's the live date? It's dead boring ingame, tested what I wanted already, can't test pvps.
  22. It's not about killing mages. It's about them being TOTALLY unkillable. SK can't die. Unless you assult it with like 3 people. And thats kinda ufair.
  23. If it wasn't for the donations, would be great.
  24. Well, the only issue I noticed when I logged was that xx/tank and cancel are OP. Cancel should be deleted, and tanks nerfed. A lot.
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