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Everything posted by EternalSoldier

  1. Anyway, it's not a reason to spam. The exploit is working, I really like it.
  2. Lol'd at that. You don't know what type of server you're playing?
  3. It's l2off or l2j?
  4. Hmm I dont know this one, L2J, l2off? I knew one with Demonik name (demonik.ru?) With corrupted admins, overpowered donators etc. dunno about this one My proposition is: www.l2blood.com Starting in 2 days(open beta atm) 200x rates Great admin with really good knowledge about L2Off files, client modding etc. No peace zones at towns A lot of custom items Buffs 2h(cov cat etc. 20 min) A lot more cool things, the only problem for You can be that, the server will be c5.
  5. GoDofAdeN when You'll update to OFF?
  6. Server has corrupted admin, all the BR's have Oe'd items, and he say me that they are donators, but i cant rly belive that he have so many of them. I left server coz of the "donations"
  7. No problem Demonic. I recommend the server, it's really great. Come and play with us. Fear
  8. Prolly it will be a great server.I vote for 500x, coz I don't have patience to exp anymore.
  9. Just a question about this server, it will be L2off or l2j? coz different rate's are good for different types of servers.
  10. I have over 300.
  11. Well today I'm not lagging.The problem is too much farming. Eko amde mobs harder, and they dont drop so much GB's now.Also 5k of each goblet for the best set, it's a joke. Soon You'll need to farm same much as on low rate Q_Q
  12. Well. I tryed Palladin, and It's even more overpowered.
  13. Well I really lagged here.Same was like 2 weeks ago and same is now.If not counting that, server is really nice, just a bit unballanced.
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