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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. Poly kalo guide pisteuw tha boithisei arketous, se euxaristw kai egw to guide sou.
  2. These are some anti phx links: Anti phx enchant -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=34851.0 Anti phx announce -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=34850.0 but they are only to disable enchanting and announcements
  3. Old Style Rules! or Current One! whatever i like the style before it was modded because now every mage has magic criticals all the time... :P
  4. Create npc's , sql's , multisells etc...
  5. Thank you for that I will try to fix it and make a new version! Edit: Bug Fixed New Version Added v1.1 Check it out!
  6. Yeap i put it in my collector account so that it won't be deleted after 10 downloads :)
  7. If you go to C:\Program Files\SpcTeam\L2JStudio\ it has a text file called Release_Notes.txt It has a link to download .Net Framework (the latest version!)
  8. Im back guys ! I have created a suite called L2JStudio It is consisted of smaller tools which help you build an npc fully! L2JStudio v1.0 [beta] - Minor bugs - Added New Look - Added SplashScreen - Added Mininime-to-tray - Added Notebook - Added Multisell + SQL + HTML Creators - Added Status - Added Time and Date - Added Logging - New Settings! - Added Preferences as Options! Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/172002111/L2JStudio_Installer.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L2JStudio v1.1 - Bug in Program Termination Fixed! Thanks Hax0r for reporting the bug - Added Stuff in Splashscreen - Removed some options Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/172117515/L2JStudio_Installer.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING: If you get any application error with the form of 00xx0030 its probably because you don't have .NET Framework installed. Download it and install it from here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&DisplayLang=en
  9. Cameron FTW!
  10. Χμμ Εξίσωση Τρίτου Βαθμού? Θεωρείς τη συνάρτηση f(x) = 8x³ - 6x - 1 Είναι: f(-1) = -15 < 0 f(-½) = 1 > 0 f(0) = - 1 < 0 f(1) = 1 > 0 Άρα η f έχει από μία τουλάχιστον ρίζα σε καθένα από τα διαστήματα: ( -1, - ½), (-½, 0) και (0, 1). Η f ως 3ου βαθμού πολυώνυμο έχει το πολύ 3 ρίζες. Έτσι προκύπτει ότι η f έχει 3 πραγματικές ρίζες στο διάστημα (-1,1) Έτσι σκέφτεσαι να θέσεις κάτι...
  11. OMG I fully agree with XxRxX this forum is becoming better every day! MxC ROCK$!
  12. OMG I hope this code works , thanks Vago! I don't think you can , I think you can only do it in L2jfree packs
  13. OMG Really nice website I love flash although sometimes its heavy... Thanks anyway
  14. Aν α=(-1,3) και β=(2,5) (ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ:είναι διανύσματα)... Να βρείτε τα εσωτερικά γινόμενα : α*β , (2α)*(-3β) και (α-β)*(3α+β) και ο Θεός βοηθός.... :P Άντε ελάτε εύκολα είναι Μαθηματικά Β' Λυκείου Κατεύθυνση , Σελίδα 47 , Άσκησεις Α' Ομάδας , Άσκηση 1. :P
  15. Έχουμε και λέμε: β2 + 4αγ = 32 + 4*1*2 = 9 + 8 = 17 άρα 1η λύση -β +- (ρίζα) Δ -3 + (ρίζα) 17 3 + 4.12 7 χ =-------------- = --------------- = ---------------- =/ ---- 2*α 2*1 2 2 2η λύση -β +- (ρίζα) Δ -3 - (ρίζα) 17 3 - 17 15 χ =-------------- = --------------- = ---------------- =/ - ---- 2*α 2*1 2 2 Δεν ξέρω αν είναι σωστά... τέσπα... τα έκανα βιαστικά... Βάλτε κάτι σε φυσική που το κατέχω... :P Θα βάλω άσκηση πιό μετά...
  16. Your score is: 106 Of all the weird test takers: 27% are more weird, 7% are just as weird, and 65% are more normal than you! For your hard work, here is a prize:
  17. Post updated file reuploaded... Thanks for telling me ketchupyx
  18. Here's the original code from html for websites <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5; URL=html-redirect.html"> You could do something like this <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5; URL=bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9000_buffer">
  19. Very Nice Editor . Although its a little buggy... :P
  20. Very Nice Share Thanks I ll go register in postpacific :)
  21. Nice Share Thank You very much. I was searching for these Patchers , thanks again...
  22. VERSION 1.3 Post Updated!
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