These are some anti phx links:
Anti phx enchant ->
Anti phx announce ->
but they are only to disable enchanting and announcements
If you go to C:\Program Files\SpcTeam\L2JStudio\ it has a text file called Release_Notes.txt It has a link to download .Net Framework (the latest version!)
Im back guys ! I have created a suite called L2JStudio
It is consisted of smaller tools which help you build an npc fully!
L2JStudio v1.0 [beta]
- Minor bugs
- Added New Look
- Added SplashScreen
- Added Mininime-to-tray
- Added Notebook
- Added Multisell + SQL + HTML Creators
- Added Status
- Added Time and Date
- Added Logging
- New Settings!
- Added Preferences as Options!
Download Link:
L2JStudio v1.1
- Bug in Program Termination Fixed! Thanks Hax0r for reporting the bug
- Added Stuff in Splashscreen
- Removed some options
Download Link:
WARNING: If you get any application error with the form of 00xx0030 its probably because you don't have .NET Framework installed. Download it and install it from here
Χμμ Εξίσωση Τρίτου Βαθμού?
Θεωρείς τη συνάρτηση f(x) = 8x³ - 6x - 1
f(-1) = -15 < 0
f(-½) = 1 > 0
f(0) = - 1 < 0
f(1) = 1 > 0
Άρα η f έχει από μία τουλάχιστον ρίζα σε καθένα από τα διαστήματα: ( -1, - ½), (-½, 0) και (0, 1).
Η f ως 3ου βαθμού πολυώνυμο έχει το πολύ 3 ρίζες.
Έτσι προκύπτει ότι η f έχει 3 πραγματικές ρίζες στο διάστημα (-1,1)
Έτσι σκέφτεσαι να θέσεις κάτι...
Aν α=(-1,3) και β=(2,5) (ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ:είναι διανύσματα)...
Να βρείτε τα εσωτερικά γινόμενα : α*β , (2α)*(-3β) και (α-β)*(3α+β)
και ο Θεός βοηθός.... :P
Άντε ελάτε εύκολα είναι Μαθηματικά Β' Λυκείου Κατεύθυνση , Σελίδα 47 , Άσκησεις Α' Ομάδας , Άσκηση 1. :P
Your score is:
Of all the weird test takers:
27% are more weird,
7% are just as weird, and
65% are more normal than you!
For your hard work, here is a prize:
Here's the original code from html for websites
CONTENT="5; URL=html-redirect.html">
You could do something like this
CONTENT="5; URL=bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9000_buffer">