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Everything posted by Galanty

  1. fail
  2. FUCK russian!! I wanted to play ...
  3. true :D
  4. offline again ;]
  5. they will never log in moron ... because server is closed by ddos atackers ;p
  6. i am waiting for the server to be ONLINE ....;p
  7. Quality, i see you are rly involved in that project what is nice, but tell me what do you provide after 1 week of playing ? because its MID rate server, i am stricte interested in economy system you designed, how long does it take to get top items? i like when ppl are trading, not just like 2days to be FULL and then nothin...
  8. "GM-shop till B grade." omg i have list like 20 servers... with same features ... wtf, make a MID grade server, with some custom economy system.. none likes crafting... or spoiling hell no... mid grade where you can enjoy your playing... i miss someone like that...
  9. MID rate server.... ONLY with custom economy.... crafting A grade items... hell no! did i 50 times already ...
  10. PWND
  11. hello, i am looking for INTERLUDE server, rates doesnt matter. can be low, mid or HR as well. thing i am searching is decent economy system, must be a lot of thigs to farm for, customs or others... just many things to trade etc. giran full of ppl, many shops... you know what i mean;p
  12. dude i don't care what you've seen. the fact is that quests in l2 are worst form all the others RPGs. That's why someone invented Cat to change it instantly. Especially when you are opening few years old chronicle, with quest that actually everyone already did many times. There is no reason to make 1st 2nd 3rd one more time... focus on the best parts of game-play.
  13. great MID server !! join everyone... well done project here.
  14. sorry none join there 100%
  15. who is so stupid to make 2nd class quest ?
  16. the point of post is not to be substuck or not... but that before opening they are changing main feature of server...
  17. jezus why every server around, is running by such unprofessional team... god...its like changing from high into low rate... what means probably ? i will probably be rich or not... that is bullsh1t, i wanted to play stucksub and you are telling me that MAYBE you will change it into normal server or not...grrr bb you just lost 1 player.
  18. post them all. !!
  19. no full buffs in NPC means you need to play with 5 accounts like idiot. that's idea is failure. bb
  20. it is growing rly fast, because the server is well made. easy farming, fully working olympiad, balanced pvp, i can honest recommend it for you guyz.
  21. i know how it will be.... as always... every single player joins, because server looks rly nice... but w/o clan ... at least bishop... cant do sh1t... no way to farm because this rbs belong to clans and teams.... i see my full party killing rb and seeing randoms sain' "party plis" ;D after 2 weeks there will be only 2 main clans left which survived cometition...and then die.
  22. respawn of these rb?
  23. use english next time.....
  24. hope he will open it fast because i am waiting for good stucksub ;p GL for him....
  25. server made my kids.....just look through few posts above.... not recomended
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