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Everything posted by EternalSoldier

  1. I won't log in here cause of elemental attr. being deleted. It's a cool feature, and it's DOESN'T cause imbalance if you have everything working as close to retail as possible.
  2. Geez, dude, website price is sooo freaking high that you can't afford it. About the server, I'd like to test it. IMO you should delete ALL custom stuff tho. Lowering the max enchant to +16 would be nice aswell. That's what you call balance, after all.
  3. Atleast it's starting ! Can't wait !
  4. Looks perfectly, the main administrator is a nice guy, he has brains too. Looks like it'll go perfectly. You should check it out imo.
  5. Decide which it is. Anyway, I'd lol if it was non-pvp.
  6. I'd go for CD. I always went for it, and it always worked out nicely.
  7. Lol, it's something like old Age of Shadows ^,^. And actually, it can be quite a bit of fun for a few days IF it's like AOS.
  8. What a pathetic server, to disallow PK, rotflmao.
  9. Seems pretty cool. The only thing I'd change is that respawn of epic raids. Imho 5-6h or more would be a lot better.
  10. It lags like hell, atleast for me.
  11. You should change that forum rule. It's freakin' annoying. If you insist on leaving it like that, feel free to be RO-Only server.
  12. Imho opening a high-rated (100-300x exp) server on this emulator would be great. There are almost no bugs, everything's fixed and all, but low rate ain't for me anymore ;)
  13. It's NOT L2Relapse. It's a fake shit. Someone stole their name. Real L2 Relapse's website is http://l2relapse.com/
  14. The 200x server idea is great. Devs seem like a capable bunch aswell. And thanks to Maxtor you'll get a nice community too. About S grades, I'd make them with craft. and I'd add a few custom quests for recipes. As far as it goes for mats, I'd totally boost the drop/spoil rate of those in all 65+ zones. Keymats could be dropped by raids. L2 is meant to be a teamplay game, and this would make people cooperate. I'd balance it in a way that'd allow an organised, 10 people clan to make set+weapon+jewels within a week for all members. I'd make the adena rate insanely low, like 1-5x and the prices for everything adjusted to it. This way adena would always be usefull and you could even get raid jewels for 1-2kkk. Now for the balance, I'd leave it completely interlude-like, no nerfs to frenzy, ai etc. If it'd be left retail-like, It'd be balanced like it was on retail. Enchant - well, I'd go for +16 max for weapons, and retail like chances. Also, +12 max for armor. Enchants shouldn't be easy to get, they should require quite a bit of work. Noblesse & Hero - noblesse should be made by quest only. And the quest should be full. I'd make the reagent pouches drop a lot higher than on retail though. Heroes, should be choosen each month or each 2 weeks. Thats up to the community. Hero skills / weapons should be left retail-like, excluding the hero cancel stick if ALL buffs will be 1h+. Donations - I'd say +12 weapons and +6 armors [s grade] should be available. Also, donations for noblesse, AIO buffers [if the npc wouldn't have COV etc.], clan levels + clan reputation, what definitely should be EXCLUDED are raid boss jewels. Especially enchanted ones. You could include things like BOGs aswell. It wouldn't be a bad idea to add dynasty armor ingame, with SAME STATS as S grade, obtainable only via donation +major raids like antharas and valakas. Custom stuff - I'd say adding some kewl custom systems ain't a bad idea. For example, reward system for players. Someting like the pvp reward system on L2Relapse. I disagree with adding any kind of custom item that adds stats though. PS. the other option is a balanced, Dragon Network-like server with stackable subs. 2 from the same race, though it ain't my style and it requires a lot of work & custom changes to make it balanced. EDIT: I forgot about the chronicle, it should be Interlude imo. though a balanced, bugfree, and complete hellbound [or any higher throne, with everything working though] wouldn't be bad either.
  15. Why shouldn't scamming be allowed? You've got to be retarded to let anyone scam you.
  16. You forgot to add the website.
  17. Indeed, this server fails after playing a bit. Those pathetic GMs speaking greek-only, they're trash. The server in itself ain't bad, but with such team it'll fail sooner or later.
  18. Server seems good, the only thing I'd change about x5000 are those enchant rates. It'd be better to make +16 max enchant.
  19. x300 server is like....lol. Farming Zone ports - one gets you to level 10 zone, 2nd once is DVC, lvl 60 mobs. A grade weapos cost ~170kk, on 70 level I've got 30kk. Everyone I saw so far was in D/B grade....and there's one guy in giran with vesper+16. Srsly, this is nonsense.
  20. x300 started on 15.09? Or it's new too?
  21. The best high rated server you can play at the moment.
  22. Even NPCs ain't workin' as they should, failserver. newbie farm zone - I'm an mage, mobs hit me for 1k, I can barely kill one on my hp bar. How is non-ranged class supposed to start there?
  23. SpetzNaz = Staunton, so quit trying to fool people.
  24. I'll be sure to login at the start. I hope it won't fail and you'll get decent online amount :]
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