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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. Could you please give me the error report cause I have tried it in xp and it works fine...
  2. What do you mean ? You might need administrative priviledges and .NET Framework...
  3. What problem ? , maybe you don't have .NET Framework...
  4. ][General Info][ This is a password cracking tool which i created.You need a wordlist and an l2jserver that runs MySQL with access from remote machines.After that enter the machines ip and login (90% of the times login is root) and attack it to find the password... ][v1.0 Log][ - Supports Wordlist - Fast Attacking - Optimized Source Code - AboutBox Added ][Download][ [Hidden Content]
  5. Poly kalo file diwrtose ta links kai eisai ok....
  6. Very Nice better then the old one! :)
  7. /offopic Stop Double Posting man... /ontopic Really Good website and very nice pics ! Thank you
  8. Very nice work Skiller! Thx for the share
  9. My first game was on a nintendo This nintendo Game Boy: And it was mario... dunno which version i think it was the first mario version...
  10. Next: Binary Code
  11. Really good logos! Thanks Ace , Downloading...
  12. Mine's better :P ->> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=39361.0
  13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  14. OMG Very Good one , never seen a mage guard btw:P , thanks
  15. Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year , best wishes , and as we say in greece : "everything your desire..." (if that makes sense as i have written it:P) anywayz you got the point :P
  16. Nice Share Stefoulis! I love the kamael race and now they have their own epic armor thx again and gj...
  17. Thank you this is awesome because i had npc id's and item id's so i was missing that , but now i have it! :) gj m8
  18. Poly kalh douleia file mpravo xreiazotan kati tetoio na einai mazemena ola ta guides mazi...
  19. Its not a trojan its just detected as a hacking tool by AV's. Nice Share fakoykas thx.
  20. SuperCool OMG This share rocks!Isn't this airplane the spitfire?
  21. Thanks for sharing this website with us man it just rocks!
  22. OMG they are really good blades , nice pics also...
  23. OMG Man thx a lot ta spaei to programmataki! Blepw to ally kai enemies... Thx kai pali...
  24. I get an SQL error maybe the game is removed or whatever...
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