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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. * Topic Locked * - Please Reupload Tool Files and Pm me to unlock it.
  2. OK That was a top Share! Thanks m8 1st Warning for Spamming!
  3. Nice Tool but I think its old...Anywayz GJ :)
  4. Really good Share! cause some people make 2 accounts and go fight making ties! Now they will stop! Although I think in some packs this code already exists (not exactly the same code but similar)
  5. Very nice Share! I think its better than mine :)
  6. Stop Spamming and Stay ontopic! Make sure that you have MySQLData.dll in the same directory as the program.
  7. I guess you haven't even read the topic , if you did read you would realise that the links from the tools are dead!! I won't give you -1 karma this time , but be carefull //ontopic Thanks for the geodata but please reupload the tools , or I m gonna have to lock this topic until you upload them.
  8. Omg Top Guide! Thanks fakoykas ps: Twra tha doume sta sieges :P siga min spaw portes tha xrhsimopoiw to guide kai tha anevenw apo tis alysides :)
  9. Why do you laugh?I don't get it... BTW here's english section only...
  10. It doesn't match your database... It matches most of the databases...
  11. The latest version contains L2JFree , Emu and L2Oneo DB Types... Download And Test!
  12. Download this file: http://rapidshare.com/files/191446433/MySql.Data.rar And extract it in the same directory as the L2JAdministration Program then shouldn't be having any problems :)
  13. Title Prefix Added ! Thanks for the remind XxRxX!
  14. Just Finished my newest program! Information: Manage your server without any l2 client needed! Directly from your database! Pictures: http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3734/28689684su5.png[/img] http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/9325/95373457xh8.png[/img] Picture 1 Direct Link Picture 2 Direct Link Picture 3 Direct Link Picture 4 Direct Link Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/191292238/L2J_Administration_v1.0.rar As always post any bugs here! Thanks
  15. Very nice Share Cobra , I Personally loved L2Emu but since L2JArchid came out and has less bugs l2jarchid became my favourite. Anyways GJ! :)
  16. @Stop Spamming Please. @Reupload the file and then pm me to unlock the topic.
  17. Oh my god I have just tried this it looks really cool in that Lineage II style :P Thanks Strike!
  18. Thank you all for your support , don't forget to post any bugs here to help me make my software better...
  19. It looks really nice thanks for the share man! :)
  20. OMG Thank you :) Thx for the remind , Title Fixed :)
  21. Merchant Buylist Creator ====================== About: I have seen lots of programs related to multisells but none related to buylists! So I decided to make a program that can help you edit and create merchant buylists and the best is that you can execute the query to your database right away. Note that you must first click "Connect" and then Click "Send Script to Database". ====================== Picture: Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/187837065/MerchantBuylistCreator.rar =========== -= Have Fun Guys =- ===========
  22. It works i have tested it before releasing it.Anyway i will create a pro version (v1.2 will be released in a couple of days) which will be a lot faster and add a log file for the found passwords , although it gives you a messagebox that tells you what the found password is and then you can login to that server by navicat using username and password and do whatever you want with the database. Have Fun! :)
  23. Wordlist is a text file containing one password at each line which will be tested in order to crack the MySQL servers password
  24. Link Updated on the first post check it out...
  25. Ok here's the thing since the programs starts running you can't avoid some exceptions ( on WinXp those exceptions are just looped and it doesn't give any problem but on windows vista you have errors) I will update my program in a few min and try to make it error-free for vista... EDIT: v1.1 Released! Try it and pm me...
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