I have to totally disagree about a few things.
Weapon: Focus SA is always better, unless you wanna be a vegetable, unable to kill even undergeared characters.
Also, a bow+f is a must have.
Armor: as far as it goes for s80 - I'd rather keep Imperial Crusader until Vesper/Elegia wutevah. Though now we've got the new Freya sets which are quite nice, but those ain't included in the guide so I won't talk 'bout 'em.
Jewels - all's fine, but
made me shit bricks. AQ>Vesper. kkthxbai.
Dyes: Lmao. I shit my bricks again, now I've got 2 of them to wash :(. The dyes you need are +4str-4con and +4wit-4int. And nothing else.
Weapon ele : if it's low rated, I'd agree with holy. if it's high rated, I'd get 1x Earth 1x Holy atleast [preferably every ele]. For the bow, I'd go with water, pretty rare and often unused ele.
Armor ele : agreed.
Certification skills:
Barrier [enchanter]
Long shot(?) [rogue]
Pve : haste[warrior] pvp : cp [warrior]
Also, when you start L2, and before you get to 80 atleast, it gives you enough time to learn how to play yer class as it should be played.