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About PaulVanDyke

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  1. Good luck bro!!!
  2. Youtube promo videos is a nice feature to advertise a server in a topsite.
  3. Wind rider? you mean archmage?
  4. Ouuuu achylek's revenge.
  5. Sr didnt have such intentions
  6. So as ppl will log their bots and buff themselves,thus increasing the online count.
  7. L2 renaiscence.eu
  8. Hey guys. I wonder if somebody wants to come up with something new,like multiskill low rate high five,i have seen some servers like skillgest.ru. I would definately join such a server and i think many ppl would do so because they are bored of current mid rates (same thing every time),but eu not ru ☺ .
  9. Gl. I will definetaly join this one cause i am also tired of 1 week servers.
  10. Sorry but you are wrong. Mid rate and high rate servers are too easy. In first week you have full char and you have nothing to apart from w8ing for flagged bitches to show up. Only low rates survive a bit longer. Btw, ofc people will run from one server to another since they open and close like whorehouses.
  11. Hey nigga
  12. make some ads in topsites. I am planning to join in june
  13. All of these servers are far better than shitty tales jokes.
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