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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. Thanks for the remind Hax0r ;) I will add one in 1.2 version :D
  2. @Zunix I Agree with you , but if someone has no time and wants the job done quickly?( I hope you see what I mean) @Stefoulis15 You are wrong , I Created it and works fine! Maybe there is something wrong with your antivirus...I can send you the source code if you want and it doesn't contain any Trojan (I use the best antivirus Kaspersky 2009 Security Suite) And It hasn't detected anything...
  3. Thank You all , I will update this software with a new version so that it supports L2jFree Database type... First Post updated - Added v1.1 with L2JFree Support and other stuff :D
  4. An einai to pack pou nomizw psaxe mesa sto fakelo \l2j-gameserver\dist\config\custom sta custom.properties exei mia grammi pou leei: # If true, previous skills will not be removed when you change your subclass. # default = false AltSubClassSkills = false Apo false to kaneis true dld etsi : # If true, previous skills will not be removed when you change your subclass. # default = false AltSubClassSkills = true Kai otan oi pextes kanoun sub ta proigoumena skills den xanontai alla menoun! Akoma tha sou proteina na allaxeis kai auti tin seira pou einai pali mesa sto idio arxeio kai leei: # Max Subclasses can player Add. # default = 3 MaxSubClass = 3 Na alaxeis to MaxSubClass apo 3 se 30 etsi dld: # Max Subclasses can player Add. # default = 3 MaxSubClass = 30 Kai eisai etoimos a kai kati teleytaio min jexaseis auto: # Allow player sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items. # default = false AltSubClassWithoutQuests = true
  5. With this program its faster and easier (if you don't have an sql file to edit)...
  6. Akoma prepei na mporeis na sikwseis ta 16mbps gt an den ta sikwneis tha exeis problima.Opote kalytera na rwtiseis prwta na pareis kai plirofories gia tin perioxi sou na eisai sigouros ;)
  7. It may be a spam but it was quite funny and not so annoying...(as I see it of course)
  8. Also this is not full , Remember to take a backup before you install it because its not full and you can't see all the stuff (e.g. You can't see the list where you select weapon / lifestones for augment when you go to the augmenter npc)... But it rocks even on beta... :P
  9. SQL Manager Updated Information: This program creates your sql for your custom npc. Usable on all database types . Quick , Easy and attractive is the aio you have been searching for. Give it a try! Latest Version SQL Manager v1.4 Older Versions SQL Manager v1.0 - Dead SQL Manager v1.1 - Dead SQL Manager v1.2 Report Bugs sparda-x@hotmail.com
  10. I don't think you will find one you better use enc-dec anyway here's a link for c4 fileedit (the oldest I have found!) Enc-Dec: http://www.4shared.com/file/44605680/c2c4d09/l2encdec_281.html?s=1 C4 Fileedit : http://www.4shared.com/file/49985203/fa04a6b3/L2_File_Edit_C4-C5.html?err=no-sess
  11. Thank You I will test it now :D . PS: I was searching a lot of days for one pack like this OFF
  12. Veeeery nice thx m8 :D
  13. Thanks Man now I can beat all the noobs :P
  14. Wow very nice dude ! Loved 'em :D
  15. Thx man I will try it I hope it works :D
  16. nai Exeis xtypisei simathiti sou tin wra tou mathimatos kai i kathigitria na sou leei "kala tou ekanes"?
  17. Yiou noub Jm Stap banninG me.Tsifsa motre (Added some albanian) ROFL I am BeeTer than yiou aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. 1857
  19. AlloZ i would like to ask if there's any patcher for Interlude to Ct1 - Like a patch , i had one where i started an exe and it started patching the files and in 5 minutes from Interlude I had Kamael.Anyway thanks :D
  20. - L2 Ex0dus - L2 Vendetta / Blood - L2 Pride - L2 ZeuS
  21. It looks pretty nice having a raidboss in your back LOL! :D AnywayZ thX gonna Try It
  22. Wow nice colors too :D I loved it!:D ThX NitrouS
  23. Thanks for the share.Im sure gonna try it! :D Thanks Again and I hope it works for HellBound...
  24. /ontopic Thanks for the share vent00za I will try it :D /offtopic @tomasasaz You are spamming too plz stop
  25. Welcome to our Forum !If you need something Don't be afraid to ask!
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