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Everything posted by Galanty

  1. well... only who gots items stay and pvp others are leaveing....
  2. it is not working for sure...
  4. wow supah... and when it is going to happend?
  5. focus power FTW ;p
  6. yeah but empty ;p
  7. guyz i need l2phx 3.3.6. any download links?? i cant find any.. thx a lot ;p
  8. dont be retard... tell us are you gonna open this server or not ? and when....
  9. this server is a joke... i stoped playing there since i got items from polish GM... plis keep posting servers ;p just links i will try them on my own, thx.
  10. Helllo... i am looking for any STABLE stacksubs server... can be 1+1 or 1+10 whatever.. i know FRINTEZZA DRAGON NETWORK any other similar to this server ? rates could be from 5x to 5kx i am not looking for bullshit server with 10 online, i dont know any good stacksubs server exist ??
  11. how is the server bro ';> any news Theory?
  12. It doesn't work for me. wien i run l2 nothing happens
  13. sure it will ;] i am looking forward to seeing it ;p
  14. guyz say exactly...what servers you have tryed..when and if it works...i won't log to whole hopzones ;d better everyone = 1 server to check ;p so i can start... www.lineage2extreme.com - L2OFF doesnt work there btw. i know the post, pls dont blame me so i am spaming..;p
  15. eh...donator's items gonna stay..... donators there had god mode on...
  16. wow nice to hear that news... GL NBALI i will play your server for sure ;]
  17. do you have shave's files ?? there wasnt so many bugs... what are you fixing all the time?
  18. the only one server where i played my favorite class...warlock...and i owned all with it cos of overpower ;d
  19. cos you dissapointed me.... i wanted to play on wor...really... but you dont want to open this server!!!
  20. i guess he is running it for free...
  21. i use +4int on java server with dye bug ;p
  22. i broke once there agumented db focus +40 ;p i was so close to have red weapon xD
  23. just let this server die... noone gonna play there.... this l2joke dont have even web page XD:D
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