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Everything posted by EternalSoldier

  1. if it wouldn't be for the most retarded bufftime, it'd be okay. You should either get 'em all back to retail-time or change them to 2hours [better option]. edit.: wrong, got it xP
  2. When I've seen the donation list I understood it's a joke, right?
  3. Why's the donation have to be so OP? Raid jewels, +16 top-weapons, +10 top armors and all the stuff! I'd join if it wouldn't be for that. And not only me but my whole clan.
  4. Freya is like Gracia, it will have atleast 3 updates.
  5. Looks a lot like a server I played quite some time ago. That one was Gracia Part 2 tho'. I don't really remember the name, but you've got something to do with those who created that server? Also, BUT : Get real, if you ain't got a dedicated machine than you can't live up to the players expectations.
  6. Why do you give a shit? Wanna have +1 post? Server looks pretty cool, imma check it when it starts, even though I hate interlude.
  7. le puta madre. Ain't this enough? Atleast that's what you hear on most BR servers when you try speaking English. kosglad? What the fuck is that, been at L2 for so many years and haven't heared about that shit. Vendetta? PyroFailer? Okay. Also, what the fuck? Why's the presentation in 90% in lolBR language?
  8. I have to agree, but it's still better then the basic L2J. :)
  9. Prove it please. I can't believe that you have a shitload of money to buy a dedicated machine and can't even afford a .com website ;O
  10. High rate server ain't online yet?
  11. Yeah, make the quest. It's sooo much fun... That is unless you've done it 666 before, on other servers, lol.
  12. It has exacly same features as old L2Relapse, doesn't it?
  13. Imma check it, even tho' it'd prefer it to be Gracia.
  14. It's your fault, if you'd have advertised it before the start, it could've been different.
  15. Lol'd. Adding some shitty farm zones / raids is more important than balance - if you really think so, than you should go and see a doctor.
  16. I'll be sure to check it! Sounds completely different from other servers - wonder how it'll look ingame ^^. Good luck guys.
  17. Is the pt exp really 42x? That'd make the exp rate 35*42=1470 : 2 = 735. What he meant, that Vesper is NOT crafted on retail, that's why saying that "S84 is craftable" looked custom. Personally I think that making it "craftable" via GM shop - for...let's see... Ancient Tomes of Demon and some Gracia continent items would be pretty good. Also, before starting anything you should get a .com/net/org website and nice webdesign. Boosting the buffs to 2h would work aswell. I see no info about enchant - +16 max and 50% would work perfectly. Elemental system - retail like I hope? I mean with maxed levels, and no dmg decreeses? How about the skill enchants? Are they "L2Joke-like" or retail like?
  18. Imho the server should be wiped, a bit remade, and announced again like 3 weeks before the new start. Then the community will gather on forums, and thanks to that you'll have 50+ at the start which will allow the community to grow more and more.
  19. Now it's looking pretty nice. Guess I'll be playing here for a bit ^^.
  20. It's pathetic. Instead of fixing all the bugged shit admins are running around Giran and there are no people. The only good thing is that there's no lag - cause of the lack of players tho ^^.
  21. # Any Vesper Weapon (+16) with lvl 9 attrib -- 40e {Bonus: 1 skill from any class} # Vesper Noble Armor (+16) with resists and Vesper Jewels (+16) -- 40e {Bonus: 1 skill from any class} # Full Epic Jewels (+16) -- 40e {Bonus: 1 skill from any class} # Clan lvl 11 with full skills -- 40e {Bonus: 1 skill from any class} # 50 Blue Eva coins -- 10e # Change Character, Clan, Alliance Names -- 10e Looked good untill I saw it. With this shit, dude, srsly, die.
  22. That's lame. If someone would like to PvE then they'd join a low rated server instead of faction one.
  23. They cause disbalance if everyone has them. There's no point in skills like stun, silence, anchor being ingame when they never land. Unless you can get them to +20++ that is.
  24. Needs lots of fixes, starting with the bugged leveling zone. Skill enchants ain't even close to retail, you need to work on them. Raid jewels should be completely deleted from shop.
  25. Looks nice. I'll check it today.
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