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Everything posted by Galanty

  1. i think that mages, becuse baium for few c speed is not needed so much....and on oly magic critical hits are rare, so valakas also is not needed so much, for anthara and zaken, every class need stun resists and these additionals so.... i think mages;)
  2. it was. next time it will be down i will make screenshots to prove you.
  3. server and webpage down.....
  4. wowoww :D:DD nice topic....: D i think every my server adventures ended with ban...:D alwyas there was something..... last days whole my clan got banned on l2toxic cos we pwnd server so hard that Admin had to ban us w/o reson. .....>< also that is why i hate private servers...
  5. LOL nice email....;p
  6. set up brand new server......will be way better than this
  7. what are these polish clans over there ? it seems like we have nice 1+1 server around....damn i think i am gonna join
  8. there is not good stucksub server ATM. best char from me....in hellbound is for sure paladyn/TH, with forgotten scrolls, this character is immortal.
  9. l2 is dieing on OFF, since of neverending updates, everytime they introduce new chronicle some ppl are leaving cos they dont like it.... also, atm it is almost impossilble to start from 0 on Retail, so new players are just not comming. also, private servers are dieing, that is caused of "easy" packs with files, so almost everyone can run own server, it is easy to host, and very very cheap.....there are like 1k servers...with 100online everyone...
  10. l2 Eome has 5 sec delay lag and around 10-20 online so forget it also..... no servers ATM, only home made LOL servers...
  11. any good serveR??? damn i miss my sps/es.... best class...well depend on chronicle ofc....and equipment....and npc buffer/not..... for oly? or open pvp....siege....1v1...... anyway some good combos if we can stuck form same race are daggers with tank. mages with tank. mage with healer.
  12. hello Heidzas, blaze here, see you ingame.
  13. what is your nick ?
  14. on the picture i can see a random i banned :D haha....nocho i heard you are fail arent you ?
  15. up ACP is not working....you are getting kicked form the game.... l2 control is not working... you are getting instantly IP baned any other? maybe someone is playing there and using something?;p
  16. hello, i am looking for something to press my pots... http://www.l2toxic.com/ for that server....i tryed l2control...but i got banned...;x anyone is playing there ? need program that is confirmed it works there.... because they have nice protection... THX !!
  17. at 00:00 ! forget about your new year party! lineage>all
  18. abaddonz you got GM status there? cos everywhere your spaming that is gonna rox...?
  19. looking for working walker for server frintezza... HELLBOUND pls :) THX in advance:)
  20. [PL] chce 1+1.... a najelpsza oferta do tej pory to 50 euro ...wiec raczej nie tak zle :) Pm me moar..with all offers..
  21. epiks +++ items +15 x 200 or more... xD well.... a lot of chars.... heros.... some of them with over 30 agus.... i think i have best chars on server.... WTT for any other espacially dragon networks... pm me better if you are form Poland so we can trade easier.,,:)
  22. this server is 100% fail.
  23. fresh server has now ~ over month and we have huge online a lot of nice feautures...just come and see :) it is NOT any random jave home made, ;]
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