"I must cant stop laugh" each time I see you and your epic Ingles language.
And the server is another joke, hosted by a random admin-wannabe guy. Donate list looks like it has been made by a retard and website is one of the worst I've ever seen.
imo it's not pro.
Champion mobs are a joke, if you kill them you are 70+ without adena for A grade.
For some reason there are high level, overpowered mobs in lowbie zones.
Farming zones deep in mos have aggro mobs, how it ends? There's about 20 of those at spawn now. You can't even move.
Also, +30 max enchant ain't fun.
Noone seems to be happy staying for 10h in town and clicking enchants to get a nice weapon. And I'm not talking about +30 cause that'd take even more time.
ekeinos, you're missing something here.
A forum is a place on which EVERYONE has EQUAL right to say THEIR OWN OPINION.
I completely agree with Svistak, if you can't even put up a .com domain than server is most probably hosted on home-pc.
If it's hosted like that it'll die in next week or two. Maybe even faster.