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Everything posted by Galanty

  1. once.... when i flame someone with nick "cornelia" .... 30 seconds later Shave(ADMIN) loged into game and i got jailed cos we find special custom CH with uniqe WH (server didnt have wh at all at this time cos phx work there)
  2. pls just let this topic go down.... server 2 times wiped in 5months.... GMs had clan on old java server with special Ch all possible agus...etc...... not even coruption cos admins just played the server :D what works there ? hmmm - phx what doesnt? - 3/4 aguments - interlude skills - geodeta - and more...
  3. one of the best server i have played...;p
  4. 10 EURO - hero for month..... i have never seen donation like this :O
  5. cos exp there is easy as hell.... char lvl 80=1 day
  6. there is only TITAN 35x.
  7. all kind of rates on NCsoft servers.... and playing for free ;]
  8. who cares...i got items from Rocky so i am playing and having fun...;xD if you dont have fun - leave
  9. how many online??
  10. yes taht is Botgot trying to not fail...but as always he did... jack your ingame nick ? on titan ofc
  11. i guess vG brazilianboy ?
  12. i see vG still boting all server :d.... i saw you in game with your walkers..;p be careful and gogo make your dusk ++ rej is to retard to catch you
  13. www.lineage2extreme.com this is extreme.... i already find 5 server where is "old extreme"... bla bla bla.... but you know... extreme is not only server.... IT IS COMMUNITY !!! why you should join www.lineage2extreme.com ? i already find there so many friends...haven't seen them for over 3 years :D just amazing... some of them have children now :D i talk to much..;p
  14. www.lineage2extreme.com JUST JOIN TITAN and your memory start working....
  15. best server ever :) just join and you will see what are we talking about :)
  16. it was advertising here before,, read rules and delete this topic btw. worst server ever been made... coruption...skills for money all for money.... no comments...
  17. WH00000t?!:O:O:O is it l2extreme ??!!!! holly shit...! why i didnt know that before...omg see you in game
  18. i want l2extreme C3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. best for me... bishop with agu empower and any nuke skill
  20. ofc l2 off...less bugs, less lags... but gameplay > server version
  21. well.... i like something like ~30x but with no spoiling etc, you know GM shop with S grade..;p
  22. it is nothing... not worth to try
  23. hello, if you know anything for http://www.l2ex.pl/ gracja l2java... any bug expliot especialy for easy adena... i will be happy ;)
  24. if you want i can post a screenshot with GM's char and his CH....
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